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Everything posted by Endgator

  1. Please don't necropost, it been like 9+ months since this was posted, if you want to post a question like this make a new thread or something...
  2. Gry giving it a few more minutes to start up, this normally works for me! If nothing happens and it still doesn't work tell me
  3. Endgator

    world upload

    I wouldn't recommend even uploading anything that big lol it can easily break your server, I would say try to keep it under 100mb if possible.
  4. bruh moment, you realize they still have to pay for servers right? Not everything can be free smh
  5. Yeah I completely understand you were just doing your job, I was just having a <!> Hoes mad <!> Moment lol I have nothing against you or MH just big sad :L but I do have 1 question. I have been digging for about 2 and a half hours and I still haven't seen anything saying that you are legit required to ban anyone mentions they are under the age of 13, so I was wondering where I can find legal doctrine, TOS, or public rule that says this.
  6. yeah ik I'm just really mad rn, I'll make sure to Blade them for everything now, jkjk
  7. Okay, but when I said I was 4 freaking yearstst old that's unnecessary okay, he could have easily told me to stop, instead of an insta ban smh, like get a grip please, some people just wanna have a little joke from time to time, doesn't mean you have to instantly ban them, easily could have handled the situation better. Like for real if I said I was 12 or 11 for example, that's understandable, but 4!?!!? What the actual hell, what if it was a typo and I meant to say 14 hu... oop gUesS ilL bAn ThEM, like I'm 15 not 4 comeon, I understand that he wasn't meant to know that. Again I completely would have understood if he banned me if I said I was a higher age but 4, like I could have deleted the message or something if they asked, but no I get banned smh, kinda mad rn <!> Hoes mad <!> Also probably was redundant throughout this but idc. Also you tried to tell us after the fact xD L
  8. Yo, GL on the application! I'm hoping to get YT rank as well, just got to make for videos on MH xD
  9. So I legit got banned on the Discord because I jokingly said I was 4 years old after this guy asked it was 3??? Wut!! You can't be serious right... this has to be a joke. This unnecessary okay... like you are going to ban someone who is clearly over the age of 4 and over the age of 13 (since you have to be that old to get Discord) that's stupid... Like I said something so unreadable that I shouldn't have gotten banned souly for that smh. If you want any proof of anything or idfk just say something bc this is honestly stupid. I didn't know that joking about my age at an unreasonable age like 4 would get me banned lol wut. Please can someone help me like for real I really love being a part of the Discord and I would seriously hate to be banned >:O This seriously has to be a joke smh, I've seen so many other people joke about their age saying "oh I'm 6 years old" or "omg guys I just turned 3" like fr saying that I'm 4 years old when I clearly have a vocabulary and a PC MIGGGHHTTT be an indication that I'm over 4 YEARS OLD. I am probably going to appeal just bc, but this better be some type of sick joke or I swear Benny... (Pretty much just be careful guys and gals)
  10. Make sure you never give someone you don't know well op!
  11. Really depends on the plugins you have, could you list them so we can assess the situation better?
  12. Endgator

    gone world

    What world... Was it a default world or one that you put in? If it was one you installed you should run the command /worlds
  13. Endgator

    Player Bug

    Go to dashboard and adjust the player count maximum from 10 to 20. You have to do this manually, it doesn't do it automatically.
  14. Endgator


    I've seen this plugin before and it seemed pretty cool. I think it would be fun to add it!
  15. Make sure to leave a link to the plugin!
  16. already got it on my main and and alt so I'm good , but I'm glad to see someone doing this
  17. It would be a cool addition, but idk how many people would actually use it lol
  18. I hope you didn't actually take your time to build this and just used a mod that put that in
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