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Everything posted by Yodamaster

  1. command /hug <player>: cooldown: 30 seconds cooldown message: This command in on cooldown for another %remaining% trigger: if arg-1 is online: if arg-1 is player: send "&ayou &5&l&ka&r&d&lHUGGED&5&l&ka &r&ayourself..." to player play sound "entity.experience_orb.pickup" with volume 100 to player else: send "&ayou &5&l&ka&r&d&lHUGGED&5&l&ka &r&a%player% &aawww how sweat" to player send "&a%player% &5&l&ka&r&d&lHUGGED&5&l&ka &r&ayou what a sweat person" to arg-1 play sound "entity.experience_orb.pickup" with volume 100 to player and arg-1
  2. teleport with citizen on rightclick on entity: if clicked entity is a citizen: set {_npc} to npc from entity clicked entity if name of npc {_npc} is "name": make player execute commad "/warp <warp> or /rtp"
  3. kit gui command /kits: trigger: if {%player%.archercd} is not set: set {%player%.archercd} to 0 if {%player%.knightcd} is not set: set {%player%.knightcd} to 0 if {%player%.brutecd} is not set: set {%player%.brutecd} to 0 if {%player%.tankcd} is not set: set {%player%.tankcd} to 0 open chest with 3 rows named "Kits" to player set {_s} to 0 loop 36 times: format gui slot {_s} of player with gray stained glass pane named "&l" add 1 to {_s} format gui slot 10 of player with bow named "&fARCHER" to run: if {%player%.archercd} = 0: give player 1 bow equip player with chain helmet equip player with iron chestplate equip player with leather leggings equip player with chain boots give player 16 steak give player 124 arrows set {%player%.archercd} to 60 loop 60 times: subtract 1 from {%player%.archercd} wait 1 second else: send "&atime left until you can use it again %{%player%.archercd}%&as" to player format gui slot 12 of player with iron sword named "&fKNIGHT" to run: if {%player%.knightcd} = 0: give player 1 iron sword give player 16 steak equip player with iron helmet equip player with iron chestplate equip player with iron leggings equip player with iron boots set {%player%.knightcd} to 60 loop 60 times: subtract 1 from {%player%.knightcd} wait 1 second else: send "&atime left until you can use it again %{%player%.knightcd}%&as" to player format gui slot 14 of player with diamond axe named "&fBRUTE" to run: if {%player%.brutecd} = 0: give player 1 diamond axe give player 16 steak equip player with diamond helmet equip player with iron chestplate equip player with iron leggings equip player with diamond boots set {%player%.brutecd} to 300 loop 300 times: subtract 1 from {%player%.brutecd} wait 1 second else: send "&atime left until you can use it again %{%player%.brutecd}%&as" to player format gui slot 16 of player with diamond chestplate named "&fTANK" to run: if {%player%.tankcd} = 0: give player 1 iron axe give player 16 steak equip player with diamond helmet equip player with diamond chestplate equip player with diamond leggings equip player with diamond boots set {%player%.tankcd} to 500 loop 500 times: subtract 1 from {%player%.tankcd} wait 1 second else: send "&atime left until you can use it again %{%player%.tankcd}%&as" to player
  4. /gamerule showdeathmessages false so the normal death message won't show on death: if victim is player: broadcast "%player% death message"
  5. this should work as a combat log on damage: victim is player attacker is player send "&cYou've been damage dont log out" to victim set {%attacker%.combatlog} to true wait 10 seconds set {%attacker%.combatlog} to false send "&cYou can safely Log out now" on quit: victim is player if {%attacker%.log} is true: kill player broadcast "&c%victim% has logged out while in combat tag!" on command: if {%player%.combatlog} is true: send "&cYou are in combat log log try again later" to player
  6. sidebar on join: if {%player%::blocksmined} is not set: set {%player%::blocksmined} to 0 if {%player%::kills} is not set: set {%player%::kills} to 0 if {%player%::deaths} is not set: set {%player%::deaths} to 0 on mine: add 1 to {%player%::blocksmined} make player execute command "/sidebarwipe" make player execute command "/sidebar" on death of player: add 1 to {%attacker%::kills} add 1 to {%victim%::deaths} make victim and attacker execute command "/sidebarwipe" make victim and attacker execute command "/sidebar" command /sidebarwipe: trigger: wipe player's sidebar command /sidebar: trigger: set name of sidebar of player to "&b&lServer's Name" set score "&1&l---------------------" in sidebar of player to 7 set score "&1&lName: &d%player%" in sidebar of player to 6 if player has permission "skript.member": set score "&1&lRank: &dMember" in sidebar of player to 5 if player has permission "skript.vip": set score "&1&lRank: &dVip" in sidebar of player to 5 if player has permission "skript.mvp": set score "&1&lRank: &dMvp" in sidebar of player to 5 set score "&d&l&a&lBlocks Mined: &d%{%player%::blocksmined}%" in sidebar of player to 3 set score "&d&l&a&lKills: &d%{%player%::kills}%" in sidebar of player to 2 set score "&d&l&a&lDeaths: &d%{%player%::deaths}%" in sidebar of player to 1 set score "&1&l---------------------" in sidebar of player to 0
