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Everything posted by Pryzmm

  1. Find the pro secret at X30mil, Y200, Z30mil in a survival world on mh. How do i become Cool?
  2. Thanks for helping me out and sticking around for one, and two I just can't figure this out. I don't want it to be a command since I want this to be as automatic as possible. I've never really used loop players and i've still got a lot to learn about skript. Sorry if im bothering you with this (if im not, im just socially awkward).
  3. What does it mean by "Variables can not be used here" or "There's no player in a periodical event"? (sorry i'm not that good at this kind of skripting) Here is my code: every 3 seconds in world "manhunt": loop all players: set the loop player's compass target to location of {MH.hunted%player%}
  4. that's good, but this "certain person" in going to be in a variable {MH.hunted} and will be changing a lot. How would i put something like this in a skript?
  5. (i know i already did the previous one but... shush) Deop yourself and give away your minehut password Why is my server not starting?
  6. Deep in a cavern How do I whitelist my server?
  7. this has happened to me before. With no plugins, make sure you are both on the latest version of minecraft. This worked for me
  8. @DeltaRaysLock for necroposting
  9. This Post has been solved! I'm making a manhunt skript and the only thing I have to work on is the compass. I want it to follow a specific person (changes every round) but I don't know how to do that. every 3 seconds in world "manhunt": set the spawn point of "manhunt" to {MH.hunted} location
  10. Grab the link rom file.io. should appear next to the upload another button after you click upload. Then type /dl world "Paste link here" For the file size, i'm not sure of the fix.
  11. I'm making a skript rn and it would be really helpful if I could see the arguments e.g. | Help | | Join | |Leave | /Manhunt Help Idk if that made sense or not
  12. Go to file.io and upload your world file there. Copy the link. Then, in your minecraft server, type /dl world (link). If you did it correctly, you should have everything good and ready to go. I don't know If you have to download world by world or not.
  13. Try this skript. idk if it works i havent tested it If player steps on water block: give player speed 2 for 10 seconds
  14. I think when i tried to replace (colored text) with (message) it crashed my server @_Tarna_ Here is the whole skript: What I Changed Is On The Last Line:
  15. I'm trying to make a command that toggles rainbow chat (i already have the skript) but it wont work. please help. The Error: The 1st argument given to the function 'rainbow' is not of the required type text. Check the correct order of the arguments and put lists into parentheses if appropriate (e.g. 'give(player,(iron ore and gold ore))'). Please note that storing the value in a variable and then using that variable as parameter will suppress this error, but it still won't work. (Rainbow Chat.sk, line 169: make player say colored rainbow(colored text)') The Skript: command /rbctoggle: permission: Skript.Rbc permission message: &8&l[&6&lColor&8&l] &c&lError: &4You don't have the required permission to perform this command trigger: if {RBC} is not set: set {RBC} to true send "&aRainbow Chat Has Been Enabled!" else: clear {RBC} send "&cRainbow Chat Has Been Disabled!" on chat: if {RBC} is true: set {text} to text make player say colored rainbow(colored text)
  16. Just something so mention, there is already a plugin called crackshot with guns @CraftE_C
  17. Please lock for necroposting @DeltaRays
  18. You have to eat some food. How do i start up minecraft?
  19. @DeltaRays lock to 6 month old necroposting
  20. @DeltaRays Lock please necroposting
  21. You can't download the skript, as there is nothing in it
  22. Yes, this skript is correct. Please use the button "Code" like this: on break of sponge: add 1 of (random item out of all items) to inventory of player
  23. @DeltaRays lock post due to necroposting
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