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Everything posted by mekbturtle

  1. As chillins said you can appeal. The reason Minehut don't want players mentioning/advertising other server hosts / non-Minehut servers is probably because they don't want their players moving away from them, and non-mh servers can leak their IP and maybe other stuff.
  2. mekbturtle


    https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/spark.57242/ spark is a performance profiling plugin based on sk89q's WarmRoast profiler. basically it can figure out why your server is lagging
  3. yea i requested this plugin because i thought setting join message to blank string wouldn't show a join message but i thought it showed a blank line, turns out it was just minehut giving a blank line
  4. i don't wanna necro on this post:

     but just saying that it's better to install a permission plugin like luckperms and deny the * permission so people can't use /pl /plugins /bukkit:pl /ver etc

  5. mekbturtle


    https://dev.bukkit.org/projects/hidestream Hides join messages, quit messages, etc
  6. you delete system32 then install windows 98 which in theory will boot a botnet which will spam minehut threatning them for president otherwise it'll ddos hypixel how do i get gmc on the lobby?
  7. you got demoted? rip

    or did you resign?

    1. mekbturtle


      i checked with discord you resigned


  8. Me, so they should unban the best person on this server
  9. It's also good to use :: instead of . as :: can be looped easier if {chat::anon::%player%} is not set:
  10. Your servers probably don't start since they're too many currently active servers. Try again later. And deleting your Minehut account won't help with your servers. You can reset your server or repair core files in danger zone.
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