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Custom SkyBlock Skript

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Okay, I finally decided to release this! This is quite customisable, so let's take a look at the steps to set it up!


Setting Up

Ok, to start you need to create a void world with MultiVerse. Name it 'sbtemplate'. This is the template world. Once in the world, build your island. This could be anything, and you could even make the world a survival island, not in the sky! Once you have set it up, you need to set up the shop world. You need the shopkeepers plugin for this, so if have not got it already, download it now. Again, create a world using MV and build your shop spawn. This shouldn't be too big! Add shopkeepers with trades to fit your server, and set a world spawn. Okay. Now all you have to do if configure the teleport coordinates in the world generation section! Just change all the coords to the appropriate ones for the shop and island. Now, you should be done!


When I was developing the script,  I didn't make multiverse load and unload worlds. This made my server unplayble because of too many loaded worlds. I wouldn't recommend having big player slots, probably 20 at the max!

The Script / Downloads


on join:
  if {Joins::*} does not contain player's uuid:
    add player's uuid to {Joins::*}
    set join message to "&6%player% &fjoined for the first time!"
    wait 5 ticks
    console command "/mv clone sbtemplate sb%player%"
    teleport player to location(0, 64, 1, world("sb%player%"))
    console command "/world %player% sb%player%"
    set join message to "&6%player% &fjoined again."
    console comand "/mv load sb%lpayer%"
    teleport player to location(0, 64, 1, world("sb%player%"))

on quit:
  console command "/mv unload sb%player%"

on death:
  wait 3 ticks
  teleport player to location(0, 64, 1, world("sb%player%"))


command /is:
    send "&fTeleporting to &6Island&f!" to player
    wait 5 ticks
    teleport player to location(0, 64, 1, world("sb%player%"))


command /shop:
    send "&fTeleporting to &6Shop&f!" to player
    wait 5 ticks
    teleport player to location(6, 4, 7, world("ul_shop"))


every 6 minutes:
  broadcast " "
  broadcast "&fDo &6/is &fto go back to your island!"
  broadcast " "
  wait 3 minutes
  broadcast " "
  broadcast "&fDo &6/shop &fto see the shop!"
  broadcast " "


Edited by Ezekia

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  • 2 months later...
3 hours ago, sillyname396 said:

i got to the world and everything, but i cant delete the original world. is there a way i can delete it or make sbtemplate the default world

I think this is necroposting but I'll help anyway.


Whenever a new player joins it creates their island and automatically teleports them to it. If a player joins again it'll teleport them back. I think if you delete the defult world a new one will be created, so dont bother.


Also, this skript is outdated. It still works, but you can find the new version on the Skriptify site (skriptify.xyz). It's called Skyblock+.


With the new version you will need TuSKe and Vault added as well!

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On 3/5/2020 at 2:54 PM, Ezekia said:

(skyblock setup)


I have a fixed version. This just has a creation and /is command, fixing the first 2 skripts.

In this order, load them



command /is:


    send "&fTeleporting to &6Island&f!" to player

    wait 5 ticks

    make console execute command "/mvtp %player% sb%player%"

    wait 1 ticks

    make console execute command "/tp %player% 0 64 1"


Then theres the creation,


on join:

    if {Joins::*} does not contain player's uuid:

        add player's uuid to {Joins::*}

        set join message to "&6%player% &fjoined for the first time!"

        wait 5 ticks

        console command "/mv clone sbtemplate sb%player%"

        set {isname::%uuid of player%} to "sb"

        add %player% to {isname::%uuid of player%}


        console command "/world %player% sb%player%"

        console command "/mv load sb%player%"


on quit:

    console command "/mv unload sb%player%"


on death:

    wait 3 ticks

    teleport player to location(0, 64, 1, world("sb%player%"))



This actually works! Needs multiverse, I suggest multiverse multi inventories, and voidworld generator. You need to make a world called "sbtemplate" and make your skyblock island where spawn is "0, 64, 1" or change all of those to your coord. 


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5 hours ago, SuperNoahHere said:


I have a fixed version. This just has a creation and /is command, fixing the first 2 skripts.

