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Everything posted by Ezekia

  1. 1 Reaction = 1 New Brain Cell. haha noobs you actually have brain cells wait why am i laughing
  2. like this? on command /plugins: trigger: if %world_of_player% is "ul_idk": send "nope" to player cancel event
  3. 1: what should i change them to? 2: how??!
  4. How do I delete them??! I've got my own Kit Skript and it's messing with it when it used to work fine!
  5. lol my topics never get any views
  6. I can't continue with my server unless i have this.
  7. Wrong Catagory I'm not a mod so I can't do anything about it!
  8. im scared of what people could do with this lol this is probably a troll xD
  9. hello there traveler, you have stumbled upon this cursed forum, enjoy your stay and play my server rn
  10. Mabye it's a bug? Check your plugins again just to make sure.
  11. Chances are that you got hacket and botted. Those are pretty slim though. Mabye try again?
  12. In the lobby, they can type '/join urservername' to start it up and join it Also wrong catagory.
  13. Uhccore has this.... but you have to add it in as a scenario and play uhc for it to work. Dont really know what you could use this for, but it should get added anyway!
  14. By the way, if you want to join Kanga you can! It's WIP, though.
  15. Pretty easy to make, and I'm a beginner! I made this for my server, Kanga, since other KitPvP plugins needed perms for deoped players to use the kits! So, I made my own. And here it is! Keep in mind I don't know how to add cooldowns because if I did, the Pro kit would have a cooldown, not a 'only ops' line of code! command /kit [<text>]: trigger: if arg-1 is "pvp": give iron sword to player give iron helmet to player give iron chestplate to player give iron leggings to player give iron boots to player give 16 golden apple to player send "You have been given kit &bPvP" to player if arg-1 is "archer": give stone sword to player give golden helmet to player give golden chestplate to player give golden leggings to player give boots to player give 64 steak to player give bow to player give 64 arrow to player send "You have been given kit &bArcher" to player if arg-1 is "pro": if player is op: give diamond sword to player give diamond helmet to player give diamond chestplate to player give diamond leggings to player give diamond boots to player give 64 golden apple to player send "You have been given kit &bPro" to player # Made by Ezekia.
  16. n o i c e remember to do some things i havent done (like delting thw uhc world after each round) the lobby should be in a different world, so it works a bit better teleport inside border uuh and someother stuff kthx
  17. Yay uhc core got updated tbh its not the best uhc plugin though
  18. @Nd_ How far into it are you?
  19. MCPE servers were around, but can't be made or played anymore. Anyways, I still check pe.minehut.com every now and then.
  20. If I get the names right, there is a plugin for that called Kiteboard. There is another one, but I can't remember the name. Also, you could make this with Skript (but its pretty hard)!
  21. A very simple skript and is useful for any server that mutes people (so every server). Normally when muted, you can use /me <text> to type. This completely blocks the command. Code command /me: trigger: send "&b[servername]&f You can't do that!" to player cancel event
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