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Chat Filter Skript - Efficient and easy to use!

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hey look its another script that i made

so this script is a chat filter, you can add it to your server with no addons needed and it will work!
script is fully customisable and can work without causing lag

  prefix: &a✔
  no-prefix: &8✖
  permission: staff

on chat:
    loop {filterswear::*}:
        if message contains loop-value:
            cancel event
            send "{@no-prefix} &cYou cannot send that here"
            send "&7[FILTER] &8%player% &7%message%" to all players where [input has permission "{@permission}"]

command /filter [<text>] [<text>]:
    permission: op
        if arg-1 is "add":
            if arg-2 is set:
                if {filterswear::*} does not contain arg-2:
                    add arg-2 to {filterswear::*}
                    send "{@prefix} &7Added %arg-2% &7to the swear filter."
                    send "{@no-prefix} &cThat word is already blocked!"
                send "{@no-prefix} &cSupply a word to filter!"
        if arg-1 is "remove":
            if arg-2 is set:
                if {filterswear::*} contains arg-2:
                    remove arg-2 from {filterswear::*}
                    send "{@prefix} &7Removed %arg-2% &7from the swear filter."
                    send "{@no-prefix} &cThat word is not blocked!"
                send "{@no-prefix} &cSupply a word to unfilter!"
        if arg-1 is "list":
            send "&cThe filtered words are: &7%{filterswear::*}%"
            send "{@no-prefix} &cUnknown argument"


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Twitch Affiliate, YouTuber and Minehut Content Creator

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Nice skript!


• 4-5 years of skript experience
• 6 Months of active java experience
• 2 Years of javascript and python experience


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Twitch Affiliate, YouTuber and Minehut Content Creator

(100,000+ Combined Views, 1,100+ Combined Followers & Subs, 20,000+ Combined Unique Players)

[YOUTUBE] Centrect

 Please don't DM me for support, go here or join Minehut's Discord if you need assistance.


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Nice skript but you can remove all those stop since you are using else and they aren't needed. 

Discord - tarna256

In-game name - _Tarna_

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Works really well! I suggest to add a simple help command addition and/or a option to change the filter message. But those are just some things that I can do myself. 


Yo who actually reads these

[Vip] - 12/29/2020
[Pro] - 1/25/2022



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  • 2 months later...
8 hours ago, xxs_xxs said:

How do i apply this to my server


Please don't comment on posts older than one month. That is called necroposting and is against the forums rules. Could a mod lock this?



Joined Minecraft in 2010 on PC

Joined Minehut in August 2016

1 year Skript experience

2 months Java experience

5 months Javascript experience


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22 hours ago, xxs_xxs said:

How do i apply this to my server


Please don't reply to posts that haven't been responded to in over a month. I would be locking this thread now, you can start a new thread in case you need some help. Thanks!

13 hours ago, emopediaMC said:

Please don't comment on posts older than one month. That is called necroposting and is against the forums rules. Could a mod lock this?

No need to reply to this post to tell them not to necropost, you may just report it to us so we can see it immediately! Thank you. 😄 




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