  7. I will make u a skript cause I'm bored, but I can't guarantee I will make everyone's.
  8. requires skript on join: if player has permission "helper.chat": add player to {helperchat::*} on quit: if player has permission "helper.chat": remove player from {helperchat::*} command /helperchat <text>: trigger: if {%player%::helperchatres} is arg-1: send "&e&lHelperChat:&r&bdon't repeat your message" to player else: if {%player%::helperchattoggle} is true: send "&e&lHelperChat:&b%player%:&f%arg-1%" to {helperchat::*} set {%player%::helperchatres} to arg-1 else if {%player%::helperchattoggle} is false: send "&e&lHelperChat:&r&bDo /helperchattoggle or /hctoggle to send and recive &e&lHelperChat" to player command /hc <text>: trigger: if {%player%::helperchatres} is arg-1: send "&e&lHelperChat:&r&bdon't repeat your message" to player else: if {%player%::helperchattoggle} is false: send "&e&lHelperChat:&r&bDo /helperchattoggle or /hctoggle to send and recive &e&lHelperChat" to player else if {%player%::helperchattoggle} is true: send "&e&lHelperChat:&b%player%:&f%arg-1%" to {helperchat::*} set {%player%::helperchatres} to arg-1 command /helperchattoggle: trigger: if {%player%::warnedhelperchat} is true: send "&e&lHelperChat:&r&byou don't have access to &e&lHelperChat" to player else if {%player%::warnedhelperchat} is false: if player has permission "helper.chat": if {%player%::helperchattoggle} is false: send "&e&lHelperChat:&r&byou will &a&lNOW &r&bbe able to send and recive &e&lHelperChat" to player add player to {helperchat::*} set {%player%::helperchattoggle} to true else: send "&e&lHelperChat:&r&byou will &4&lNO &r&blonger be able to send and recive &e&lHelperChat" to player set {%player%::helperchattoggle} to false remove player from {helperchat::*} command /hctoggle: trigger: if {%player%::warnedhelperchat} is true: send "&e&lHelperChat:&r&byou don't have access to &e&lHelperChat" to player else if {%player%::warnedhelperchat} is false: if player has permission "helper.chat": if {%player%::helperchattoggle} is false: send "&e&lHelperChat:&r&byou will &a&lNOW &r&bbe able to send and recive &e&lHelperChat" to player add player to {helperchat::*} set {%player%::helperchattoggle} to true else: send "&e&lHelperChat:&r&byou will &4&lNO &r&blonger be able to send and recive &e&lHelperChat" to player set {%player%::helperchattoggle} to false remove player from {helperchat::*} command /helperchatwarn <player>: trigger: if player has permission "helperchat.warn": if {%arg-1%::helperchatwarns} is 2: add 1 to {%arg-1%::helperchatwarns} send "&e&lHelperChat:&r&b%arg-1% &4&lNO &r&blonger have access to &e&lHelperChat" to player send "&e&lHelperChat:&r&byou have 3 warns you will &4&lNo &r&blonger have access to &e&lHelperChat" to arg-1 set {%arg-1%::warnedhelperchat} to true remove arg-1 from {helperchat::*} else if {%arg-1%::helperchatwarns} is 3: send "&e&lHelperChat:&r&bthat player already has 3 warns" to player else: add 1 to {%arg-1%::helperchatwarns} if {%arg-1%::helperchatwarns} is 1: send "&e&lHelerChat:&r&byou have