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Everything posted by Enchanted_Reeses

  1. Fun Code, Not to glitchy as well
  2. command /ip: trigger: send "&c(Your Servers IP Here!)" command /discord: trigger: send "<link:(Your Link Here)>(Any Words For The Player To Click On)" # Remove All () They Are Not Part Of The Skript
  3. in the TAB config you can make new ranks to be up on the certain list, and even change the colors of the default way it will put it when something is named a certain way
  4. idk why people haven't helped u its been 14 hours and this is easy... whatever simple, use stuff like &4 and &c before the text example: "&4Clearing Items In 60 Seconds!" or "&4[Clearlag] &cClearing Items In 60 Seconds"
  5. Here ya go! very easy to use, use /setblock to set the block that your looking at to the block that teleports them when stepping on it and use /setarea to set where the block you step on teleports you to! command /setblock: permission: op trigger: send "&cSet Block!" set {block} to targeted block command /setarea: permission: op trigger: send "&cSet Area!" set {area} to location of block above targeted block every 0.01 seconds: loop all players: if block below loop-player = {block}: teleport loop-player to {area}
  6. so im trying to create a command that gives glass with speed, but i dont want to have to make a 300 line command to be run by the console heres what i got so far, any ideas? command /glasshead: permission: op trigger: send "&eHere ya go %player%" execute console command "give %player% glass{Unbreakable:1,AttributeModifiers:[{Slot:""head"", AttributeName:""generic.movement_speed"", Amount:0.05, UUID:[I; -1, -1, -1, 1]}]} 1"
  7. Now before you reply to this with "Just Use Open Inventory or Essentials" I'm doing this for fun and understanding ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- command /invsee [<offline player>]: permission: op trigger: open inventory of arg-1 to player command /invsee2 [<offline player>]: permission: op trigger: set {helmet} to arg-1's helmet set {chestplate} to arg-1's chestplate set {leggings} to arg-1's leggings set {boots} to arg-1's boots set {sheild} to arg-1's offhand tool set {user} to arg-1 set metadata tag "invsee2" of player to chest inventory with 1 rows named "%{user}%'s Inventory" set slot 0 of metadata tag "invsee2" of player to {helmet} set slot 1 of metadata tag "invsee2" of player to {chestplate} set slot 2 of metadata tag "invsee2" of player to {leggings} set slot 3 of metadata tag "invsee2" of player to {boots} set slot 4 of metadata tag "invsee2" of player to {sheild} open (metadata tag "invsee2" of player) to player on inventory click: if event-inventory = (metadata tag "invsee2" of player): if index of event-slot is 0: wait 0.2 seconds set {user}'s helmet to event-slot if index of event-slot is 1: wait 0.2 seconds set {user}'s chestplate to event-slot if index of event-slot is 2: wait 0.2 seconds set {user}'s leggings to event-slot if index of event-slot is 3: wait 0.2 seconds set {user}'s boots to event-slot if index of event-slot is 4: wait 0.05 seconds set {user}'s offhand tool to event-slot ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now this skript could be made prettier if I had combined the gui's, but it works, kinda It's a bit glitchy when you put armor on for some reason, just a bit of help would be nice, I've been trying to solve this for around a week, and this is all i got, still a bit broken, would love the help if you have idea's
  8. I don't use skquery GUI i just use normal, so you could do something like this also you need the on inventory click event to know what your clicking on and set the tag to the player, then the slot number, but I don't do skquery GUI, I use vanilla function Menu(p: player): wait 1 tick set metadata tag "name the tag" of {_p} to chest inventory with 1 rows named "&6Upgrade Generator - Level 1" set slot 2 of metadata tag "name the tag" of {_p} to iron sword named "&fPlay" with lore "&7Click here to enter the queue!" open (metadata tag "name the tag" of {_p}) to {_p}
  9. im getting to this late but it's give 1 gold ingot to player lmao
  10. well if that dont work, which im to lazy to check, this works as well, just keeping options open apply saturation tier 255 to player for 1 second
  11. idk it broke but ima say because you didn't say gold ingot? skript is very picky
  12. So i want a skript where when the player is holding something, and looking at something, that thing explode at a force of 10 heres what i got so far, doesnt work though every 0.1 seconds: loop all players: if 1 of loop-player's tool = stick named "&4FireBaller": set {explode} to 1 set {explo} to targeted block every 0.05 seconds: if {explode} is 1: create an explosion of force 10 at {explo} set {explode} to 0 "set {explo} to targeted block" doesn't work for some reason any ideas would be great!
