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Plugins - as a developer

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Howdy MineHut community!


I came here with a few simple questions.

Over the last few months, quite a few people who host at minehut contacted me for support with my plugin. After looking around for a bit, i noticed that they where not able to install the most recent version.


So the question that i have is this, how does minehut handle its plugins?

Are they mirrored in a way and not from the official spigot page and therefor recent?


I would like to know what can be the cause so i know how to help my users.

Thank you, and have a nice day.

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4 hours ago, jellz said:

Plugins on Minehut are not automatically updated or mirrored from Spigot's versions page. The Minehut staff team. Players can suggest plugins to be updated in this forum category.

So that will mean that the official documentation (spigot page) and spigot metrics (like downloads) are not updated based on the usage via minehut customers, correct?

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1 hour ago, Mindgamesnl said:

So that will mean that the official documentation (spigot page) and spigot metrics (like downloads) are not updated based on the usage via minehut customers, correct?

That is pretty much correct. Plugins are often just updated for compatibility with the newest version. As Jellz stated, players or you can request an update in this section.

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Is there any way a author of a plugin has any say in this?

Useless support requests for outdated versions that are outside of my control are not something that im to fond of.

And how much of the origingal spigot post (plugin description and such) does get copied over, and what does not?

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17 hours ago, Mindgamesnl said:

Is there any way a author of a plugin has any say in this?

Useless support requests for outdated versions that are outside of my control are not something that im to fond of.

And how much of the origingal spigot post (plugin description and such) does get copied over, and what does not?

As a fellow software maintainer I understand your concerns. I would also be annoyed if lots of users came to me asking for support on an old version of my software with no way to update.

Most plugins on the Minehut panel include the Spigot link so users can easily access it, I've attached a screenshot of your plugin.

Spigot metrics would not be reliable if you want to count the amount of Minehut servers using your plugin. You can use bStats though; my plugin on Minehut uses bStats and it allows me to accurately measure how many servers have the plugin installed.

I believe a plugin author didn't like Minehut using their plugin a while ago and Minehut refused to remove it, but it couldn't hurt to e-mail them and ask if you want your plugin to be removed / changed.


The best way to reach me is on Discord (@daniel#0004). I'll respond quicker than on the forums!

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Thank you for your information! exactly what i needed to know 🙂

My main issue is that my plugin requires to connect to my Socket server to make a link to the websites, but if the plugin keeps getting more and more outdated here i can no longer support it due to protocol issues.


If the problem of Minehuts bad maintaining of plugins continues i will (like you suggested) contact staff to request a shutdown of the distribution of my software, or if all attempts of solving it peacefully are ignored simply block it on my side (firewall minehut servers)


To be clear; i do not have anything personal against Minehut or their staff. But due to the handling of plugins i can not guarantee the stability of the plugin and its network to my users and only wastes time of users who try to install and configure it, and our team for support


I do hope minehut will come to some other solution somewhere in the future, i understand that they want to currate plugins to what they do and don't, but manual reviews and then from the spigot cdn or giving developers the option to use github releases or jenkins builds for the pushing of updates would come a long way


Thanks everyone here for your time! 🙂

I'll lock this thread because all my questions are answered, and i do not seek to start a flamewar or any legal discussion since redistribution .is always a edge-case.


EDIT; i cant lock threads here? nice, or im blind.

Edited by Mindgamesnl
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