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  1. i forgot to mark it as solved but i had to remove the if and use %region at event-location% on right click: "%region at event-location%" contains "test" if targeted block is sponge: cancel event and how can i mark as solved ?
  2. hello , i need to add region check to my script but i tried a lot of stuff but won't work : on place of sponge: if "block under event-location" is air or sponge: cancel event if possible i want it handles duplicate region names in different worlds and with permission luckyblock.place like this script: # Configuration options: permission: "sponge.place" canPlaceOutsideRegion: true # Dependencies: WorldGuard # Code on place of sponge: event isn't cancelled # Permission check if player doesn't have permission {@permission}: cancel event send "<red>You do not have permission to do this!" exit # Region check set {_regions::*} to regions at event-location if {_regions::*} is empty: delete {_regions::*} if {_regions::*} is not set: if {@canPlaceOutsideRegion} is true: exit cancel event send "<red>You can not place sponge here!" exit # Loop over regions, this will handle overlapping regions loop {_regions::*}: set {_id} to loop-value if {sponge::%{_id}%::%player's uuid%} is not set: set {sponge::%{_id}%::%x coordinate of event-location%_%x coordinate of event-location%_%x coordinate of event-location%} to player's uuid set {sponge::%{_id}%::%player's uuid%} to "%x coordinate of event-location%_%x coordinate of event-location%_%x coordinate of event-location%" exit send "<red>You have already placed sponge in this region!" cancel event on break of sponge: event isn't cancelled set {_regions::*} to regions at event-location loop {_regions::*}: set {_id} to loop-value # Has a player placed this sponge if {sponge::%{_id}%::%x coordinate of event-location%_%x coordinate of event-location%_%x coordinate of event-location%} is set: # Has this player placed the sponge if {sponge::%{_id}%::%player's uuid%} is "%x coordinate of event-location%_%x coordinate of event-location%_%x coordinate of event-location%": delete {sponge::%{_id}%::%x coordinate of event-location%_%x coordinate of event-location%_%x coordinate of event-location%} delete {sponge::%{_id}%::%player's uuid%} exit send "<red>That isn't your sponge!" cancel event exit i'm using skript 2.6.5
  3. i tried with : on bucket empty: wait 5 ticks set {_tool} to player's tool set player's tool to bucket but it delete a bucket if someone have another buckt on his inventory 2023-11-08 13-24-13.mp4
  4. yeah i know thats why i want to test your script and i found why it was not working , it's because i was using a old version of skript but after installing your script , it was still not working so i needed to modify it to add a delayer but if i right click with a block, it will give me a bucket , like the if water check doesn't work.
  5. do you know if is it possible to make fall players standing on a sponge block and wet sponge (forbide players standing on it) on a certain region of a world ?
  6. nvm , i found a solution. it wasn't giving the bucket on my slot because the bucket was still in my hand during a moment before it disapear so it will give my bucket on a other slot but with this : on place water: wait 5 ticks execute console command "/give %player% minecraft:bucket" it's fixed
  7. i exactly put : on block place: if event-block is water: set {_tool} to player's tool set player's tool to {_tool} but it's not working , should i put something on {_tool } ?
  8. i failed to use it , i don't understand how this script work
  9. my script is working , but it just need to give the bucket on the current slot , this video is to show why i want this script (the script was not activated on this video)
  10. what shout i write on {_tool} ? because i am running a mini game server and when i place a water bucket ,it disapear 2023-10-26 13-22-36.mp4
  11. Hello , i am trying to do a script that give a bucket when a player place water , but my script doesn't giving it in the current selected slot of the player there is my current script: on place water: execute console command "/give %player% minecraft:bucket"
  12. okkayyy i put that command : on death: wait 80 ticks execute console command "/clear %player%" and it seem working thanks you !
  13. Hello , i need a ondeath skript clearing player after some ticks by the console like on death: execute console command "/clear %player%" after 20 ticks if someone can help me
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