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When I went to the lobby I found Trent (Who was AFK, or at least, that is what we thought). And I decided I wanted to see if I could make him move. So I came up with a genius plan to stand in the lobby and click on him until he moved. So that is what I did. For such a long time I was standing in the lobby clicking on Trent. When my hand started to hurt from all the clicking and when I was just about to give up it happened. It finally happened, TRENT MOVED! He started running around the lobby for a few seconds before switching lobbies. This was absolutely insane. Below is a legendary picture of Trent running around the lobby.

IGN: LordUltron    Discord: ThunderStorm#6354



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Ikr that was INSANE! It was probably one of the most exciting things that ever happened in my life.

8 minutes ago, Tarnerd said:



IGN: LordUltron    Discord: ThunderStorm#6354



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I can't believe I wasn't there to experience this magical and unthinkable feat. Wow I'm sad now I wish I could see Trent move in the lobby 😞

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