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Posts posted by NotKaizo

  1. 20210923_194132.png

    Simple Banknote Skript

    ♦ Easily Configurable

    ♦ Soft Coded with functions

    ♦ Custom Permissions

    ♦ Custom Commands

    ♦ Customizable Message

    ♦ Customizable Item Name & Lore


    Easily Configurable

    Easily configurableΒ options/config to make your server stand out!




    Soft Coded with Functions

    This Skript is coded with mostly Functions so it is completely Lag-Free!




    Customizable Message

    Customize all the message using the options/config!


    Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  NHw6zrRwZZ.png?key=sZ3TBBDrfglBuX


    Customizable Item Name & Lore

    Customize the Banknote name & lore to whatever you want!




    This is useful for all types of servers. I will continue updating it if you guys want me to. Just let me know what I can add to it and I will be sure to take your suggestion into consideration. Leave a review about the Skript if you like it and if not, tell me why so I can improve. Anyways, enjoy!


    Also, if your browser blocks Skript files, I included a text file as well this time.

    banknote.sk banknote.txt

    • Like 2
  2. 12 hours ago, Lapzzo said:

    This is a bit of a big request but here it is

    on /repair, it opens a gui with the players inventory, and they can click on any armour piece/sword and it repairs it. For the cost of 50 of the variable {coins::%player's uuid%}


        balance: {balance::%player's uuid%} # Variable of your currency
        repair_cost: 50 # Repair cost to repair the item
    command /repair [<player>]:
        permission: repair.use
            if arg-1 is set:
                open inventory of arg-1 to player
                set {activeGui::%player's uuid%} to "inventoryGui"
                play sound "block.note_block.pling"  to player
                send "&aPlease click an item to repair it for 50 Coins!" to player
                open inventory of player to player
                set {activeGui::%player's uuid%} to "inventoryGui"
                play sound "block.note_block.pling"  to player
                send "&aPlease click an item to repair it for 50 Coins!" to player
    on inventory click:
        {activeGui::%player's uuid%} = "inventoryGui"
        cancel event
        set {_dura} to max durability of clicked item
        set {_fix} to durability of clicked item
        if {_fix} < {_dura}:
            if {@balance} >= {@repair_cost}:
                remove {@repair_cost} from {@balance}
                repair clicked item
                play sound "block.note_block.pling" to player
                play sound "entity.villager.no" to player
                send "&cStop trying to repair that item! You are broke smh."
        else if {_fix} >= {_dura}:
            play sound "entity.villager.no" to player
    on inventory close:
        if {activeGui::%player's uuid%} is "inventoryGui":
            delete {activeGui::%player's uuid%}
            send "&cYou closed your inventory!"

    Also made a small option section for you to change the variable and cost of upgrade! Hope you like it πŸ™‚

  3. 2 hours ago, Patsteaks123 said:

    A script that has a 50/100 chance to drop a crate key from killing people (exp, "You have been rewarded a key from killing Someone")

    on death:
    	victim is player
    	attacker is player
    	chance of 50%:
    		execute console command "<crate key command>"
            send "You have been rewarded a key from killing Someone" to attacker

    Put your give key command in the <crate key command> section and remove the <> and leave the quotes. make sure the expression is %attacker% you it gives the attacker a key.

  4. 4 hours ago, ghfsfgdfhdf said:

    This looks great. Just a tip: Try to be consistent with function names. You have "VoucherUse" and "voucherGive", 1 CamelCase and the other not, and then you have voucher at the end of "setItemVoucher" and "getItemVoucher".

    Those were just like that since I didn't notice them. Will improve next time.

