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  1. Hey there! I'm trying to make a skript where when someone moves it places a block below them. A.k.a scaffolding. I just wanted to test this for fun. Anyways the 'on any movement:' doesn't work, maybe because I need an addon I don't know. Here is the code: on any movement: if event-entity is a player: if player is holding a stick named "&bScaffold Stick": set block below player to stone
  2. Hey there! I'm trying to make a Skritp where I can send a pastebin to my Founder/Owner of the server. However, the links are broken. Can someone PLEASE help me. command /pbin [<text>]: permission: core.staff.pbin permission message: %{@core}%You do not have permission for this command! trigger: if arg-1 is set: set {_link} to arg-1 loop all players: if loop-player has permission "core.staff.sc": send "&8[&9StaffChat&8]&9 %player%&8:&r Skript Has Been Updated! (<link:%{_link}%>Link<reset>)" to loop-player else: send "%{@core}%Try /pbin (text)!" to player
  3. It's been a while since I've posted, but I need some help with my skript. Basically, it won't make the kill counter go up. Maybe because people fall into the void and skript thinks that the void is the killer? My server is a Knockback FFA server by the way. Players can hit each other with a stick and they fall into the void, but players have been telling me that the Skript doesn't work. Here's the code: on death: attacker is a player add 1 to {kills::%attacker's uuid%} on death of player: clear drops add 1 to {deaths::%victim's uuid%} Can someone please help?
  4. Hi Everyone! So I just had an error with my server and I fixed it yay! But, I sent a support form before fixing it. I didn't know what to do and now I have a support form and I don't know how to get rid of it. Do I send an email that I fixed my error or what? I hope you the Minehut Community can help me!
  5. Hi Everyone! So, I need help with a skript where when you do /enderchest or /ec it opens a ender chest gui. But, that doesn't work for me. So I'm wondering if any of you can help me, also here is the code. I'm only using Skript & Skbee, so I'm basically making guis that doesn't require any addons. command /enderchest: trigger: set metadata tag "EnderChest" of player to ender chest inventory with 5 rows named "&5EnderChest" open (metadata tag "EnderChest" of player) to player
  6. So uh, That's not what I'm exactly looking for. What I'm looking for is like /testcmd and then it shows like Cheese, Popcorn, & Potatoes. Not the image, I wanted the command to look something like that, but not blocks & items..
  7. So, I need help with a command. Now as you all know you can make commands, but I want mine special. Something like the other commands that aren't skripted like /give. I want it so like it does /testcmd and then it shows this: Something like that, but with my own options. I've searched something like this up on google, but I haven't got any exact info that I'm trying to find. So, please can you help me!
  8. (Edit: I changed some files in server. I no longer need help.)
  9. I just watched a tutorial on how to use nametagedit on minehut.. And, I need Vault which I don't have! (Edit: Vault doesn't work.. Can you still help? lol)
  10. I got on my server and did /nte and this error came: [17:43:07] [Server thread/ERROR]: null org.bukkit.command.CommandException: Cannot execute command 'nte' in plugin NametagEdit v4.4.10 - plugin is disabled. I don't know if that helps, but that's all I can find for now. I'll try my hardest to find what you asked for.. (Edit: I found a log in latest.log >> [13:08:44] [Server thread/WARN]: Legacy plugin NametagEdit v4.4.10 does not specify an api-version.)
  11. Hm! Ok let me try to find that..
  12. So I just checked an this warning came: [16:29:43] [Server thread/WARN]: Legacy plugin NametagEdit v4.4.10 does not specify an api-version.
  13. Hi everyone! I'm currently in the process of making an awesome gen server, but I need a skript. Now I know how to use skript but I don't know how to make this skript so I'm coming out to you all! I just need Skript that let's you able to buy a rank voucher with Essentials Money, and the command is /shop. I wish I knew how to make this, but I don't. I hope you can make it for me!
  14. Hi Everyone! I was just in the process of making a gen server, but I can't seem to use a plugin. It's called "NameTagEdit", or NTE for short, and it doesn't work. When I install it to my server it just says NameTagEdit - which is really weird! So, if you can help me with this that would be really apperciated.
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