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Posts posted by NotKaizo

  1. 22 minutes ago, kingVDS said:

    it gives 1 error but thats just unequip. It puts it on my head but doesent switch colors

    the unequip error is cant understand this even on armor unequip

    Is the world correct? Because if its not then it won't work. The on armor unequip might need an addon. Try downloading SkBee if you don't have it.

  2. options:
    	rainbow: red stained glass or yellow stained glass or orange stained glass or pink stained glass or purple stained glass or green stained glass or blue stained glass
    	item_name: &6&lRainbow Helmet # Name of the Helmet
    	world: world # Name of the world that the Rainbow Helmet is going to be used on.
    on right click:
    	if player's held item is white stained glass named "{@item_name}":
    		set player's helmet to player's tool
    		set {rainbow::%player%} to true
    every 1 second in world "{@world}":
    	set {_p} to player
    	loop all players:
    		if {rainbow::%loop-player%} is true:
    			set {_color} to random element out of {@rainbow}
    			set helmet of {_p} to {_color} named "{@item_name}"
    on armor unequip:
    	if name of event-item is "{@item_name}":
    		set {rainbow::%player%} to false

    This might work, might not. I am not sure as I haven't tested it out. 

    • Thanks 1
  3. 17 hours ago, FloatyD64 said:

    Okay so I have a little SMP I play on with my friends, and I bought a portal gun skript for 220 credits. It was cool at first but then it was making skript basically say 'Portal.sk is repeating itself!!!' even if nobody's using it. I saw something saying 'Plugins > Skript > Scripts' but the only thing I get is an option to remove the plugin and reset configuration. How do I do this???

    Does the "Plugins > Skript > Scripts" have anything? If so, you can just delete those files over there and restart your server then it should be fix. If not, I don't know what the problem is and you can do what @CoolProgrammer said above.


    4 hours ago, MadBux15 said:

    I was in a friends server and as a joke did /delete to my friend and me without knowing what it acually does and now it said something about deleting files and it wont let me join what do i do????

    So, do you have OP (Operator)? If you do, I believe that is an OP only command. Well even if you do/don't, you are not suppose to do random commands without knowing what it can cause. Since you have done it already, the only way from my knowledge if he server owner has a backup of the server. If he does, great! The server can be restore. If he doesn't, just know that next time, don't do random commands without knowing what it can cause.

    It also can be nothing happen and you are just banned from the server. As you said you can't join the server, it is most likely you did successfully execute the command. But it also can be a chance that the owner banned/unwhitelist you from the server. It is quite unlikely you got banned without your knowledge so I would say the command was executed successfully and the only way it can be restored is by a backup. 

    • Like 2
  5. Maybe it is because of something you did? Don't just blame Minehut as no one else is complaining about this problem. If you need help, please explain your issue in more details like what you did before the server won't stop/restart and other info that you think people might need to help with your issue.

    • Like 1
  6. On 6/14/2021 at 9:34 PM, StarBunnie said:

    If you want a clickable message in the lobby you need a rank I'm not sure anymore which one tho.

    If you want something like that on your server you need something like that:

    send formatted "<cmd:/gamemode create><ttp:Click to go into creative mode>[Text]<reset>Rest of the message"

    cmd: is the command that is executed

    ttp: is what gets displayed if you hover over the text section

    sgt: would be to autowrite something in chat but not sending it

    You need Legend rank or higher to have clickable advertisements in the Minehut Lobby. 

  7. On 7/21/2021 at 9:29 AM, pete_parker said:

    So im trying to make a hcf skript for my sever but everytime i put it in it crashes , same with any other typa script like this i have no idea why

    Logs : 


    The skript :


    My plugins !



