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Everything posted by Motionq

  1. About this forum The suggestions forum is a way for us (the developers) to listen to your ideas and decide if it's a good addition to the server. Remember that suggestions are just an idea thrown at us, your suggestion may not be accepted, your suggestion may be changed, many things can happen with your suggestion. Just keep in mind that we are open to all changes you might want to make. Format Username: (Your in-game name) Issue: (The bug within the server) Details: (What the bug does, how it affects the server and how to replicate it) If you're ready to submit your bug report, click here https://forums.minehut.com/forum/134-bug-reports/
  2. About this forum The suggestions forum is a way for us (the developers) to listen to your ideas and decide if it's a good addition to the server. Remember that suggestions are just an idea thrown at us, your suggestion may not be accepted, your suggestion may be changed, many things can happen with your suggestion. Just keep in mind that we are open to all changes you might want to make. Format Username: (Your in-game name in case we feel like credit is necessary) Suggestion: (Your general idea) Details: (How your idea changes beans and what can result from it) If you're ready to suggest your idea to us, click here https://forums.minehut.com/forum/133-suggestions/
  3. Motionq


    Additionally, the manager of the supermarket was an alien from
  4. Ez, Shanebee and Skillsbo imo
  5. Problem solved Locked
  6. Motionq


    This should be fun
  7. Motionq

    Help uploading world

    Are you uploading a .zip file?
  8. Not sure if this works, but I think it works command /helpop [<text>]: trigger: if arg-1 is set: if {cooldown::%UUID of player%} is not set: send "&aA message has been sent to online staff!" to player set {cooldown::%UUID of player%} to true wait 600 seconds delete {cooldown::%UUID of player%} loop all players: if loop-player has permission "staff": send "&b[HelpOP] &7%player% &8» &f%arg-1%" to loop-player else: send "&cYou're sending helpop requests too fast!" else: send "&c/helpop <text>"
  9. Motionq

    World reset.

    Both of the replies above are correct. You should always download your world every so often to make sure you have something to fall back on in case something happens, you can do that by doing /dl world. Also, as Fox said, there is no way to currently revert back to a deleted world.
  10. Motionq


    Moved to Community Support Please be specific as to what the issue is, also please use the correct category when making posts.
  11. Motionq

    Server broken?

    Yeah, servers do take a bit to start, just wait till it says "Online" and you should be able to join.
  12. Motionq

    Server broken?

    You need to wait for the status to say "Online" before joining, does it say "Starting" or "Online"?
  13. Moved to Off Topic
  14. Can't lock it, but I will move it to off-topic
  15. Yeah, like I said I obviously skript differently than other people, but this is more or less a base for people to follow and configure for themselves. As long as it works they shouldn't care much lol
  16. A bit? Lol that discord linking system is fire
  17. How are you uploading the world? Through the panel, or using the /ul command?
  18. All servers are on 1.14.2, there currently is no way to change the server version.
  19. We all have our own way of scripting, this seems to work out perfectly for me.
  20. ANYTIME, We're extremely dedicated to making this server the best it can be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. Of course. We currently have 5 mines, and you'll be able to upgrade your pickaxe, level up and all that. After release I have a lot of cool stuff planned
  22. Minerr Progress I currently only have a few more things I have to do before I can fully release the server. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to ask here at the moment.
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