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Everything posted by Pryzmm

  1. I can't seem to find the GUI slot while using the function. Heres my skript: on right click on villager: if display name of villager is "Blacksmith": open chest with 3 rows named "&7&lSmithing GUI" to player ... # other stuff here that dosent matter to the problem at hand format slot 14 of player with anvil named "&8&lSmithing Tool" with lore "&a", "&7Put a item in the empty slot", "&7and click the anvil.", "&a", "&7This will add a bonus to your", "&7selected item." , "&a" and "&c&lWARNING: IRREVERSIBLE" to run [SmithTest(player)] function SmithTest(p: player): set {_u} to uuid of {_p} set {_Item} to slot 12 of {_p} # This is the line im having problems with if {_item} is not air: give {_p} {_item} else: send "&cWrong slot :/" to {_p} I want to give the player an item when they add something to slot 12 OF THE GUI.
  2. so umm...Here my new skript: on spawn of a pig: loop all blocks in radius 4 around event-entity: if loop-block is spawner: cancel event set {_foundspawner} to true set {_spawnerloc} to location of loop-block-1 loop all blocks in radius 3 of loop-block-1: if loop-block-2 is air: if block above loop-block-2 is air: add loop-block-2 to {_spawnmobloc::*} set {_size} to amount of entities in radius 9 around loop-block-1 where [input is not a player] if {_size} > 5: broadcast "&cToo many mobs in 1 area!" stop else: ... i only want it to spawn like 2 zombies not 200. EDIT: I fixed it, i had to remove the "else:" Thanks @_Tarna_
  3. im trying to find out how many mobs there are in 1 area, but its thinking that loop-block-1 is a world? on spawn of a pig: loop all blocks in radius 4 around event-entity: if loop-block is spawner: cancel event set {_foundspawner} to true set {_spawnerloc} to location of loop-block-1 loop all blocks in radius 3 of loop-block-1: if loop-block-2 is air: if block above loop-block-2 is air: add loop-block-2 to {_spawnmobloc::*} loop all entitys in radius 9 of loop-block-1: if loop-entity is not a player: add 1 to {_counter} if {_counter} is greater than or equal to 5: broadcast "&cToo many mobs in 1 area!" stop else: ...
  4. 1. You dont have to bump if the post was made less than an hour before the bump. 2. List the plugins you're using
  5. on spawn: broadcast "%last spawned entitiy%" Im doing this with spawners
  6. Pryzmm

    Plugin AuthMe

    I took the time to make a SkAuthMe skript. (MUST NEED SKRIPT) (I never used AuthMe so idk if this resembles it mostly) (i request rep pls)
  7. Either im dumb or im smart but they are asking for dev builds. Im pretty sure dev builds could cause alot of bugs
  8. haha drill go BRRRRRRR
  9. I dont know how to start this off... Im using a spawner to spawn in custom mobs, but for some reason the first 3 lines of my skript cant and wont work. I don't get any errors or warns. on spawn: if last spawned entity = "pig": broadcast "&aFound Pig"
  10. i cant help with the skript but there is a AuctionHouse plugin (needs vault and a compatible economy plugin)
  11. Pryzmm


    We will make a "Mine of the tut" series on this.
  12. no they only have the patron parfait
  13. If you got banned a year ago and you're still banned it's unlikely that you're gonna get unbanned. (Also greifing a server is a reason for punishment)
  14. go to the marketplace if you want someone to make a skript for you
  15. dundundundun, doooooo, dundundundun, doOOOOOO
  16. Minehut.com > Dashboard > Settings There should be a difficulty option there. Change it and restart the server.
  17. to look at something for a period of time, especially something that is changing or moving
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