  5. 3 hours ago, sharpifier1 said:

    voucher skript for ranks. make it so that its easily customizable with other ranks. the i want the voucher is called &6&l&kE&r&6&lGOD&kE and the command is /lp user <name> parent add god. thanks

    Hey! I made the Skript you asked for. I am sorry it took this long since it was quite confusing to make. I tried my best to make it as easily customizable as possible aswell so hope you like it πŸ™‚

    I made it in a separate forum post since I see a lot of people wanting this kind of Skript so why not just share it to everyone.Β Β 


    • Like 1
  6. So, I made a topic about making free Skripts for people (other than gen Skript ofc) and @sharpifier1Β requested me to make him a Voucher Skript and since I am bored, I made one that is most likely more than what he was expecting.


    Simple Rank Voucher Skript

    Skript made by NotKaizo#0001



    voucher.admin | gives access to all admin permission


    Easy Config

    Easily configurableΒ options/config to fit your server liking!





    /voucher create <group name> <voucher name> | creates a new voucher

    /voucher give <player> <group name> | gives player a voucher

    /voucher delete <group name> | deletes an existing voucher

    /voucher help | displays the help menu




    Soft Coded

    I use mostly function when coding this Skript so it cause no lag and reloads quickly.



    More Info
    The default command set for rank voucher is Luckperms command. If you want to change it, feel free to change it thru the options/config. You can also change the lore/voucher item in the options/config. Almost everything is easily customizable with just a little Skripting knowledge.
    In-Game Spoilers
    Here are some screenshot of it In-Game






    Please note that you can only have 1 voucher per group. The vouchers are redeemed when right clicked when holding the item

    Β Β 


    • Like 1
  7. On 9/19/2021 at 7:29 PM, Lapzzo said:

    Hey. This autobroadcast tips system doesnt work. Some tips dont show, then 2 tips show twice, and its just all messed up.. Any idea how to fix this?

    on load:
    function tips():
    	broadcast "&a&lTIP 1"
    	wait 5 minutes
    	broadcast "&a&lTIP 2"
    	wait 5 minutes
    	broadcast "&a&lTIP 3"
    	wait 5 minutes
    	broadcast "&a&lTIP 4"
    	wait 5 minutes


    If your server restarts, that skript breaks

  8. 10 hours ago, _Mr_Puppy_ said:

    try this

    on fishing:
    	if player's held item is fishing rod:
    		enchant player's held item with lure 10
    		clear lore of player's tool


    Enchant isn't a lore btw, so clearing the lore will clear the lore of that item instead of remove the enchant

  9. on first join:
        set {lvl} to 1
    every 0 tick:
        if {lvl} is equal to 1:
            set {moneyrequired} to 100
        if {lvl} is equal to 2:
            set {moneyrequired} to 250
        if {lvl} is equal to 3:
            set {moneyrequired} to 500
    on right click with wooden sword:
        execute player command "upgradereset 521"
    command /reset:
            send "Reset!"
            set {lvl} to 1
            clear inventory of player
            give player wooden sword
    command /upgradereset <string>:
            if arg-1 is "521":
                open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "&dUpgrade" to player
                format gui slot 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 of player with gray stained glass pane named "&5-"
                format gui slot 18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26 of player with gray stained glass pane named "&5-"
                format gui slot 13 of player with red stained glass pane named "&dUpgrade" with lore "&c$%{moneyrequired}%" to run:
                    if balance of player > {moneyrequired}:
                        #adds enchant to be +1
                        enchant the tool with "sharpness %level of sharpness of the tool + 1%" parsed as enchantment type
                        #adds the lvl
                        add 1 to {lvl}
                        #fixes price and lvl
                        format gui slot 13 of player with barrier named "&cReseting"
                        wait 3 ticks
                        execute player command "upgradereset 521"

    I made it into a command so it will execute it after they click the glass pane. Also, you need to learn how to use variables...

  10. On 9/10/2021 at 1:39 AM, nolando09 said:

    Ive been trying to make a function like minehut's mute system where it tells you the date you will be unmuted BUT i cant do it and i need some help..

    set a variable when they get muted and check for that variable when they try and talk in chat

  11. This is just a suggestion but, make it so every server an account creates has their own unique password. So if you give someone your login info, instead of them having access to all your servers, you can choose to only give them a certain one.

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