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Everything posted by CoolProgrammer

  1. This is a skRayFall scoreboard; curiously enough, I recall testing skRayFall's scoreboard on 1.16.5 (which worked), but not on 1.17.1 (haven't tested yet). However, I strongly advise you to utilize SkBee scoreboards because they are far more reliable and do not flicker, because it uses Teams. Before we begin, make sure you have completed the following two tasks: -> Ensure that the SkBee plugin is installed. It's an addon for Skript. -> Open the file /plugins/skRayFall/config.yml using File Manager. Change the value of enableFastScoreBoards from true to false. This will allow you to utilize SkBee scoreboard without having to worry about skRayFall interfering with it. Here's an identical replica of your script that's been tweaked to operate with SkBee: join: set title of player's board to "&6&lAchieved &7(1.0)" while player is online: set line 9 of player's board to "&3" set line 8 of player's board to "&7&lPlayer" set line 7 of player's board to "&8• &7Name: &6%player%" set line 6 of player's board to "&8• &7Rank: &6%player's prefix%" set line 5 of player's board to "&5" set line 4 of player's board to "&7&lServer" set line 3 of player's board to "&8• &7Online: &7(&f%amount of players%/%maximum players%&7)" set line 2 of player's board to "&8• &7TPS: &7%tps%" set line 1 of player's board to "&0" set line 0 of player's board to "&7&oachieved.minehut.gg" wait 5 seconds I haven't tested it just yet, thus if it doesn't work, please post a quote-reply on this topic, and I'll be here again. If you're interested, here's another guide on SkBee scoreboards.
  2. Looked into it, you've been unbanned. Are you able to connect now?
  3. Is your server running Spigot? Make sure to change it to Paper if it's running on Spigot, and this should solve the problem.
  4. Hello, what plugins do you have? Type /pl and send a screenshot.
  5. By any chance, have you downgraded your server version? Your server won't be able to start if you downgraded it, as it won't be able to load worlds from a higher version of Minehut. Either change back your server version to the latest, or download & delete all the worlds you have in File Manager. Also, you can download your worlds by first Activating your server and going to the File Manager tab. Worlds are stored as folders, so download the world folders accordingly.
  6. What type of a ban was it? When you try joining mc.minehut.com, does it show you banned? Or does it not let you join your server using /join (server-name)? If you're not able to join Minehut at all, make an appeal at https://minehut.com/support. If you're banned from your server, type "pardon (player-name)" in Console at https://minehut.com/dashboard.
  7. Not 100% sure, but looks like your LuckPerms database file somehow got corrupted. There are 2 things you can try here: -> If you didn't have any important player data or ranks setup, you can directly delete the file luckperms-h2.mv.db under /plugins/LuckPerms folder. -> If you require that data, you can try to recover this file (luckperms-h2.mv.db). Here is one way you can attempt to recover this file: http://www.h2database.com/html/advanced.html#using_recover_tool Also before you do anything, could you show your full log file? It should be under /logs folder.
  8. Yeah, your friend can join using the IP mc.minehut.com.
  9. Most likely spawn protection. Could you go to Settings tab and change spawn protection to 0? Make sure to click Save and Restart your server once you do.
  10. /worlds and similar commands no longer exist as Minehut introduced custom plugins. So as an alternative solution, you can install a plugin called Multiverse. Once you have it installed, restart your server and then type /mv list to see a list of worlds on your server. Then use /mv tp (world-name) to teleport to it.
  11. Wait for an additional 2 minutes and try joining again. Yet if it doesn't work, check the Console to see if it's still loading.
  12. Do you have PlaceholderAPI & Skript installed on your 1.17.1 server? If yes, please send your /logs/latest.log file.
  13. Go to Danger Zone tab on the dashboard and press Force Hibernate. Once it starts hibernating, click on Activate and see if that works. Yet if that doesn't work, contact support at https://minehut.com/support by clicking on Contact Support button, explaining the problem. By any chance, did you manually delete all files in the File Manager?
  14. Go to Danger Zone tab on the dashboard and press Force Hibernate. Once it starts hibernating, click on Activate and see if that works. Yet if that doesn't work, contact support at https://minehut.com/support by clicking on Contact Support button, explaining the problem. By any chance, did you manually delete all files in the File Manager?
  15. Your server loads properly. Whenever your server crashes, immediately check your console and/or latest.log file. If there is absolutely nothing in there, try contacting the support team at https://minehut.com/support as they're the ones who'd be able to find out the reason.
  16. If it's a mod, you need to change your server software to SpongeForge, as you need a different server software to run mods. Make sure to use the 1.12.2 version of this mod as Minehut only supports SpongeForge 1.12.2 as of now.
  17. Minehut is currently going through maintenance. Join the Discord server for updates: https://discord.gg/minehut
  18. I assume you want to upload the worlds named "download 1000", etc. You need to open these, select everything, make a ZIP file, and upload this ZIP file via. the World tab on Dashboard. Do this for all those worlds in the screenshot you've shown. Also, you might want to use Multiverse to import or teleport to these worlds. Install this plugin and use the following commands respectively: -> /mv tp (world-name) -> /mv import (world-name) normal/nether/end
  19. It's okay, but these are the only things you're able to do at the moment: -> Appeal at https://forums.minehut.com/application/form/3-player-appeals/. -> Wait for 6 months. Also, ranting about this is a waste of time & it'll make it worse, since you will end up extending your punishment even longer for Instigating Arguments.
  20. CoolProgrammer

    Ad placement

    The pre-generated chunks won't change, and the newer ones will only generate depending on the new seed you put in.
  21. Assuming you zipped it properly (made sure that the contents of ZIP file are directly the contents of the world folder), try contacting support at https://minehut.com/dashboard/ attaching your ZIP file in the mail/form and ask them to upload it for you.
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