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Posts posted by NotKaizo

  1. 2 hours ago, Dragon-Master said:

    So on my server I have this:

    on right click with player head:
        name of player's held item is "&bSuspicious Bag"
        give 5 stone buttons named "&8Rock" to the player
        remove 1 of player's held item from player

    This works exactly how I want it except for the fact that if people spam it, you dont get the number of rocks you should...

    Does anybody know how to fix this?

    So that Skript in any way won't actually work. They can click on any head even if it's not named &bSuspicious Bag and still get the 5 buttons. Here I don't know if this fixes your problem but it sure do make it work.

    on right click with player head:
        if name of player's held item is "&bSuspicious Bag":
        	give 5 stone buttons named "&8Rock" to player
        	remove 1 of player's held item from player


  2. 1 hour ago, Don_not_Dog said:

    Recently, I have been suffering from the internal exception thingy in the aternos server. So, i decided to change to minehut. However, when i tried to upload the world file from aternos to minehut. It always says an error occured. I have tried to use file.io and mediafire.com as well but none of em works. Please help. Thanks. 🙂


    You have to use file.io and make sure the world is a .zip file.

  3. If you didn't customize the config, you can just restart your server and everything should be back to normal. But if you did, I am sure it is not a lot so maybe redoing it won't take long.

  4. 1 hour ago, PakovMC said:

    Hey, I'm making a big update for my server and I wanna know how to wipe peoples Inventories, enderchests and playervaults.
    If you know please tell me, it would help me out! ❤️

    Do the following to clear all players vaults:

    Go to File Manager tab.

    ➥ Go into the Plugins folder.

    ➥ Go into the PlayerVaults folder.

    ➥ You should see 2 files named newvaults and oldVaultsData (It's fine if you see just 1).

    ➥ Delete both of the files. If there happens to be only 1 file, you can delete the file if it's named newvaults or oldVaultsData


    This should clear all players vault.

  5. 51 minutes ago, hyhyiojiohnj said:
      scprefix: &bStaffchat &0->
      scuseprefix: *
      permission: staffchat
    on chat:
      if first character of message is "{@scuseprefix}":
        if player has permission "{@permission}":
          set {_scmessage} to message
          replace all "{@scuseprefix}" with "" in {_scmessage}
          cancel event
          loop all players:
            if loop-player has permission "{@permission}":
              send "{@scprefix} &a%player% &0- &e%{_scmessage}%" to loop-player

    simple staff chat, currently set up using "*". ex. "*hello staff", customizable

    You should also add the /staffchat toggle option to toggle it on and off so they don't have to use the prefix *

    • Like 1
  6. 20 minutes ago, SlimeySnufs said:

    in this youtube video we were streaming in minecraft and people somehow got in the server???


    You have to make your server whitelisted and whitelist the people you want only! You can learn how to whitelist your server by clicking here.

    You also need to be an Operator(OP) on the server in order to add/remove people from the whitelist. Hope this helps you!

    • Thanks 1
  7. 5 hours ago, happyifyYT said:

    i need to change my motd for something but i dont know how

    First, you go to your dashboard. Click on Edit Server.


    After that, scroll down and you should see something like this, there you can change the server MOTD!


    • Thanks 1
  8. So, I don't know alot about uploading maps and stuff but if you are using Minehut, I know you have to use file.io to upload your maps in-game. Basically, go to file.io on your browser. Upload the map into file.io from your pc (Has to be a Zip file). After uploading, copy the link and execute this command in-game (You need OP). 

    /ul world <name> <link>

     Remember to not include the < & > when uploading!

  9. You need a permission plugin. I recommend Luckperms as it is pretty good in my opinion. You also have to setup the permissions right. If this is your first time, it can be confusing but I can try and help!


    If you are going to use Luckperms, this is the command to give them the permission to /withdraw with the Coins plugin. 

    lp group <group name> permission set coins.withdraw true

    make sure the <group name> is your group name (The group name that you want to give that permission to)!

    For example, if my group name is default and I want to give it the permission, I would do this command:

    lp group default permission set coins.withdraw true


    Hope this helps you in any way! If it doesn't, reply to this and let me know the problem and I will try and help you with it. 

  10. NoCheatPlus is an absolute trash AntiCheat. The best one in my opinion on Minehut right now is Matrix. It has most flags and is accurate most of the time. I recommend using Matrix instead of NoCheatPlus and it is a lot better.  

    • Like 1
  11. 22 hours ago, moomoomoo said:

    I prefer using paper because when i use spigot it lags a lot but paper isn't in 1.17.1 so i cant join the server.

    Most likely because it is not really that optimize, I don't really know. I don't keep up with Minecraft versions update.

  12. You can go to your dashboard, change the Server Type to Spigot and then change it to 1.17.1


    It should look like this after changing:



    Remember to click UPDATE and restart your server for it to apply the changes! 

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