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Everything posted by Mrbizarre

  1. h e y pass that along to me will ya? :-
  2. Mrbizarre


    So i bought this plugin "(link down below)" however, it doesn't work with custom balance systems like {balance::%player%} it uses items like #need 5 diamonds instead of the #need 5 diamonds i wan't it to be like #need 5 money or #need 5 {balance::%player%} or #need 5 coins PLUGIN LINK: https://shop.minehut.com/products/simple-gui-maker?_pos=2 FULL CODE: Dm on discord ---> human being#0165 <--- LINE OF CODE THAT NEEDS TO BE CHANGED FOR THIS TO WORK!: https://pastebin.com/NetFGgbv - NOTICE - I have tried to do this 3 times. However i don't understand it much. So it would mean alot if you could please help me out. It would really help my server
  3. I'm not smart enough to do this i have tried about 5 times so it would be so awesome of you if you could please just do it! I can't seem to figure it out. tysm
  4. So i bought this plugin "(link down below)" however, it doesn't work with custom balance systems like {balance::%player%} it uses items like #need 5 diamonds instead of the #need 5 diamonds i wan't it to be like #need 5 money or #need 5 {balance::%player%} or #need 5 coins PLUGIN LINK: https://shop.minehut.com/products/simple-gui-maker?_pos=2 FULL CODE: Dm on discord ---> human being#0165 <--- LINE OF CODE THAT NEEDS TO BE CHANGED FOR THIS TO WORK!: if {_r} contains "##need ": replace all "##need " in {_r} with "" set {_i} to uncolored {_r} parsed as items if number of {_i} in {_p}'s inventory < item amount of {_i}: set {_error} to "" loop {_error::*}: set {_error} to "%{_error}%%loop-value-2%" gui_run({_p}, {_error}) stop continue
  5. Please give me a alternative for this line of code. my error is.. "Can't understand this event at time 6:01 in world world" LINE OF CODE at time 6:01 in world "world": "Blah blah my function doesnt matter"
  6. on load: set {voteday} to false command /votedaystart: permission: admin.sk trigger: if {voteday} is true: send "&8[&cSTAFF&8]&3 a voteday is currently in progress." stop wait 1 second if {voteday} is false: set {voteday} to true send "&8[&cSTAFF&8] &3%player% Started a vote for day." to all players where [input has permission "admin.sk"] broadcast "&8[&9&lVast&d&lSea&8]&7&l a voteday has been started. Type /y to vote for day." set {votedayneeded} to 0 wait 5 minutes if {voteday} is true: set {voteday} to false broadcast "&8[&9&lVast&d&lSea&8]&7&l Not enough votes! [ENDED]" on load: set {votedaycount::%uuid of player%} to 0 set {votedayneeded} to 0 command /y: trigger: if {voteday} is true: if {votedaycount::%uuid of player%} is 1: send "&cYou already voted! Don't mess up are systems grr!" if {voteday} is true: if {votedaycount::%uuid of player%} is 0: send "&aYou voted for &eday!" add 1 to {votedaycount::%uuid of player%} add 1 to {votedayneeded} if {votedayneeded} is 5: set the time to day broadcast "&eVOTEDAY&8| &eSet the time to day!" command /votedayforceend: permission: admin.sk trigger: if {voteday} is false: send "&cTheres not a voteday! Silly!" if {voteday} is true: set {voteday} to false send "&8[&cSTAFF&8]&c Successfully ended voteday." the /y part isn't working, and my head hurts i leave now u fix
  7. @Blueberry755 Bruh... you realize how hard that is right?
  8. Just use set player's max health to 6 You can make a easy lifesteal skript with this..
  9. So i would like to not have to use the plugin: "tab" how can i skript my own?
  10. @Conetic - This code wasn't easy to make if your mad about me sharing it with everyone you shouldn't be. I gave you multiple free skripts don't come to my post showing attitude when all i did was share the skript with everyone. Stop being selfish.
  11. @S1LENT_EG mine stopped working to so i remade it without skbee on join: while player is online: wipe player's sidebar set name of sidebar of player to "&8|&7-----&9&lVast&d&lSea&7-----&8|" set score "&3" in sidebar of player to 12 set score "&d&lYou" in sidebar of player to 11 set score "&8• &7Name: &f%player%" in sidebar of player to 10 set score "&8• &7Rank: %player's prefix%" in sidebar of player to 9 set score "&8• &7Balance: &f%{balance::%player%}%$" in sidebar of player to 8 set score "&5" in sidebar of player to 7 set score "&d&lServer" in sidebar of player to 6 set score "&8• &7Online: &7(&f%amount of players%&7/&f%maximum players%&7)" in sidebar of player to 5 set score "&8• &7TPS: &f%tps%" in sidebar of player to 4 set score "&5" in sidebar of player to 3 set score "&7&o VastSea.minehut.gg" in sidebar of player to 2 wait 1 seconds
  12. this isn't helpful at all did you not even read what i sent?
  13. So i wanted to make a voteday skript, but my brain is like so confused. I tried looking up vote day system's i tried making one, but nothing i did worked? If yall had one that would be great.
  14. Heres your skript, but indented. command /rules: usage: /rules trigger: send "&6----------------------------" send "&7These are some ground rules of the server:" send "1. No hacking/exploting. This will get you banned from the server" send "2. No killing someone while they're afk or afk farming. This will get you hunted down" send "3. No greifing/killing spawn. This will get you hunted down" send "&6----------------------------"
  15. @ombs This works with luckperms! on left click: if player's group is "guard": if player's target block is iron bar: teleport player to location(444, 214, -444, world("world")) send "&a&lSuccessfully teleported!" if player's group is not "guard": if player's target block is iron bar: send "&cYou need &1&lGuard Rank &cTo do this!"
  16. Hmmm I can try this not sure how to do it with powerranks im used to luckperms, but ill try
  18. It doesnt work cause my code will only register when you pick the item up in the inventory and place it in the inventory how can i just make it work when you click it? @_Tarna_
  19. So i have a skript this is the first line on inventory click: #my code but it doesnt work cause it works but you have to pick up the item then place it for it to register in ur inv. so like the #my code wont work endless you pick the stone up in ur inv and place it in ur inv how can i make it where its just when you hold it with you mouse like on inventory click: if item is held with mouse: # idk howw to do this pls help i want it to be kinda like this but i have no idea how https://skripthub.net/docs/?id=519
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