  13. Since this has helped me out so much in the past, I thought I'd give back, essentials can break some skript addons, and doesn't have much more than 1-10, so I made a skript that changes that, this skript allows you to go 10x slower than a snail! anyways its just a fun thing, change the option name to match your server, or remove it if you don't want it, here's the skript, if there's any problems comment below and ill fix it as best I can! options: name: Your Server Name Here! command /fly [<player>]: permission: op trigger: if arg-1 is set: if arg-1's flight mode is true: set arg-1's flight mode to false send "&c&m-----------------------------------------------------" send "&c{@name}: You &4Disabled&c %arg-1%'s Flight Mode!" send "&c&m-----------------------------------------------------" send "&c&m-----------------------------------------------------" to arg-1 send "&c{@name}: Your Flight Mode Has Been &4Disabled&c By %player%!" to arg-1 send "&c&m-----------------------------------------------------" to arg-1 stop set arg-1's flight mode to true send "&c&m-----------------------------------------------------" send "&c{@name}: You &aEnabled&c %arg-1%'s Flight Mode!" send "&c&m-----------------------------------------------------" send "&c&m-----------------------------------------------------" to arg-1 send "&c{@name}: Your Flight Mode Has Been &aEnabled&c By %player%!" to arg-1 send "&c&m-----------------------------------------------------" to arg-1 else: if player's flight mode is true: set player's flight mode to false send "&c&m-----------------------------" send "&c{@name}: Flight Mode &4Disabled&c!" send "&c&m-----------------------------" stop set player's flight mode to true send "&c&m-----------------------------" send "&c{@name}: Flight Mode &aEnabled&c!" send "&c&m-----------------------------" command /flyspeed [<player>] [<number>]: permission: op trigger: if arg-1 is set: if arg-2 is set: if arg-2 is less than 0.01: send "&c&m-----------------------------------------------------" send "&c{@name}: &4Error" send "&c{@name}: &4A Number Below 0.01 Is Not A Valid Number" send "&c{@name}: &4Please Use The Command Correctly!" send "&c&m-----------------------------------------------------" send "&a{@name}: /flyspeed 0.01-10" send "&c&m-----------------------------------------------------" #Arg-2 0 stop if arg-2 is greater than or equal to 11: send "&c&m-----------------------------------------------------" send "&c{@name}: &4Error" send "&c{@name}: &4A Number Above 10 Is Not A Valid Number" send "&c{@name}: &4Please Use The Command Correctly!" send "&c&m-----------------------------------------------------" send "&a{@name}: /flyspeed {player} 0.01-10" send "&c&m-----------------------------------------------------" #Arg-2 10 stop set the arg-1's fly speed to arg-2 * 0.1 send "&c&m-----------------------------------------------------" send "&c{@name}: %arg-1%'s Flyspeed Set To &a%arg-2%&c!" send "&c&m-----------------------------------------------------" #arg-1 send "&c&m-----------------------------------------------------" to arg-1 send "&c{@name}: %player% Has Set Your Flyspeed To &a%arg-2%&c!" to arg-1 send "&c&m-----------------------------------------------------" to arg-1 else: send "&c&m-----------------------------------------------------" send "&c{@name}: &4Error" send "&c{@name}: &4You Did Not Define What Fly Speed You Wanted" send "&c{@name}: &4Please Use The Command Correctly!" send "&c&m-----------------------------------------------------" send "&a{@name}: /flyspeed {player} 0.01-10" send "&c&m-----------------------------------------------------" else: if arg-2 is set: if arg-2 is less than 0.01: send "&c&m-----------------------------------------------------" send "&c{@name}: &4Error" send "&c{@name}: &4A Number Below 0.01 Is Not A Valid Number" send "&c{@name}: &4Please Use The Command Correctly!" send "&c&m-----------------------------------------------------" send "&a{@name}: /flyspeed 0.01-10" send "&c&m-----------------------------------------------------" #Arg-2 0 stop if arg-2 is greater than or equal to 11: send "&c&m-----------------------------------------------------" send "&c{@name}: &4Error" send "&c{@name}: &4A Number Above 10 Is Not A Valid Number" send "&c{@name}: &4Please Use The Command Correctly!" send "&c&m-----------------------------------------------------" send "&a{@name}: /flyspeed 0.01-10" send "&c&m-----------------------------------------------------" #Arg-2 10 stop set the player's fly speed to arg-2 * 0.1 send "&c&m-----------------------------------------------------" send "&c{@name}: Flyspeed Set To &a%arg-2%&c!" send "&c&m-----------------------------------------------------" else: send "&c&m-----------------------------------------------------" send "&c{@name}: &4Error" send "&c{@name}: &4You Did Not Define What Fly Speed You Wanted" send "&c{@name}: &4Please Use The Command Correctly!" send "&c&m-----------------------------------------------------" send "&a{@name}: /flyspeed 0.01-10" send "&c&m-----------------------------------------------------"
  14. Since this has helped me out so much in the past, I thought I'd give back, essentials can break some skript addons, and doesn't have much more than 1-10, so I made a skript that changes that, this skript allows you to go 10x slower than a snail! anyways its just a fun thing, change the option name to match your server, or remove it if you don't want it, here's the skript, if there's any problems comment below and ill fix it as best I can! flyspeed.sk
  15. So basicly what i need help with is that if i have a command such as on eat: if player's held item is apple named "&cCool": apply regeneration tier 2 to player for 30 seconds it doesnt work on stacked apples... am i using "if player's held item" wrong? i have also tried "if player is holding".
