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Everything posted by iGalaxy

  1. iGalaxy


    Essentials has a /tpa command. It's not possible to install plugins other than through the plugins tab on the panel, meaning you can't upload your own plugins.
  2. Make sure you're joining in 1.15.2 or you have ProtocolSupport (or an alternative) installed on your server to support older versions.
  3. on command: command contains "minecraft:me": player does not have permission "permission.here" cancel event send "&cYou can't use that command!" Here's an example.
  4. I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with exploits, just the fact that it's against the EULA
  5. Minehut is already using the latest stable version of Skript - 2.4.1
  6. It's not currently possible to edit spigot.yml or paper.yml on Minehut.
  7. At this time, it's not possible to upload datapacks as .zip files. You're going to have to manually create the folders for your datapack. Here's a video to help you with the process using an example datapack:
  8. Smh, I can't believe I didn't win the "Best iGalaxy Award".
  9. Agreed, this was one of my favorite events!
  10. You can set your default world under "Level Name" in your server's settings.
  11. Look for the "Flight" option. It's there.
  12. Available server.properties options can be found under the "Settings" tab on your server dashboard.
  13. Make sure you have ProtocolLib installed as well, as it's a dependency of Lib's Disguises.
  14. Nah, it's bedrock.minehut.com instead of bedrock.minehut.gg
  15. To connect to Minehut on Bedrock Edition, the IP address is "bedrock.minehut.com" with the port "19132".
  16. Ooh, a Town of Salem Minehut event would be cool, but I'm not sure if Town of Salem is safe for all ages.
  17. Minehut uses a forked version of 2.4.1. It is already on the latest stable version. The latest unstable version is 2.5, but it is not recommended to use as it may have a lot of bugs.
  18. There is no way to remove the server from your account, but you can reset it to get rid of all files completely and load fresh server files.
  19. Minehut does not support cracked Minecraft clients. You need to have a Minecraft account to join Minehut servers.
  20. Full-stack software/web developer. Ketchup or mustard?
  21. Minecraft servers can only send the player one resource pack at a time. As KJPAKA stated above, you'll have to combine them into one resource pack, or you can send your players links to the resource packs so they can install them separately. You can't automatically install them with this method though.
  22. POST /users/login with the email and password should return a token and a session ID. You will need "authorization" and "x-session-id" headers for any request that requires authorization. If you do not send a request every few minutes, the session will expire and a new one will be needed. "Requires authorization" does not mean it's limited to staff. I have some code examples using JS, but I'm replying on my phone right now, so let me know if you need them and I can provide them.
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