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Everything posted by whoswish

  1. i already gave the dude the skript
  2. you should look for any tutorials b4 you post. this ones made by minehut.
  3. bruh... its really easy to do that lol. if you did some research on HOW to make the skript and not if their is any premade ones, you would find answers, there wont be any premade skripts because the skript is extremely short and easy to make for starters... https://pastebin.com/LhW1XCAu there you go anyways, it works and everything i tried it.
  4. i had one i trashed it though
  5. lmao, looks good. how long did it take, i would've never skripted something this much lol
  6. idek but im probs gonna give up on the skript, i hid the other post of the official one i made bcuz i didnt wanna deal with abunch of people telling me it wasnt a anticheat (even though it was, they are just used to another term of it) and yeah. and i like to use "if player has permission "insertpermissionhere": " because im just used to it. either way its 1 line of code i cant get rid of so
  7. This should be in Skript Releases. (correct me if wrong sorry)
  8. arent tuske gui's unreliable as if you do /sk reload all or /sk reload scripts it'll break the skript and allow players to take the items out of the gui and keep them
  9. Hey Tarna, I've restarted the whole skript basically. I hope this is starting to look better to you. (At the time I'm sending you this I'm currently working on /warn and the essential commands that'll come with it.) https://pastebin.com/4vwKxBDx Thanks!
  10. thank you, when i update the skript you'll see i changed it
  11. and im guessing me not using uuid im the variables is this set {unmuted.%arg-1%} to 0 , to fix that do i just do %arg-1's uuid% or something else
  12. it would be cool if u made it so u can use it for groupmanager and permissions ex but thats easy to change myself and stuff, nice skript though ig
  13. i still use groupmanager, its nice and simple, luckperms is just all over the place.
  14. tarna probs wont like it but whatever, i only made warns and mutes skripts for now and its in the pastebin ill update it in a while when im done making the rest https://pastebin.com/TEurhBEs i already know its bad so u dont have to tell me i only made this in like 45 minutes
  15. Togglable Scoreboard (by NotEnergy#0589) Commands: /scoreboard /sb INFO Please do not flood me with any complaints saying that It's not refreshing the scoreboard, I didn't and still dont know how to do it, I've tried. Whenever you have to update it you have to toggle it off and then back on. (If you know how to fix this please tell me how so I can update the skript!) script: https://pastebin.com/6rAXLGK8
  16. Hello everyone. If you've looked in #Script-Releases topic then you've seen the 2 Skripts i released, they were pretty bad but I can still do better. I am offering skripting services for anybody that needs them, I do not gaurentee that I will get it done or that it will work just like how you want it to be, you either accept it or dont. I'm not going to rewrite anything for you if I do it wrong, I may only tell you what to do to fix it. Thank you! (Sorry for sounding rude lol)
  17. still, minehut's community is very helpful to me whether i use a different server hoster or not.
  18. minehut's more helpful and active
  19. not gonna give out the name of the hoster im using but yeah im not using minehut, ive checked for updates on skript and all the addons for it, everything is fully updated.
  20. smh yeah its still not working even after restarting, rewriting the code. idk whats wrong
  21. i may have done /sk reload all earlier since my server doesnt automatically turn off like minehuts so im restarting it right now.
  22. lmao its probably because im using loop-player instead of player
  23. yeah def something with my code, whenever i try to do the command it wont even show that its a real command
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