added 1 warn to %arg-1% &bthey now have a total of %{%arg-1%::helperchatwarns}% &bwarn" to player send "&e&lHelperChat:&r&b you have %{%arg-1%::helperchatwarns}% &bwarn" to arg-1 else: send "&e&lHelerChat:&r&byou have added 1 warn to %arg-1% &bthey now have a total of %{%arg-1%::helperchatwarns}% &bwarn" to player send "&e&lHelperChat:&r&b you have %{%arg-1%::helperchatwarns}% &bwarns" to arg-1 command /hcwarn <player>: trigger: if player has permission "helperchat.warn": if {%arg-1%::helperchatwarns} is 2: add 1 to {%arg-1%::helperchatwarns} send "&e&lHelperChat:&r&b%arg-1% &4&lNO &r&blonger have access to &e&lHelperChat" to player send "&e&lHelperChat:&r&byou have 3 warns you will &4&lNo &r&blonger have access to &e&lHelperChat" to arg-1 set {%arg-1%::warnedhelperchat} to true remove arg-1 from {helperchat::*} else if {%arg-1%::helperchatwarns} is 3: send "&e&lHelperChat:&r&bthat player already has 3 warns" to player else: add 1 to {%arg-1%::helperchatwarns} if {%arg-1%::helperchatwarns} is 1: send "&e&lHelerChat:&r&byou have added 1 warn to %arg-1% &bthey now have a total of %{%arg-1%::helperchatwarns}% &bwarn" to player send "&e&lHelperChat:&r&b you have %{%arg-1%::helperchatwarns}% &bwarn" to arg-1 else: send "&e&lHelerChat:&r&byou have added 1 warn to %arg-1% &bthey now have a total of %{%arg-1%::helperchatwarns}% &bwarn" to player send "&e&lHelperChat:&r&b you have %{%arg-1%::helperchatwarns}% &bwarns" to arg-1 command /helperchatwarnremove <player>: trigger: if player has permission "helperchat.warn": if {%arg-1%::helperchatwarns} is 1: remove 1 from {%arg-1%::helperchatwarns} set {%arg-1%::warnedhelperchat} to false send "&e&lHelerChat:&r&byou removed 1 warn from %arg-1% &bthey have no more warns" to player send "&e&lHelperChat:&r&b1 warn has been removed from you and you now have none left" to arg-1 else if {%arg-1%::helperchatwarns} is 2 or 3: remove 1 from {%arg-1%::helperchatwarns} send "&e&lHelperChat:&r&byou remove 1 warn from %arg-1% &bthey have %{%arg-1%::helperchatwarns}% &bwarns left" to player send "&e&lHelperChat:&r&b1 warn has been removed from you and you now have %{%arg-1%::helperchatwarns}% &bleft" to arg-1 else if {%arg-1%::helperchatwarms} is 0: send "&e&lHelperChat:&r&b%arg-1% &bhas no warns" command /hcwarnremove <player>: trigger: if player has permission "helperchat.warn": if {%arg-1%::helperchatwarns} is 1: remove 1 from {%arg-1%::helperchatwarns} set {%arg-1%::warnedhelperchat} to false send "&e&lHelerChat:&r&byou removed 1 warn from %arg-1% &bthey have no more warns" to player send "&e&lHelperChat:&r&b1 warn has been removed from you and you now have none left" to arg-1 else if {%arg-1%::helperchatwarns} is 2 or 3: remove 1 from {%arg-1%::helperchatwarns} send "&e&lHelperChat:&r&byou remove 1 warn from %arg-1% &bthey have %{%arg-1%::helperchatwarns}% &bwarns left" to player send "&e&lHelperChat:&r&b1 warn has been removed from you and you now have %{%arg-1%::helperchatwarns}% &bleft" to arg-1 else if {%arg-1%::helperchatwarms} is 0: send "&e&lHelperChat:&r&b%arg-1% &bhas no warns"
