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Ill make any skripts you want!

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Heya there I'm bored so throw ideas of skripts here. But I can deny your requests, and they have to follow the minehut ToS.

For further contact you can dm me on discord: Increedible#4090

Also if you need any help related with GUI's or basic skript stuff just reply here aswell.

Edited by Incrediboi
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Also, if it is not too difficult, can you make a custom item called a mob net that looks like a cobweb and uses variables to store any mob you right click on and spits it back out on a second right click? If you could do this it would be very useful for those times you need to relocate a chicken one thousand blocks away.

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43 minutes ago, MeIsSmexyMan said:

On join: 

    Give player wooden sword 


I think that’s it 



on join: 

    Give wooden sword to player 

It would give the player a wooden sword every time they join.


on first join:
	give wooden sword to player

If you want a advanced one use:

on join:
	if {joins::*} does not contain player's uuid:
		add player's uuid to {joins::*}
		give wooden sword to player
		broadcast "&b%player% has joined for the first time! &7(&b##%size of {joins::*}%&7)"

command /resetjoins:
	permission: op
		delete {joins::*}


Edited by pizzaschut
I used to play Minehut I guess?
Yeah, I still watch the forums for some reason. (15/5/2023)
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  • 2 weeks later...

Eating a cookie named "Fortune Cookie" Will make a player say "Burp" along with a message sent to the player with a funny fortune.

Nice work making people skripts btw


Yo who actually reads these

[Vip] - 12/29/2020
[Pro] - 1/25/2022



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its been done before i know its possible

the idea is like, you get a pickaxe which you mine specified blocks and it will give you x amount of bitcoin like .0000001 each time and lets say 1 btc is 40k so you sell they btc you mined to get a better pickaxe which will give more btc, and theres something like gpus and cpus you can buy for money which lets say can give you a 1.2x bonus btc while mining for example. i did a bad time explaining it but i hope you get the idea.

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10 hours ago, boxpvpp said:

can you make me a skript that is /setspawn and /spawn delay for 5seconds and when you move in game it cancel the command

command /spawn:
    permission: spawn.use
        send "&6Teleporting…" to player
        wait 5 ticks
        teleport player to {spawn}

command /spawn:
    permission: spawn.use
        send "&6Teleporting…" to player
        wait 5 ticks
        teleport player to {spawn}

(this isnt mine btw)

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On 6/6/2021 at 5:57 PM, darkskye09 said:

halllo i need a gen skirpt not sky gen not box gen just a normal gen skript please have /shop /ah custom ranks and gens thank you

Can you define "just a normal gen" please.

- Ranks -

Tester - 01/08/2023

[VIP] - 05/12/2023

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