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Everything posted by emopediaMC

  1. Here are the rules: You may only comment 1 word to contribute to the song. If you want to start a new line for the song, put a period after your word. Don't post twice unless someone else has put a word after yours. Lets see what Minehut can make Idea totally not stolen from Centrect
  2. Please don't comment on posts older than a month. Can a mod lock this?
  3. Nice skript! Great for beginners.
  4. if player is entering nether is not valid in skript iirc
  5. /ul has been removed due to the PlayerServer plugin being removed from Minehut servers. You could try uploading the world and world files individually via the file manager.
  6. Hi! It is the default bedrock port, 19132. Make sure you are connecting with bedrock.minehut.com and are not connecting to [servername].minehut.gg.
  7. You are unable to delete a server. However, you can reset your server to a factory state in the "Danger Zone" menu.
  8. So, I've been trying to download my plugins folder so I can upload it on my test server, but everytime I try to, the download turns into a world file. How do I fix this?
  9. This would be better in Marketplace. And also, the skript isn't too hard either.
  10. You just need to set the NBT data of the head to what they specified.
  11. Nice Skript! Simple and great for Skript beginners. I would like to add I suggest you add an easier way to change the server name. Just so Skript beginners have an even easier time setting it up! options: servername: servername #be sure to add any colors you want on join: send "&7Welcome back to {@servername}&7!" send "" send "" send "We hope you like your time here." set join message to "&7[&a+&7] &7%player%" on first join: send "&7Welcome to {@servername}&7!" send "" send "" send "We hope you have a great time here." on quit: set join message to "&7[&c-&7] &7%player%" Above I have linked a way I would do it.
  12. This is what Trent said in the #updates channel in the Minehut discord.
  13. Hi! Sadly, this is against Minehut's rules now and will get your server suspended. You can still find the source code of the bot if you want to take that risk. I will not link it but you may be able to find it. Just note, if you do take this approach, you have a high chance of your server getting suspended. I do not recommend it.
  14. emopediaMC


    No need to be rude.
  15. Yes because it will still be checking for that name, names change, uuid's dont.
  16. i suggest using player's uuid since if someone changes their username, they'll lose the data that is saved in those variables
  17. eww skquery. switch to skript-gui or vanilla guis, please.
  18. And it made more errors, nice. I'll fix it later lol
  19. I made a little mistake in the skript. Here is an updated version! https://pastebin.com/svfntEjP
  20. Hello, welcome! I hope to see you around someday!
  21. This is an on-going issue with Minehut. There is currently no fix to it except for disconnecting and trying again.
  22. Looks awfully similar to an AFK skript I posted, just with some broadcasts...
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