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Everything posted by DanRub

  1. Ye because i definitely didnt say first element of the list up there
  2. I sent you the email.
  3. Hello, if you need help with more skripts i can do it, but only with smallers, if you need a long code, it wont be for free, if you are interested contact me at discord name "danrub"
  4. command /warp: usage: usages /warp trigger: set {_menu} to a new chest inventory with 5 rows named "&cWarp Gui" set slot 0 and 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 5 and 6 and 7 and 8 and 9 and 17 and 18 and 26 and 27 and 35 and 36 and 37 and 38 and 39 and 40 and 41 and 42 and 43 and 44 of {_menu} to gray stained glass pane named " " set slot 13 of {_menu} to skull of "%player%" parsed as offline player named "Home" open {_menu} to player on inventory click: # Listen for players clicking in an inventory. name of event-inventory is "&cWarp Gui" # Make sure it's our menu. cancel event if index of event-slot is 0 and 1 and 2 and 3 and 5 and 6 and 7 and 8 and 9 and 17 and 18 and 26 and 27 and 35 and 36 and 37 and 38 and 39 and 40 and 41 and 42 and 43 and 44: # The button slot. cancel event This is the skript, where you have your head when you execute the command.
  5. Tbh i have no idea what you want to do, can you explain in details so i can help you?
  6. Hey, try this on player move: if tool of player is stick: if name of tool of player is "&bScaffold Stick": set block below player to stone
  7. Hey, if you are making minecraft server and you are planning to make skript codes but you are just beginner i can make some codes for you, or teach you the basic things. I can make easier codes for free but some hard ones for some small amount of cash, if you are interested, reply with your discord name on this post.
  8. Hello, can you add me on discord for faster communication? discord: danrub
  9. Hello, can you explain little bit more, so i can do it?
  10. What exactly do you have on mind by "pvp toggle and combat log" you have to define what do you want from it and what it should look like, its not that easy
  11. There is many things wrong in your code i would recommend you to download some already made marriage script and then just try to recode some of that.
  12. Hey, do you need help with something, or why did you send this?
  13. Im little bit lost about what you want, but if you need check region of player you can do it like this: if "%region at player%" contains "test": #rest of your code
  14. Hey, first of all, you are setting variable of player on on load event, so its like the variable is not set at all, so you cant be surprised that its not working.
  15. Hey, you can try this, also add permission "report.recieve" for every permission that you want to get reports after someone report, because for the rank weight is need some special addon.. command /report <player> <text>: usage: &cUse: /report <player> <reason> cooldown: 2 minutes cooldown message: &fPlease wait &e%remaining time% &funtil you can use this command again! trigger: if arg-1 is set: if arg-1 is online: if arg-2 is set: if arg-1 does not have permission "report.bypass": send "&7You have successfully reported &c%arg-1% &7for &c&o%arg-2%&7!" to player set {_e} to executor loop all players: if loop-player has permission "report.recieve": send "&a%{_e}% &7reported &c%arg-1% &7for &c&o%arg-2%" to loop-player else: send "&cYou can't report this player!" to player cancel the cooldown stop else: send "&cIf you want to report a player, add a reason!" to player cancel the cooldown stop else: send "&cPlayer &c&l%arg-1% &cis not online!" to player cancel the cooldown stop else: send "&cUse: /report <player> <reason>" cancel the cooldown stop
  16. Wdym, just put this: on block place: if event-block is water: set {_tool} to player's tool set player's tool to {_tool} instead of your: on place water: execute console command "/give %player% minecraft:bucket"
  17. Hey, instead of if player's held item is a iron hoe named "&f&lPorcelain &7&lDipper": Try if tool of player is iron hoe: if name of tool of player is "&f&lPorcelain &7&lDipper": just add 1 condition, because skript is bugging in this sometime. (if it works, just do it for every that does not work)
  18. Hey, try this: on right click: if tool of player is stick: if name of tool of player is "&d&lTeleport Stick": teleport player to block above targeted block
  19. Hey, you dont even have event in your skript, how can it possibly work, second thing, your spacing is stucked by 1 in line 2..
  20. Your Minigame probably override the skript, so the skript "isnt" applying while the game is started..
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