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  1. this should work and btw the /stopgen command is so you can break the farming things on break: if event-block is ripe wheat plant: if {stopgen::*} does not contain player's uuid: cancel event set block at location of event-block to air wait 5 seconds set block at location of event-block to ripe wheat plant command /stopgen: aliases: /sg permission: op trigger: if {stopgen::*} does not contain player's uuid: add player's uuid to {stopgen::*} send "you can break gens now" else: remove player's uuid from {stopgen::*} send "you cant break gens now"
  2. on tab complete of "/warpedit", "/warpe" or "/wedit": set tab completions for position 1 to "add", "remove", "list", "show", "location", "setname", "help" and "hide" if tabarg-1 is "remove", "hide", "show" or "location": set tab completions for position 2 to {adminwarplist::*} the error is in if tabarg-1 is "remove", "hide", "show" or "location": error message: cant compare tabarg-1 with a text
  3. thats not what i meant? and i figured it out myself now its send "test: %1st element of {testlist::*}%" and + that would make many MANY variables which is anoying
  4. ive tried everything. searching up on the internet. making a forum which i got a warning from because of wrong topic and then no replies after so please someone help me and if you cant just help me anyway heres the skript that didnt work: command /test: trigger: delete variable {testlist::*} add "dirt" to {testlist::*} add "stone" to {testlist::*} send "test: %first item of {testlist::*}%"
  5. this doesnt work: command /send: trigger: send item 1 of {warplist::*} why?
  6. command /ogrank <text> [<player>]: permission: op trigger: if arg-1 is "add": if arg-2 is set: if {ogrank::*} contains arg-2's uuid: send "this player already has [OG]" else: add arg-2's uuid to {ogrank::*} add arg-2 to {ogranklist::*} send "granted %arg-2% &7[OG]&r rank!" send "you have gotten &7[OG]&r rank!" to arg-2 if arg-1 is "remove": if arg-2 is set: if {ogrank::*} contains arg-2's uuid: remove arg-2's uuid from {ogrank::*} remove arg-2 from {ogranklist::*} send "revoked %arg-2%'s &7[OG]&r rank" else: send "this player already doesn't have &7[OG]&r rank!" if arg-1 is "list": send "people who have og: %{ogranklist::*}%" on chat: if player is op: if {ogrank::*} contains player's uuid: set the chat format to "&7[OG]&r &a&l[OP]&r &4%player%&r: %message%" else: set the chat format to "&a&l[OP]&r &4%player%&r %message%" else: if {ogrank::*} contains player's uuid: set the chat format to "&7[OG]&r &7%player%&r: %message%" else: set the chat format to "&7&lMember&r &7%player%: %message%"
  7. command /kick <offline player> [<text>]: permission: op trigger: if arg-2 is set: kick arg-1 broadcast "(yourservername): &b%arg-1% has been &4kicked&r &7due to %arg-2%" else: kick arg-1 broadcast "(yourservername): &b%arg-1% has been &4kicked&r!"
  8. thanks guys! really apreciate it!
  9. heres a mute skript if you want players to be muted! mute.sk
  10. i didnt mean to add this reply lol
  11. heres a chat filter skript if you dont want people to curse on your server! chatfilter (1).sk
  12. what is the command you wanna use we dont know
  13. bro read the title of the formue idk if its called that tbh
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