    So if anyone could help me that would be great 

    So, I am not the best at finding out errors or anything but I do see a lot of loop all players in the Skript. From what I know about Skript, those can cause lag if you have lots of players on the server. For the Skript that you have, sometimes when it loops all the players, it does a lot of stuff. For example, 

    				loop all players in radius 10 of player:
    					add loop-player to {_renemies::*}
    					size of {_renemies::*} is 0:
    						apply potion of strength 2 to player for 3 seconds
    						send "&7" to player
    						send "&c❤ &f{@rage-brick-name} &6has been used&6." to player
    						send "&c❤ &6You have received Strength II for &f3 seconds&6." to player
    						send "&7" to player
    						delete {_renemies::*}
    					amount of {_renemies::*} = 1:
    						apply potion of strength 2 to player for 3 seconds
    						send "&7" to player
    						send "&c❤ &f{@rage-brick-name} &6has been used&6." to player
    						send "&c❤ &6You have received Strength II for &f3 seconds&6." to player
    						send "&7" to player
    						delete {_renemies::*}
    					amount of {_renemies::*} = 2:
    						apply potion of strength 2 to player for 6 seconds
    						send "&7" to player
    						send "&c❤ &f{@rage-brick-name} &6has been used&6." to player
    						send "&c❤ &6You have received Strength II for &f6 seconds&6." to player
    						send "&7" to player
    						delete {_renemies::*}
    					amount of {_renemies::*} = 3:
    						apply potion of strength 2 to player for 9 seconds
    						send "&7" to player
    						send "&c❤ &f{@rage-brick-name} &6has been used&6." to player
    						send "&c❤ &6You have received Strength II for &f9 seconds&6." to player
    						send "&7" to player
    						delete {_renemies::*}
    					amount of {_renemies::*} >= 4:
    						apply potion of strength 2 to player for 12 seconds
    						send "&7" to player
    						send "&c❤ &f{@rage-brick-name} &6has been used&6." to player
    						send "&c❤ &6You have received Strength II for &f12 seconds&6." to player
    						send "&7" to player
    						delete {_renemies::*}
    				wait 10 seconds
    				set {partneritem.%player%} to false

    If there is more than 10 players in that radius, it will have to loop what you wrote there 10 times which if there is lots of those in the Skript, I believe it can cause a lot of lag.


    You also have over 1500 lines which I don't think it's a good idea considering some of the parts can be separated to different files. 

  8. So, I've seen a lot of people that need a daily reward Skript but has no idea how to make one. So, since I had some free time I made one for you guys to use! It is not the best but it works which is really what matters the most. If you guys like it, like this post and let me know what else I should add to the Skript! 

    These are some features that I might add to the Skript in the future:

    - Daily Streak

    - More Rewards

    - Admin Commands


    Well anyways, here is the Skript:

    # Daily Reward Skript made by NotKaizo
     # Discord: NotKaizo#0001
      # In-game name: NotKaizo31
       # Required Plugin: Skript, Tuske and SKBee
    	prefix: &d&lDaily &7&l»&r # The Prefix.
        #! Permissions
    	daily_use: daily.use # Change this to your preffered permission to use /dailyrewards. 
        #! Cooldown Setting
    	cooldown: 24 # The amount of time between claiming the rewards. Remeber, this is in hours. So if you put 1 it means 1 hour.
        #! GUI Setting 
    	gui_slot: 9 # The amount of slots in the GUI.
    	gui_name: &d&lDaily Rewards # Name of the GUI in /dailyrewards.
    	unclaimed_item: minecart with chest # The item that shows when the rewards are unclaimed.
    	unclaimed_item_name: &6Daily Reward # Name of the item when it is unclaimed.
    	claimed_item_name: &6Daily Reward # Name of the item when it is claimed.
    	claimed_item: minecart # The item that shows when the rewards are claimed.
        #! Rewards Manager
    	reward_name: &7+1 &bDiamond
    	reward_cmd: give 1 diamond to player # The reward that the player's receive.
        #! Messages
    	claimed_message: &a Successfully claimed!
    	cooldown_message: &c This reward is on cooldown!
    command /dailyrewards:
    	permission: {@daily_use}
    		open virtual dropper named "{@gui_name}" to player
    		loop {@gui_slot} times:
    			format gui slot -1 + loop-value of player with black stained glass pane named "" 
    		set {_cooldown} to difference between {daily.claimed.%player's uuid%.lastused} and now
    		if {_cooldown} is less than {@cooldown} hours:
    			format gui slot 4 of player with {@claimed_item} named "{@unclaimed_item_name}" with lore "{@reward_name}" and "" and "&cClaimed!" to run:
    				play sound "entity.villager.no" with volume 2 to player
    				close player's inventory
    				send "{@prefix}{@cooldown_message}" to player
    			format gui slot 4 of player with {@unclaimed_item} named "{@claimed_item_name}" with lore "{@reward_name}" and "" and "&aClick To Claim!" to run:
    				play sound "block.note_block.bell" with volume 2 to player
    				set {daily.claimed.%player's uuid%.lastused} to now
    				send "{@prefix}{@claimed_message}" to player
    				close player's inventory


