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cant break blocks



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3 minutes ago, Amaruking6488 said:

on my server i am unable to break blocks if i hold left click on a block it just hits once and doesnt even make a sound i am also not able to place blocks but creepers can break blocks how do i fix this ?

Hey, it might be your spawn protection. If you want to turn it off, you can go to Settings tab of your server, and change Spawn Protection to 0. Click on Save and Restart your server.

Hello there! If you're reading this, hope you're having a wonderful day!


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Does a message appear in chat when you try to break a block? Also make sure you aren’t in adventure mode.

IGN: LordUltron    Discord: ThunderStorm#6354



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23 minutes ago, Amaruking648888 said:

BRUH IM SO STUPÏD I WAS In adventure mode lol


Discord - tarna256

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