  16. So im trying to create a server were you break stuff, get money and ect, but i have a problem, if a player gets over a thousand or ten thousand, i want it to look like 1K or 10K or 1.1K or even 1M if they get there but i dont know how, heres my current skript for the scoreboard to get an understanding of what it is options: server: &aSecert every 1 second: loop all players: set {_online} to number of all players set {_points} to {points::%loop-player%} set {_prestige} to {prestige::%loop-player%} wipe loop-player's sidebar set name of sidebar of loop-player to "{@server}" set score "&7&m--------------" in sidebar of loop-player to 7 set score "&eBalance: &b%{_points}%$" in sidebar of loop-player to 6 set score "&1Prestiges: &b%{_prestige}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 5 set score "&2Players On Server: &7%{_online}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 4 set score "%{death}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 3 set score "%{death}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 2 set score "%{death}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 1 If you need anymore details please comment so, and ill do my best to help you help me
  17. Greatkits is a great plugin, but it spams my console like nothing else on earth I swear. The spam was fixed in the newest update, but I can barely read logs with all this spam.
  18. A more advanced version of the skript above me would be something like... command /Admin <player>: permission: playergroups trigger: set {admin::%arg-1%} to 1 execute console command "op %arg-1%" send "&cYou Are Now An Admin!" to arg-1 send "&cYou Made %arg-1% An Admin!" to player command /playergroups <player>: permission: playergroupsView trigger: if {admin::%arg-1%} = 1: send "&cThis User Is An Admin" else: if {mod::%arg-1%} = 1: send "&5This User Is A Mod" else: send "&7&lThis User Has No Rank" command /DeAdmin <player>: permission: playergroups trigger: set {admin::%arg-1%} to 0 set {mod::%arg-1%} to 1 execute console command "deop %arg-1%" send "&c%player% Has Just Demoted You From Admin!" to arg-1 send "&cYou Just Demoted %arg-1%" to player command /DeRank <player>: permission: playergroups trigger: set {mod::%arg-1%} to 0 set {admin::%arg-1%} to 0 send "&c%player% Has Just Removed Your Rank" to arg-1 send "&cYou Have Just Removed %arg-1%'s Rank"
  19. Madlirex, Im not sure i understand <argument> [<argument>] but i assume arg-1 is player because of <> instead of [<>] and [<>] is text or another player arg, but if you want a player group as a skript, thats alot of coding, i would suggest lp,vault,essintals ,essintals chat, install those and lookup videos on how to use them better, that will add player groups, if arg-1 is admins: admins is not defined so you could use options and set it to a player with a certain thing attached to them such as command /admin <player>: trigger: set {admin::%arg-1%} to 1 execute console command "op arg-1" command /playergroups <player>: trigger: if {admin::%arg-1%} = 1: send "&cThis User Is An Admin" else: send "&7&lThis User Has No Rank" Once again, Hope this helps
  20. Hello Madlirex, If your using <argument> it wont really work, try something more specific such as <player> or <text> so that skript can read it, Arguments/arg is the 2nd or 3rd ect... command line command /test <player> in this case player would be arg-1, for a better example if i did command /whisper <player> <text>: trigger: if arg-1 is set: send "&7%player% Whipsers To You: %arg-2%" to arg-1 send "&7You Have Whispered To %arg-1%" it reads <player> as player and <text> as my message and uses them to send to the player i selected in arg-1 Hope this helps!
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