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Everything posted by 83y

  1. Yes there is, download the Mutliverse-Core plugin and then restart your server and then type /mv tp [your world] and then teleport your friend to there and then set your spawn there
  2. get a PC or Laptop, buy java, its as simple as that. Bedrock is
  3. I spent quite a bit of time on this if you can't understand skript all you need to know is the commands /reload and /restart options: prefix: &a&l------------&r &a&lCOMMANDS &a&l------------ listcolour: &a function reload(p: player): loop {list::*}: make {_p} execute "%{list::%loop-value%}%" command /restart: trigger: make console execute command "save-all" wait 1 second make console execute command "stop" command /reload [<string>] [<string>]: trigger: if arg-1 is not set: if {list::*} is not set: send "&cThere is are no commands! add commands with /reload [add/remove] [command (without the /)]" stop else: reload(player) else: if arg-1 is not "add" or "remove" or "list": send "&c/reload [add/remove/list] [command]" else: if arg-1 is "list": if {list::*} is not set: send "&cThere are no commands! add commands with /reload [add/remove] [command (without the /)]" stop else: send "{@prefix}" loop {list::*}: send "{@listcolour}%{list::*}%" send "{@prefix}" stop if arg-2 is set: if arg-1 is "add": add arg-2 to {list::*} send "&aYou successfully added &a%arg-2% &ato the reload" if arg-1 is "remove": set {_arg2} to arg-2 if {list::*} contains "%{_arg2}%": remove arg-2 from {list::*} send "&aYou successfully removed &a%arg-2% &afrom the reload" else: send "&cThis command is not in the list. use /reload list to see the list of commands" else: send "&c/reload [add/remove] [command]"
  4. Ok @DasonPlayzyou cannot restart your server on minehut. However, I will try my best to make you a skript that reloads all the configs you want and another one that saves the server and then stops it. options: prefix: &a&l------------&r &a&lCOMMANDS &a&l------------ listcolour: &a function reload(p: player): loop {list::*}: make {_p} execute "%{list::*}%" command /restart: trigger: make console execute command "save-all" wait 1 second make console execute command "stop" command /reload [<string>] [<string>]: trigger: if arg-1 is not set: if {list::*} is not set: send "&cThere is are no commands! add commands with /reload [add/remove] [command (without the /)]" stop else: reload(player) else: if arg-1 is not "add" or "remove" or "list": send "&c/reload [add/remove/list] [command]" else: if arg-1 is "list": if {list::*} is not set: send "&cThere are no commands! add commands with /reload [add/remove] [command (without the /)]" stop else: send "{@prefix}" loop {list::*}: send "{@listcolour}%{list::*}%" send "{@prefix}" stop if arg-2 is set: if arg-1 is "add": add arg-2 to {list::*} send "&aYou successfully added &a%arg-2% &ato the reload" if arg-1 is "remove": set {_arg2} to arg-2 if {list::*} contains "%{_arg2}%": remove arg-2 from {list::*} send "&aYou successfully removed &a%arg-2% &afrom the reload" else: send "&cThis command is not in the list. use /reload list to see the list of commands" else: send "&c/reload [add/remove] [command]" There finished ,I spent a bit of time on this. This can also make shortcuts to commands.
  5. Like how is it added etc.
  6. In return of me doing this I would like +1 reputation as I think thats fair Post your ideas below! (CLOSED, I will not respond to, or answer any questions from this post anymore)
  7. Not really, especially since I have done this promo thing and not received the credits and can't do it again.
  8. Minehuts lack of server performance leads to bad, dull, afk / progression servers. Its as simple as that.
  9. Here spent a bit of time on this so if you could +1 on my rep that would be great! I made two methods on how to fix your problem. I fixed your skript code which you could use: on join: if player has played before: set join message to "welcome &a%player% &rback to the hut!" else: give shulker box to the player give 64 oak logs to the player give 64 torches to the player give enchanted book of mending to the player set join message to "&e%player% &ris now a hobo!" # to reset joins just go to your world folder then delete playerdata on quit: set leave message to "&a %player% &r left the hut" Or you could use essentials to give a player a kit editing kits.yml inside Plugins > EssentialsX > kits.yml and then changing tools to the name of the kit you want to give the player when they first join.
  10. I voted multiple times, did promo's etc. but because I didn't link my account these credits went disappeared, kinda annoying since I have voted 10 times+ and received no credits only because I just noticed I wasn't getting them because I hadn't linked my account. I feel as if I have been scammed.
  11. You could do this on inventory click: if inventory name of player's current inventory is "Example": if clicked slot is 1: send "this is where you run the code eg. open another chest inventory etc." close player's inventory open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "Example 2" to player Thats just an example ^^ but you get the idea.
  12. give more content, maybe add: to do nothing at the end of the gui line
  13. haha, minehut discord, definitely not perm banned from there.
  14. Here is my code: create a gui slot 10 of executor with skull of %executor% named "&c&lADMIN PANEL" I can't get the executors head to appear as a skull, I have searched forums, used google, I can't find the right syntax for it, would anyone know? Fixed: with another 10 mins of searching and trial and error I finally found the correct syntax. https://skripthub.net/docs/?id=981
  15. PS: You cant upload plugins if you want to. But if you are looking just to upload a world then, yes you can do that.
  16. Thanks for replying. All I wanted to know if it was possible or not.
  17. Is this possible or will I need to upload the skript from my pc everytime I want to update it? Something like this: https://www.spigotmc.org/wiki/cubedsk/
  18. I don't think this will work but give it a try, its super simple, I think I messed up on the syntax's, but hopefully you get the gist. Someone please correct me if I am wrong lol. command /toggle trigger: if {toggleoff::%player%} exists: delete {toggleoff::%player%} else: set {toggleoff::%player%} to true every 15 seconds: loop all players if {toggleoff::%loop-player%} does not exist: loop until {item::%loop-player%} is true: chance of 90%: give loop-player 1 of dirt set {item::%loop-player%} to true stop chance of 80%: give loop-player 1 of oak_wood set {item::%loop-player%} to true stop delete {item::%loop-player%}
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