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Everything posted by Jackson85

  1. Jackson85

    Permission Issues

    Moved to Help. Please post in the correct section next time. Hey! This can be easily solved by using a permissions plugin to handle everything. I personally recommend LuckPerms. (Here's a youtube tutorial on how to use it: Once you have that set up, just add the permissions for your players from the plugin to the default group. Hope this helps! - Jackson
  2. For years, Minehut has undergone massive changes. From the web based panel to lobby updates, the server has made many transformations. However, one thing has remained untouched and that is an update for our partners down yonder. Today I am proud to present to you: Minehut: Texas Edition. When brainstorming this update we decided that a lot had to be changed for this to truly revolutionize Minehut. We started out with translating the panel. As you can see from the photos shown, we hired top of the line experts to assist us in this process. We then considered the fact that we have many Texans in game so we must translate there as well. Below is a quick peak of a language selector that is currently being worked on. We hope to include pirate speak by 2026. Finally, we had extensive user feedback programs to make sure that the culture was truly implemented. Here’s what some had to say: Ashley - "The server host? Flawless. The server plans? Inspirational. Briskets? Delicious." Crewly - "yee haw pew pew alabama sucks innit" Goose - "im not sure what im supposed to say here, i'll say it's great" With feedback like this, it was impossible to not perfect the panel in every way. However, during the designing phase of this we have to admit, there were a few hiccups. The main one being the fact that there was a huge panel update recently. We had laid all of the groundwork and were ready to pitch until this happened. This setback will cost us another 3 years, 6 months, and 8 days so don't expect a release any time soon. We have included some new renderings along with the original ones. We hope that you're all excited as we are! Live from the Super League basement, I'm Jackson, signing out. P.S. This is in no way official or affiliated with Super League Gaming. Also, there are definitely 64 compasses in the normal lobby hotbar.
  3. Moved to Help. Please post in the correct section next time. As stated above, command blocks or skript would be the way to do this.
  4. Question answered. Topic locked.
  5. Jackson85

    False ban on SCP

    Hey! As UhhNoThanks stated, that is a player server and not an official Minehut server so we don't handle punishments on there. If you wish for an unban, I would simply contact the server staff. I'm gonna go ahead and lock this post to prevent necroposting. Locked.
  6. I've never personally tried this. I would just download the overworld and it should automatically generate a new nether/end when attempting to play it in singleplayer (if I remember correctly). Hope this helps! - Jackson
  7. Question answered. Topic locked.
  8. Question answered. Topic locked.
  9. Jackson85

    TC Coaster

    I do not as I am not a member of the plugins team.
  10. Jackson85

    IP ban

    Topic locked. Please do not necropost. To answer your question Pesona, just do "unban-ip username" or "pardon-ip username" in the console.
  11. Jackson85

    TC Coaster

    Hopefully this will be updated in the next plugin wave.
  12. Hey! 1. You can download your world by doing /dl world (world name). World names can be accessed by doing /worlds. 2. Servers will update automatically to the newest version once Minehut decides to support it. 3. Free servers do not get deleted at the end of the month. Please let me know if you have any more questions/concerns! - Jackson
  13. Hey everyone! The events team has been hard at work preparing for the Trent Awards and to help make it more fun, we’ve decided to have a Photoshop/art contest! The winners will have their art posted in the event itself. Details can be found below. The contest will start today and end Thursday at 11 A.M. (EDT). Be sure to submit on time as late submissions will not be included. All submissions will be done as replies to this thread. The file must also be a .png. Finally, keep the submissions appropriate. The topic for the contest is the Trent Awards. You can submit anything related to it. Keep in mind that other players will be voting to help decide the winners. Voting will be open from 11 A.M. on Thursday to 11 A.M. on Friday (EDT). I hope everyone is excited as we are for the awards! Good luck to all, I can’t wait to see what’s created! -Jackson
  14. @Ashley @Mr_Kurtisand @SLG Molly. Ez
  15. Jackson is the only acceptable answer.
  16. Minehut is pathetic, Minehut is obviously where it's at.
  17. Of course Raptor, I would never forget to vote for Mike.
  18. Memers of Minehut, crafters, wonderful players. Today a new goal has been set upon us by the high council. We must reach 100k before the end of the summer in #count-to-1mil on the Minehut discord. At my time of writing this, there are 64,706 messages in that channel. That leaves us with 34,294 messages to send before the end of summer. Summer officially ends on August 31st according to the scientifically accurate search engine, Google. We have 119 days until that day is reached. To reach our goal, we need to count 297 more every day. Upon us achieving this tremendous feat, we have a chance of the wonderful Crewly Helpout Crew being added to the official Minehut Discord. Do your part for the movement by counting. Any questions may be sent to Crewly or myself. Let's do this. -Jackson
  19. I am afraid that is true. The crewly helpout crew is my #2 priority in life.
  20. My record is 1 minute and 43 seconds.
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