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A Guide (sort of) to Good Forum Signatures!


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Hello there, so I have been cruising the forums recently and have found some people have no forum signature and was thinking that people may not be able to pick a good one or even know how to make one, so that's where I like to think I come in.

A signature is a recurring section of a forum post that can be loaded with images, links, text and much more! If you have one set you will always see it on the bottom of your post as seen here:


1. Creating

So the first thing with creating a signature is knowing how to get there; lucky for you, I can teach you.

First you want to click in the top right of the site to open a drop down menu then click 'Account Settings'.

From there you want to click 'Signature' and then you're ready to start!

DISCLAIMER: The following are more of advice than steps.

2. What do I put?

'What do I put?' may be something you're asking yourself, if so continue on otherwise you know how to get there so go make a new Minehut Forum signature!

Now if you're still here and you're thinking 'What do I put?' then I have just the advice for you! So the way of thinking of a good signature for you is by thinking about things that you like for example; a GIF (a static or animated image) of something you appreciate and/or like (Links to things are a great way to help someone easily get to a part of the forum within a few clicks). For myself I have put a GIF of a character from one of my favourite anime and I have put two useful links within the Minehut Forums. Simple things like that can be effective and great!


3. Finishing up!

Once you've sorted all of the contents of your signature, click save and you're done! Make sure you reply and post on the forums so people can now see your amazing new signature.




report                      appeal 

mio ♡


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Nice tutorial!

Joined on January 17th 2016

VIP since April 5 2017 - August 1st 2019

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Mod since March 8 2021

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    [IMG]    button.png?t=Appeal&f=Calibri-Bold&ts=26&tc=fff&tshs=1&tshc=000&hp=20&vp=8&c=10&bgt=gradient&bgc=1d0dea&ebgc=1a0855&be=1 button.png?t=Rules&f=Calibri-Bold&ts=26&tc=fff&tshs=1&tshc=000&hp=20&vp=8&c=10&bgt=gradient&bgc=1d0dea&ebgc=1a0855&be=1  

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1 minute ago, R2n said:


You somehow got R2n's approval on something. This is something that I have only dreamed of. Great job!

Joined on January 17th 2016

VIP since April 5 2017 - August 1st 2019

JrMod since August 1st

Mod since October 1st

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Mod since March 8 2021

Retired since idk when


    [IMG]    button.png?t=Appeal&f=Calibri-Bold&ts=26&tc=fff&tshs=1&tshc=000&hp=20&vp=8&c=10&bgt=gradient&bgc=1d0dea&ebgc=1a0855&be=1 button.png?t=Rules&f=Calibri-Bold&ts=26&tc=fff&tshs=1&tshc=000&hp=20&vp=8&c=10&bgt=gradient&bgc=1d0dea&ebgc=1a0855&be=1  

If I helped or entertained you at all today, please react with a heart.

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  • 2 years later...
Just now, ChiliDogOfficial said:

thanks for the help i was able to make a cool signature now

please don't respond to posts that haven't been interacted in for a month.
This is considered necroposting and is highly against minehut rules.

Requesting mod lock 🔒

Ik you are new, but remember this pls



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