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Everything posted by TheCodingDuck_

  1. Once you install the mod you have to put it in your mods folder. Open file manager, type %appdata% in the search bar, click ".minecraft" and then put the mod in the "mods" folder.
  2. Have you tried removing the "/" from before the command in console? It should be "op <player>" not "/op <player>", and no <>
  3. Hey! Can you try sending the logs from your server when you guys all get kicked? Thanks, Colton
  4. Minehut doesn't process Appeals here. You can make an appeal by submitting a Support Ticket through the Minehut Website
  5. Are you on the correct version for that plugin?
  6. What plugin do you have? Does it have a config you have to edit? Does the plugin show up in /plugins? Are you on the correct version? Please answer these questions and I can help you.
  7. There are two options here: 1. This one is much more likely. You may have a modification on your client used to "autotip" on servers such as Hypixel, and it's trying to tip 2. Someone somehow got access to commands and is making you say this stuff.
  8. Can you send your logs while the server is starting up? It might show why the plugin is disabled there. Thanks, Colton
  9. Hey, This bug has been reported to Minehut via the proper channels (https://github.com/Minehut/Meta/issues/960). We are currently waiting on a response from Minehut.
  10. Hey, if you lower your server version, you have to reset the world because there are blocks from newer versions that will crash the old ones
  11. You can increase the view distance in the settings for your server.
  12. You have to put in your mods folder. Get there by going to your file manager, typing "%appdata%" in the search bar, click .minecraft, and find "mods". Put the mod in that folder
  13. Restarting your client will fix this bug.
  14. Do you mean plugins? If so, they are already released on Minehut.
  15. Exactly. I am blacklisted on Minehut and I could still make a server if I wanted to. I don't think this even exists.
  16. TheCodingDuck_

    Got griefed

    In the "Backups" section select it and change to it
  17. on join: send title "Welcome %player%" to player
  18. This looks great. Just a tip: Try to be consistent with function names. You have "VoucherUse" and "voucherGive", 1 CamelCase and the other not, and then you have voucher at the end of "setItemVoucher" and "getItemVoucher".
  19. Could you send the logs when it starts up? Put it in a pastebin/hastebin and send it here
  20. I'm guessing you know that for a reason based on your name.
  21. Could you put your longs in a pastebin/hastebin and send them here?
  22. You can still do /world <name> but can not longer use /worlds to list worlds.
  23. 2017, can't send screenshot cus banned
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