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  1. wow that was a quick response, thanks! I will too, but this one is for non-skyblock only servers, i will make it so you do /is for help, /is create to make your island, /is del to delete it, and /is go to go to it. The only problem is that if it doesnt work when you reload it, then you have to fix it and manually make islands for those who joined before you fix it. Also, thats what /is create will do.
  2. I have a fixed version. This just has a creation and /is command, fixing the first 2 skripts. In this order, load them /is (is.ks) command /is: trigger: send "&fTeleporting to &6Island&f!" to player wait 5 ticks make console execute command "/mvtp %player% sb%player%" wait 1 ticks make console execute command "/tp %player% 0 64 1" Then theres the creation, skyblock.sk on join: if {Joins::*} does not contain player's uuid: add player's uuid to {Joins::*} set join message to "&6%player% &fjoined for the first time!" wait 5 ticks console command "/mv clone sbtemplate sb%player%" set {isname::%uuid of player%} to "sb" add %player% to {isname::%uuid of player%} else: console command "/world %player% sb%player%" console command "/mv load sb%player%" on quit: console command "/mv unload sb%player%" on death: wait 3 ticks teleport player to location(0, 64, 1, world("sb%player%")) This actually works! Needs multiverse, I suggest multiverse multi inventories, and voidworld generator. You need to make a world called "sbtemplate" and make your skyblock island where spawn is "0, 64, 1" or change all of those to your coord. -SuperNoahHere
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