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What are these ranks?


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I don't think you realize, buying ranks is there to support the server, in fact, Patron means " person who gives financial or other support to a person, organization, cause, or activity."

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DISCORD orvit#0001

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14 hours ago, lolorvit said:

I don't think you realize, buying ranks is there to support the server, in fact, Patron means " person who gives financial or other support to a person, organization, cause, or activity."

Yes, you are correct but still donating $780 for a free minecraft server hosting is a bit silly.

Maybe minehut could change this up?

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If they want to spend money on Minehut and show others that they support the server, they should be allowed to. If you don't want to pay for Patron, then don't.

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DISCORD orvit#0001

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Nope. You don't get banned for telling others it is fine to support a good server.

Edited by lolorvit

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DISCORD orvit#0001

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Patron is for people who have alot of money and want to support minehut. If you dont want to buy just dont buy it.

IGN: LordUltron    Discord: ThunderStorm#6354



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It's Minehut's choice to add a Patron rank, why does it bother you lol?
If people choose to donate money to Minehut, its their choice at the end of the day, if you don't want it, don't get it.

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Why is this topic so hot

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3 hours ago, CoolProgrammer said:

Why is this topic so hot

Everything gets heated when someone complains about other people spending money O.o


Please leave a reaction if my assistance was satisfactory!


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8 minutes ago, Nitrogen said:

I currently have Patron rank honestly yeah its got legit no perks but people only buy it for the advertisement cooldown - 1 minute is pretty overpowered but for the price tag understandable - I didn't buy patron because of the advertisement cooldown though. I bought it because I would love to see minehut succeed even more and to be honest the prefix isn't too bad.

Would be nice to see some kind of cool particle or something for patron rank.

OP in the lobbies doesn't sound too bad. No punishment commands or anything.

To be honest, who cares if someone spends their own money? I would care if someone spent someone elses money without their permission.

I'm just a known player who been playing since the 24 July 2019.

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On 2/3/2021 at 10:44 AM, lolorvit said:

If they want to spend money on Minehut and show others that they support the server, they should be allowed to. If you don't want to pay for Patron, then don't.

Keep in mind, some people may want a 1 minute advertisement cooldown. But spending $780 seems too much for such a rank. But I believe Trent did say that they're lowering the prices. If you think about it if minehut made cheaper ranks, I'm sure they'd make more money. This is just me assuming, but I'm pretty sure they made TONS of money during their Christmas sale. But hey, that's just my perspective, have a good day.


Skript Developer, and WorldPainter builder.

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