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  1. function Menu(p: player): wait 1 tick open chest with 1 row named "Menu" to {_p} set slot 2 of {_p}'s current inventory to iron sword named "&fPlay" with lore "&7Click here to enter the queue!" to close command /menu: executable by: players permission: op trigger: Menu(player) error code: cant understand this condition/effect (line 4) i have skquery downloaded on my 1.17.1 minehut server
  2. command /setlocI: executable by: players trigger: if player is op: set {locI} to location of targeted block send "Location was set successfully" set block at {locI} to chest facing the player
  3. amit865

    i need help

    on death: attacker is a player victim is a player give attacker 1 player head
  4. on block break: trigger: if event-block is dirt: spawn a random mob at the targeted block
  5. amit865

    hp set help

    it doesn't show any error but when im running the command it doesn't do anything
  6. amit865

    hp set help

    can someone tell me why isn't this skript working command /hpset <text>: trigger: set {_hp} to arg-1 set the maximum health of the player to {_hp}
  7. amit865


    can someone tell me why isn't this skript working command /hpset <text>: trigger: set {_hp} to arg-1 set the maximum health of the player to {_hp}
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