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How to make a broadcast loop


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# Autobroadcast created by ThePureEye
# Any attempts to steal code will be reported immediaetly. 
#You can change the prefix below to anything you'd like.

    prefix1: &e&lInfo

every 40 real minutes:
    chance of 50%:
        make console execute command "abc1"
    chance of 50%:
        make console execute command "abc2"
    chance of 50%:
        make console execute command "abc3"

command /abc1:
    executable by: console
        broadcast "&7&m---------------{@prefix1}&7&m---------------"
        broadcast ""
        broadcast "&cDon't forget to check out our /discord!"
        broadcast "&cIf you'd like to help us try /buy!"
        broadcast ""
        broadcast "&7&m---------------------------------"

command /abc2:
    executable by: console
        broadcast "&7&m---------------{@prefix1}&7&m---------------"
        broadcast ""
        broadcast "&cIf you find a cheater please /report them."
        broadcast "&cConsider joining our /website!"
        broadcast ""
        broadcast "&7&m---------------------------------"

command /abc3:
    executable by: console
        broadcast "&7&m---------------{@prefix1}&7&m---------------"
        broadcast ""
        broadcast "&cTop donator of the month will get their own custom rank!"
        broadcast "&cWe love suggestions, post them in our /discord!"
        broadcast ""
        broadcast "&7&m---------------------------------"

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There are plenty of ways to make an automatic broadcasting system.
I am not against periodical loops whenever they're used for simple actions, such as broadcasting.
But, I do not think it's worth using a command for each broadcast. Additionally, you risk that the bottom messages won't be sent, using the code above.

You can use a function, or simply make a broadcast for each trigger. Example:

every 5 minutes:
    add 1 to {broadcast}
    if {broadcast} is 1:
    	broadcast "Buy ranks at /buy!"
    else if {broadcast} is 2:
    	broadcast "Apply at /apply!"
    else if {broadcast} is 3:
    	broadcast "Suggest at /suggestions!"
        delete {broadcast} #Make sure this line is at the LAST broadcast.

This would make sure each message will be sent, and it's easy to add to it.

Always feel free to continue this thread if you need more help.



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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/7/2020 at 8:10 AM, AWorthySon said:


There are plenty of ways to make an automatic broadcasting system.
I am not against periodical loops whenever they're used for simple actions, such as broadcasting.
But, I do not think it's worth using a command for each broadcast. Additionally, you risk that the bottom messages won't be sent, using the code above.

You can use a function, or simply make a broadcast for each trigger. Example:

every 5 minutes:
    add 1 to {broadcast}
    if {broadcast} is 1:
    	broadcast "Buy ranks at /buy!"
    else if {broadcast} is 2:
    	broadcast "Apply at /apply!"
    else if {broadcast} is 3:
    	broadcast "Suggest at /suggestions!"
        delete {broadcast} #Make sure this line is at the LAST broadcast.

This would make sure each message will be sent, and it's easy to add to it.

Always feel free to continue this thread if you need more help.



plenty but this is the easiest

every 5 minutes:
    broadcast "the thing you wanna broadcast?"

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