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45 Plugin Competition (READ ME)


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Hello Minehut!

I am here to inform you about a competition I am holding. It's where you need to put 45 plugins a ton of people like or that are very popular. I will then see who put the most effort into it and I will give them a VIP rank.

Thanks for helping me and have a great day!

This is me. I'm a human. Ok. I'm done.

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59 minutes ago, BlakeGamez said:

Hello Minehut!

I am here to inform you about a competition I am holding. It's where you need to put 45 plugins a ton of people like or that are very popular. I will then see who put the most effort into it and I will give them a VIP rank. More info in the discord


Invite: https://discord.gg/dHzMYChAUp

Thanks for helping me and have a great day!

I suggest building up your rep before holding a competition





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I dont even understand what the competition is.

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Ya I don't understand what this competition is even about either.

And don't think Discord links are allowed on the main forums part. They are only allowed on Club Forums. 

Discord - tarna256

In-game name - _Tarna_

Website - https://tarna.dev
Paste Site: https://paste.tarna.dev


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No, advertising Discord's are not allowed on the forums.


But if you're advertising a competition I'd advise you put as much information as possible in the advertisement and not "Join for more info!", people don't like joining something they don't understand. Especially if they are completely fluked about it.


💬 » Discord: @reportcards


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