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Free skripts!!! Reply what you need.

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This was not made by me, I have a folder of skripts that I think work well.

Just dm me again if this is not what you wanted.


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⭢ Founder Of Website 

The Website is men't to help you with all the skript you need to start your server. Soon we will have tutorials on how to use certain things, but for now you should go to Minehut.xyz for tutorials. Again, The Website is men't for skript help and skript requests.

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6 minutes ago, Slippy said:


This was not made by me, I have a folder of skripts that I think work well.

Just dm me again if this is not what you wanted.

sellwandsempowered.sk 1.99 kB · 0 downloads

Pretty sure this script is from Skriptify lol

Graphic Designer - Skript Developer - Professional Builder - Content Creator

Been on Minehut since January 2018. Throughout my time here I've mastered the skills you see above. I make free logos, banners, and server art for users on Minehut. I'm a proficient Skript developer. I'm also really good at building, you can see my portfolio by clicking here. Feel free to say hi if you see me somewhere 🙂

Amethyst Studios Discord

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 Yeah, I never said it was mine:/ Idk how to make the sellwands.

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⭢ Founder Of Website 

The Website is men't to help you with all the skript you need to start your server. Soon we will have tutorials on how to use certain things, but for now you should go to Minehut.xyz for tutorials. Again, The Website is men't for skript help and skript requests.

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ray tracing

Graphic Designer - Skript Developer - Professional Builder - Content Creator

Been on Minehut since January 2018. Throughout my time here I've mastered the skills you see above. I make free logos, banners, and server art for users on Minehut. I'm a proficient Skript developer. I'm also really good at building, you can see my portfolio by clicking here. Feel free to say hi if you see me somewhere 🙂

Amethyst Studios Discord

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3 hours ago, 1vkk said:

shop skript for a farm like server, i can configure prices i just need it to be easy to do so (GUI shop)

    prefix: Test1

command /shop:
        open virtual chest inventory with 3 rows named "hi" to player
        shop(player, 10, 300, Grass Block, 4, "&aGrass Block")
	#shop(player, format slot, cost, item, how much you get, "name of item")  when you put the name of the item you need quotes 

function shop(p: player, i: integer, c: integer, it: itemtype, a: integer, m: string):
    format gui slot {_i} of {_p} with {_a} of {_it} named "%{_m}%" with lore "&a%{_c}%" to run:
        if {_p}'s balance is greater than {_c}:
            remove {_c} from {_p}'s balance
            give {_a} of {_it} to {_p}
            send action bar "&d@{prefix} &aPurchase Completed." to {_p}
            send action bar "&d@{prefix} &cPurchase Failed." to {_p}


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⭢ Founder Of Website 

The Website is men't to help you with all the skript you need to start your server. Soon we will have tutorials on how to use certain things, but for now you should go to Minehut.xyz for tutorials. Again, The Website is men't for skript help and skript requests.

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1 hour ago, pasmus said:

/ec /openinv /endersee commands if possible pls. 


This should have that in there.

essentials (2).sk

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⭢ Founder Of Website 

The Website is men't to help you with all the skript you need to start your server. Soon we will have tutorials on how to use certain things, but for now you should go to Minehut.xyz for tutorials. Again, The Website is men't for skript help and skript requests.

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20 hours ago, Slippy said:

    prefix: Test1

command /shop:
        open virtual chest inventory with 3 rows named "hi" to player
        shop(player, 10, 300, Grass Block, 4, "&aGrass Block")
	#shop(player, format slot, cost, item, how much you get, "name of item")  when you put the name of the item you need quotes 

function shop(p: player, i: integer, c: integer, it: itemtype, a: integer, m: string):
    format gui slot {_i} of {_p} with {_a} of {_it} named "%{_m}%" with lore "&a%{_c}%" to run:
        if {_p}'s balance is greater than {_c}:
            remove {_c} from {_p}'s balance
            give {_a} of {_it} to {_p}
            send action bar "&d@{prefix} &aPurchase Completed." to {_p}
            send action bar "&d@{prefix} &cPurchase Failed." to {_p}


Thanks, what dependencies are required

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