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Everything posted by whoswish

  1. im going to commit the kermit now.
  2. NOO NOT THE "OWO", PLEASE.. IT HURTS.. I HATE THOSE WORDS WITH A PASSION! i was joking when i said it was a bad word
  3. chill bro, i dont wanna have to get backup... that uwu hurt me alot..
  4. Look in console for any errors.
  5. whoswish

    Gapples plugin

    as @_omgasaid, its outdated and most likely will not be added. BUT, you can use: Skript CraftEnhance Both plugins there allow you to make custom crafting recipes.
  6. you can always host a minecraft server on your own pc and have any plugins you want on it without having to request them or anything. there's multiple videos on how to host a server from your pc for personal use. (i wont link any because Idk if ill get in trouble or not.)
  7. whoswish


    i love shaders and sunsets combined in minecraft..
  8. I'm pretty sure when a plugin is red in /plugins it means its outdated/not going to work. dont quote me though, I just know if their red they wont work lol
  9. https://pastebin.com/sgjyWaGT there
  10. https://pastebin.com/crjBpinz
  11. yesssirrr simple skript time. it works so dont get mad plsss Click Here to get the skript
  12. fyi im not gonna be changing anything in the skript 4 you, you can learn skript and do it urself
  13. it works, idc if u dont like it aslong as it works and stuff. Click Here for the skript
  14. the way i did it works 4 me, i dont do join messages with skript though since essentials offers it.
  15. im no expert but aren't those nested variables?
  16. yeah that wouldnt work at all... the correct way would be doing: on first join: broadcast "&2%player% &ahas joined the server for the first time!"
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