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Everything posted by 83y

  1. Oh, I see, my bad I think I would need to replace "%{list::*}%" with "%{list::%loop-number%}%" ?
  2. I spent like an hour learning how to do this, and doing it so a like would be nice :0
  3. @BingoBongo500maybe check out my YouTube channel I review minehut and some other free server hosters. | | \/
  4. Here I found this for you. https://forums.skunity.com/threads/1000-to-1k.9198/ If posting that link ^^ is against the rules plz don't warn me I'll remove it.
  5. 83y

    Downloading Server Files

    Yes, thats possible, head to https://minehut.com/dashboard/ Make sure your server is online, and if not you can activate it from your panel. Then go Edit Server then head over to File Manager then locate to the file you want. There is no download file button on minehut that I am aware of However you could just copy and paste the contents of the files single handily or something like that, ye idk. gtg for dinner.
  6. Say if you were to edit multiple files in multiple plugins and rather than reloading all of them single handily you can reload all the configs you want with just one command. Its useful because it saves time
  7. What I mean by this is having it so the person has to go through a link of adfly or something like that before they can get to the skript. This makes it so people will release more skripts and earn something in return rather than people just leeching off other peoples expenses.
  8. Most free server hosters will give you 1 GB however the cpu also matters.
  9. No, there are much better ones out there @Firoj1if I am going to be honest with you. However I am not going to say them as I might be banned Minehut servers are super unstable which results in them not being good to play with, with your friends.
  10. I've had this problem in the past @PizamonsterI can't quite remember how I fixed it.
  11. Oh yeah my bad, I should of gave it a permission, a like would be appreciated. @GuesterEXE
  12. I am literally perm banned from everything except forums, what do I do.
  13. I don't think thats possible with skript @Dangerdrapion thats too much of a request suggest a more simpler idea and ill do it.
  14. @NightFlux13I will not be doing your request as it is too much, maybe suggest another more simpler thing and Ill do it.
  15. Dm, I literally found out how to change my name seconds later xD, I should probably search more before I ask.
  16. Ok @GuesterEXE here you go. I was going to make a boss bar but then decided to stop due to minehuts lag. /toggle [on/off/status] [player] on first join: set {random::%player%} to true command /toggle [<string>] [<player>]: trigger: if arg 1 is "on" or "off" or "status": if arg 1 is "on": set {random::%arg-2%} to true send "&eYou toggled %arg-2%&e's random item giver to &aoff" to executor if arg 1 is "off": set {random::%arg-2%} to false send "&eYou toggled %arg-2%&e's random item giver to &coff" to executor if arg 1 is "status": if {random::%arg-2%} is true: send "&e%arg-2%&e's toggle status is currently set to &a%{random::%arg-2%}%" to executor if {random::%arg-2%} is false: send "&e%arg-2%&e's toggle status is currently set to &c%{random::%arg-2%}%" to executor else: send "&c/toggle [on/off/status] [player]" every 5 seconds in "world": loop all players: if {random::%loop-player%} is true: give loop-player 1 of random items out of all items Please give this post a like if you see this I am also going to paste my code from now on syntax highlighted as I think it looks nicer, also it fits on the screen better. I might change it some time, maybe not ill see how it goes.
  17. I'd say this is more for market place but , build up your reputation first @SkHelperbefore you start selling skripts for $$$
  18. Ok guys, will do all your requests if I can, might take up to 48 hours as I have been very busy recently.
  19. 83y


    Lol, see you never, idk who you are.
  20. Ok @Dangerdrapion here you go. options: time: 60 on right click: set {_id} to held item if "%{_id}%" = "egg": stop if "%{_id}%" contains "turtle egg": stop if "%{_id}%" contains "egg": set {_p} to player if {wait::%{_p}%} is set: send "&cWait &c%{wait::%{_p}%}% &cseconds until you can spawn another mob" to {_p} cancel event else: set {wait::%{_p}%} to {@time} loop {@time} times: wait 1 second remove 1 from {wait::%{_p}%} delete {wait::%{_p}%} Sorry for the long response, I encountered a few problems as I was making it.
  21. Maybe unzip it and select all the files with either CTRL + A or CTRL + click and then press open. Not too sure
  22. 1. Try connecting through the lobby 2. Try connecting through this IP (irlprison.minehut.gg) 3. Make sure you are on the latest version of Minecraft. 4. Maybe your just banned / not whitelisted.
  23. 83y

    Server Problem

    They aren't whitelisted @K9Lil_? Otherwise I have a strong feeling its your skripts, maybe try disabling them through the config. Reset the plugins one by one until you find the issue And if its still not working delete your world And if its STILL not working delete your server lol.
  24. I am 80% sure this is a multiverse problem go into the config of multiverse turn this to ''
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