    • Like 3
  9. Minehut should add a way for users to upload folder in their panel. It will make adding datapacks and other stuff a lot easier. 

    image.png.7d17eb36cc68f50f549c990d4465d98e.png Add an upload folder icon here for people to upload folders from their device.


    I don't know where suggestions like these should be so if I am in the wrong category, please let me know which category I should post it in next time. Thanks

  10. So basically, you said you are the only one that can start the server up which is completely false because anyone can start the server up via the Minehut Lobby by executing /join <server name>. Here is an example, if I do /join test123 in the Minehut Lobby and the server is offline, it will start up the server and warp me into it. 



    You can join the Minehut Lobby using the IP minehut.com

    Since now you know that anyone can start up the server, you don't have to worry about your friends not playing when you are asleep or doing something.

    If your friends don't want to start the server up by themselves then you can also AFK in the server to keep it online.

    Hope this helped you!

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  11. 20 minutes ago, m8Mud said:

    I want to get the seed of my survival server world. Is there a way to do that?

    You can do that by typing /seed in the server.

    • Like 1
  12. 44 minutes ago, BananaBerryyy said:

    would be cool if the parkour in the lobby isn't so hard hahaha. im really curious on what it looks like on top of that building 😕


    Unless you have tons of time to do the parkour it's really nothing on top, it's just a sign saying "Did you cheat?" I believe


    • Thanks 1
  13. 2 hours ago, AgentGamerPro said:

    I use a MH20 server and im still getting ads? They're just hidden? Also when i scroll down the rest of it is white.what.thumb.png.158d5cd01489c27d80ffbd03a114075f.png

    I think the meant Ad Free in-game because if you are using anything above the free plan, you don't get Minehut Ads in-game

    • Thanks 1
  14. on join:
    	if {ping::*} does not contain player:
    		add player to {ping::*}
    on chat:
    	if message contains {ping::*}:
    		replace all {ping::*} with "@%{ping::*}%"

    Try this one, I don't know if it will work though.

    • Confused 1
  15. 7 hours ago, CoolProgrammer said:

    If you want your domain to re-direct you to the server's invitation link, do the following:

    -> Go to Cloudflare dashboard and navigate to DNS tab.
    -> Make a new record with Type as A, Name as discord, iPv4 as and keep it Proxied.
    -> Now navigate to Rules tab and create a new page rule.
        • Type *discord.customdomain.com/ in the first field, of-course replace customdomain.com with your domain's respective name. (Keep in mind, the * isn't a typo)
        • Select Forwarding URL as the setting and set the status code to be 301 - Permanent Redirect.
        • Finally, set your Destination URL as Discord server's invitation link.
        • Click Save and Deploy.

    Now whenever someone visits discord.customdomain.com, they will be redirected to the invitation link.

    O, thank you so much.

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