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Everything posted by ChilkinsJr

  1. You guys should like my things 😉

  2. I'm very tired 😐

  3. This should have that in there. essentials (2).sk
  4. options: prefix: Test1 command /shop: trigger: open virtual chest inventory with 3 rows named "hi" to player shop(player, 10, 300, Grass Block, 4, "&aGrass Block") #shop(player, format slot, cost, item, how much you get, "name of item") when you put the name of the item you need quotes function shop(p: player, i: integer, c: integer, it: itemtype, a: integer, m: string): format gui slot {_i} of {_p} with {_a} of {_it} named "%{_m}%" with lore "&a%{_c}%" to run: if {_p}'s balance is greater than {_c}: remove {_c} from {_p}'s balance give {_a} of {_it} to {_p} send action bar "&d@{prefix} &aPurchase Completed." to {_p} else: send action bar "&d@{prefix} &cPurchase Failed." to {_p}
  5. ... For a certain period of time... or a sellwand??
  6. @Minehut, You helped. Good job. Use code: IHelped when buying from minehut for a free cookie.
  7. I can say that I am more of an architectural builder and less of a terraformer. I also really like doing medieval builds.
  8. Epik. I wish I could show mine, but... my computer broke Rip ALienWare 2017-2020
  9. Don't thank me, I just got the skript. Thank @farwl
  10. Yeah, I never said it was mine:/ Idk how to make the sellwands.
  11. [Credits] This was not made by me, I have a folder of skripts that I think work well. Just dm me again if this is not what you wanted. sellwandsempowered.sk
  12. I think I might have one of those...
  13. until
    Dont dm me or ask for anything I wont be on.
  14. Just ask for anything I dont care.
  15. have been skripting for more then 3 years so far. I am very good with certain scripts, but some I just don't seem to be able to get. Most scripts you will ask for I will know. I would love to put it on a low price. It of course depends on how long the skript is. If you want something like, custom join message, Its gonna be free. Its 4 lines. Right now you can really only contact me through my email, but soon I will be able to get back onto my discord. I also work with minehut scripts and more. I do not script plugins unless you ask for alot. It takes alot of my time and I don't want to do that with small offers.
    [offers] Carson.Astor@gmail.
    <!> I can negotiate prices <!>
    Free | simple 1-5 ranks with prefixes and permissions
    $1 | 10 ranks with custom prefixes, titles, and permissions
    [1] FREE | simple scripts
    [2] FREE | script revisions
    [3] $1-$5 | Big scripts
    [4] $2-$8 | Full plugin server |'
    [5] $5-$15 | Full script server
    [6] $15 Full Bundle of my custom scripts
    [7] Free-$5 | Discord server WIth BOT
    [8] $20 | 800 credits + script Bundle + free 1 week lessons for scripting
    [9] $35 800 credits + Script Bundle + 1 mo free lessons + plugin bundle + 1 free month of MH20
    [10] [9] + another 800 credits + another free month of lessons.
    [11] $20-$50 | Custom Plugin [N/A]
    I use paypal, and you will need to sign something if you are giving me more then $15. This will ensure that you will pay and I will do what you need.
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