In this order, load them



command /is:


    send "&fTeleporting to &6Island&f!" to player

    wait 5 ticks

    make console execute command "/mvtp %player% sb%player%"

    wait 1 ticks

    make console execute command "/tp %player% 0 64 1"


Then theres the creation,


on join:

    if {Joins::*} does not contain player's uuid:

        add player's uuid to {Joins::*}

        set join message to "&6%player% &fjoined for the first time!"

        wait 5 ticks

        console command "/mv clone sbtemplate sb%player%"

        set {isname::%uuid of player%} to "sb"

        add %player% to {isname::%uuid of player%}


        console command "/world %player% sb%player%"

        console command "/mv load sb%player%"


on quit:

    console command "/mv unload sb%player%"


on death:

    wait 3 ticks

    teleport player to location(0, 64, 1, world("sb%player%"))



This actually works! Needs multiverse, I suggest multiverse multi inventories, and voidworld generator. You need to make a world called "sbtemplate" and make your skyblock island where spawn is "0, 64, 1" or change all of those to your coord. 


Yep! I will be releasing the new version soon as well 😄

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7 hours ago, Ezekia said:

Yep! I will be releasing the new version soon as well 😄

wow that was a quick response, thanks! I will too, but this one is for non-skyblock only servers, i will make it so you do /is for help, /is create to make your island, /is del to delete it, and /is go to go to it. The only problem is that if it doesnt work when you reload it, then you have to fix it and manually make islands for those who joined before you fix it. Also, thats what /is create will do.

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13 hours ago, SuperNoahHere said:

wow that was a quick response, thanks! I will too, but this one is for non-skyblock only servers, i will make it so you do /is for help, /is create to make your island, /is del to delete it, and /is go to go to it. The only problem is that if it doesnt work when you reload it, then you have to fix it and manually make islands for those who joined before you fix it. Also, thats what /is create will do.

Yea, actually working on a thing called BungeeHut, which will (in the future) allow you to seperate plugins pere mini server (really just some worlds that are logged as one thing). I think for now it'll only seperate plugins I script, but if you want to help then you can! :3

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  • 2 weeks later...
2 hours ago, vita310 said:

ezekia um do you have a whole custom skyblock skript that creates the island?


no. just create a void with multiverse + voidgenerator using the command "/mvcreate sbtemplate -g VoidGenerator:forest -t FLAT" and build the island. building with skript is hard

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On 3/7/2020 at 1:21 AM, Ezekia said:

Thank you for replying! You have won one free iPhone 11 Pro! Just go to ipstealer.net to claim your prize!

Since this topic went "Active" (due to the necroposting) again, where's my iphone 11, I'm still waiting for it. 🙄

First Join: October 21st, 2017
VIPNovember 11th, 2017
PRO: August 29th, 2018
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2 hours ago, Preinstalled said:

Since this topic went "Active" (due to the necroposting) again, where's my iphone 11, I'm still waiting for it. 🙄

Have you been to ipstealer.net yet?

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12 hours ago, Ezekia said:

no. just create a void with multiverse + voidgenerator using the command "/mvcreate sbtemplate -g VoidGenerator:forest -t FLAT" and build the island. building with skript is hard

what do I do once I made it?

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This Skript is very VERY not that good. Your server storage will plummet, and this will cause a lot of server lag with so many worlds. A lot of people say "Well Hypixel uses worlds" no they don't, they use individual servers.

In general this Skript is not very well made and relies on having plugins, and using the exact same works and stuff, It would be easier just to use Skript with Skematic, or just use bSkyblock ffs.

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4 hours ago, Orvit said:

This Skript is very VERY not that good. Your server storage will plummet, and this will cause a lot of server lag with so many worlds. A lot of people say "Well Hypixel uses worlds" no they don't, they use individual servers.

In general this Skript is not very well made and relies on having plugins, and using the exact same works and stuff, It would be easier just to use Skript with Skematic, or just use bSkyblock ffs.

So you're telling me to use a plugin when I have spent a week of my time working on this? Bro. If I'v made it, and people want it, people want it.

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On 5/30/2020 at 6:15 AM, Ezekia said:

So you're telling me to use a plugin when I have spent a week of my time working on this? Bro. If I'v made it, and people want it, people want it.

Erm, unless you are talking about spending A WEEK on a world, then I don't know, because this Skript could be made in about 5 minutes.

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18 hours ago, Orvit said:

Erm, unless you are talking about spending A WEEK on a world, then I don't know, because this Skript could be made in about 5 minutes.

Bro, I spent time my time on this. Just shut up already.

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