  9. How to make it so you can grab an item from a gui?
  10. command /report <player> <text>: trigger: if {%player%::reporttimer} is 0: send "&4&lReported &l%arg-1% &r&fReason %arg-2%" to {report::*} set {%player%::reporttimer} to 30 loop 30 times: remove 1 from {%player%::reporttimer} wait 1 minute else: send "%{%player%::reporttimer}% time left until you can report again" to player on join: set {%player%::reporttimer} to 0 if player has permission "report.read": add player to {report::*} on quit: if player has permission "report.read": remove player from {report::*}
  11. on join: if player has permission "helper.chat": add player to {helperchat::*} on quit: if player has permission "helper.chat": remove player from {helperchat::*} command /helperchat <text>: trigger: if {%player%::helperchatres} is arg-1: send "&f&lDont Repeat your message" to player else: send "&e&lHelperChat:&b%player%:&f%arg-1%" to {helperchat::*} set {%player%::helperchatres} to arg-1 command /hc <text>: trigger: if {%player%::helperchatres} is arg-1: send "&f&lDont Repeat your message" to player else: send "&e&lHelperChat:&b%player%:&f%arg-1%" to {helperchat::*} set {%player%::helperchatres} to arg-1
  12. @Archenoxzz command /kits: trigger: open chest with 3 rows named "Kits" to player format gui slot 4 of player with diamond sword named "&bGod" to run: player has permission "kit.god" equip player with all diamond armor give player diamond sword give player 8 golden apple format gui slot 1 of player with iron sword named "&7Noob" to run: player has permission "kit.noob" equip player with all iron armor give player bow give player iron sword give player 4 golden apple give player 32 arrow format gui slot 7 of player with diamond axe named "&6Master" to run: player has permission "kit.master" equip player with all diamond armor give player bow give player diamond axe give player 16 golden apple give player 64 arrow format gui slot 19 of player with netherite axe named "&1Tank" to run: player has permission "kit.tank" give player netherite axe apply strength 2 to the player for 999 days equip player with all iron armor give player 12 golden apple format gui slot 22 of player with iron sword named "&eSpeeder" to run: player has permission "kit.speeder" give player iron sword give player 8 golden apple apply speed 3 to the player for 999 days equip player with all iron armor format gui slot 25 of player with netherite axe named "&4Frog" to run: player has permission "kit.frog" equip player with all gold armor give player netherite axe give player 16 golden apple apply speed 1 to player for 999 days apply jump 10 to player for 999 days give player bow give player 64 arrow format gui slot 0 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " format gui slot 9 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " format gui slot 2 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " format gui slot 3 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " format gui slot 5 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " format gui slot 6 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " format gui slot 8 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " format gui slot 10 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " format gui slot 11 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " format gui slot 12 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " format gui slot 13 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " format gui slot 14 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " format gui slot 15 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " format gui slot 16 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " format gui slot 17 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " format gui slot 18 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " format gui slot 20 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " format gui slot 21 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " format gui slot 23 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " format gui slot 24 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " format gui slot 26 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " format gui slot 27 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " format gui slot 28 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " on death: remove speed from the victim remove strength from the victim remove jump from the victim
  13. i think i can, i working onarchenixzz kit skript rn. But when im done ill do yours
  14. what kind of arg(argument) in skript is a entity
  15. command /killmyself: trigger: kill the player broadcast "&e%player% commited suiside"
  16. command /killmyself: trigger: kill the player
  17. you need skript addon json for it im pretty sure
  18. this isnt your normal /dupe, this skript makes it so when you drop items the dupe. Every thing is toggleable #this makes it when new players join the /dupedroptoggle is off on load: if {dupedrop} is not set: set {dupedrop} to false #this makes it so when dupedroptoggle is true when you drop items they dupe on drop: if {dupedrop} is true: #if the file name is not skript.drop then you have to change it to skript.[what you named the file] drop item if player has permission "skript.drop" stop #the permission is skript.drop #this gives the players random items every 15 seconds if /toggle is true every 15 seconds: if {loop} is true: add 1 of (random item out of all items) to inventory of all players #this command make it so when you drop items they will be dupe or not #this command is toggleable command /dupedroptoggle: trigger: if {dupedrop} is true: send "When you drop items they will no longer be duped." set {dupedrop} to false stop else: send "When you drop items they will now be duped" set {dupedrop} to true stop #this command will toggle if you will receive random items every 15 seconds command /toggle: trigger: if {loop} is true: send "You will no longer receive items every 15 seconds" set {loop} to false stop else: send "You will now get random items every 15 seconds" set {loop} to true stop #you can add more block to the ban list on place of bedrock: cancel event on place of barrier: cancel event
  19. command /discord: trigger: send "Join our discoud https://discord.gg/[put in your discord numbers/letters]" to player #idk how to make a discord bot so you will have to mannualy change the discord final numbers and letters when it chages
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