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Everything posted by KJPAKA


    Commands (Day/Night)

    That is true make sure your sever operator. If you don't know how to do this watch this video and it will teach you how to op yourself if its your server. Video:
  2. Here is a Skript I made for you. Thanks, you stay safe too! on walk on barrier: set {nd::%player's uuid%} to now on damage: damage cause is fall: set {_time} to diffrence between {nd::%player's uuid%} and now if {_time} >= 10 seconds: cancel event Shouldn't be any issues with it if there is make sure to respond!

    Plugin Request

    What Panda chan said ^ I checked the page and it only supports German.
  4. Its either out of date or you messed something up with the config. I suggest watching tutorials about it and how to set it up or try going to the website of the plugin and get support there. (cant help you out cause i really never have use the plugin)
  5. Hey, this is kinda funny but i accidentally pasted the wrong function, let me send the correct thing. # you can change the delay of this to what ever you want like tick, second, minute, hour, etc. options: delay: 1 second on place: set {_wait} to the time diffrence between {@delay} and now if {_wait} >= {pt::%player's uuid%}: set {pt::%player's uuid%} to now else: set {_need} to n({_wait}, 2) cancel event play sound "entity.villager.no" with volume 5 to player send "&cYou must wait %{_need}%&c before placing a block again!" function time(t: text) :: text: if {_t} contains "hours" or "minutes": set {_time::*} to {_t} split at " " set {_time2::*} to {_time::4} split at "." return "%{_time::1}% %{_time::2}% %{_time::3}% %{_time2::1}% %{_time::5}%" else if {_t} contains "seconds": set {_time::*} to {_t} split at " " set {_time2::*} to {_time::1} split at "." return "%{_time2::1}% %{_time::2}%" else: return {_t} This should work sorry about the errors my bad. Accidentally pasted a similar function.
  6. I'm not exactly sure. Most likely it would cause errors with player servers.
  7. @El_kikinho, Sorry about this but mod support is something Minehut has stated they will never add.
  8. +1 You can make this with Skript. However players who lack the experience of it would enjoy this most likely for making a hunger games type server etc. (If you would like me to skript this contact my discord and i would love to help you out @ KJPAKA#0001)
  9. Hey, you could try this. Not sure however if it will work with no issues. If you have any errors feel free to reply. on flight toggle: player's gamemode is not creative: cancel event wait a tick set player's flight state to false push player upwards at speed 1 push player forwards at speed 1
  10. KJPAKA

    server problems

    Hey, did you resolve your issue yet? If not i suggest resetting the world, it may be the only option.
  11. KJPAKA


    +1 You could do this with Skript which wouldn't be difficult. However, for a players who don't know Skript that well this is a really good plugin for customization for spawners etc.
  12. Replace the first error with set {_wait} to the time difference between {@delay} and now For the second one put this set {_need} to time("%difference between {@delay} and now%") This should work. Sorry about that I rushed the Skript from the top of my head. If theirs still problems or if you have more questions. Feel free to add me on discord @ KJPAKA#0001 and I can help you with them with no delay.
  13. Also, Minehut is fine how it is. Your getting a ton for a free server. I think many Minehut players need to take in to account that this is a really good deal. Also, if you don't want to pay I suggest skripting a lot of the needed things.
  14. KJPAKA

    Commands (Day/Night)

    Hello @mmetawa, I'm confused on why you don't just use /time set <time> in vanilla but here's a Skript I made for you for this! You can do "/time (time)" options: perm: cycle.use #perm to use the command (change to whatever) command /time [<text>]: permission: {@perm} permission message: &cNo permission! usage: &c/time <time> trigger: make player execute command "minecraft:time set %arg-1%" send "&aThe time has been set to %arg-1%" to player
  15. You would have to do this with Skript! Here's one I made for you! # you can change the delay of this to what ever you want like tick, second, minute, hour, etc. options: delay: 1 second on place: set {_wait} to the time diffrence between {@delay} and now if {_wait} >= {pt::%player's uuid%}: set {pt::%player's uuid%} to now else: set {_need} to n({_wait}, 2) cancel event play sound "entity.villager.no" with volume 5 to player send "&cYou must wait %{_need}%&c before placing a block again!" function format(n: number, type: integer) :: text: if {_type} is 1: set {_n} to "%{_n}%" set {_n} to regex replace "(?<=\d)(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))" with "," in {_n} return {_n} if {_type} is 2: set {_data} to "No,30|Oc,27|Sep,24|Se,21|Qi,18|Qu,15|T,12|B,9|M,6|K,3" loop split {_data} at "|": set {_s::*} to split loop-value at "," {_n} >= 10 ^ {_s::2} parsed as number return "%{_n} / 10 ^ {_s::2} parsed as number%%{_s::1}%" return "%{_n}%" This should work if it doesn't tell me what's wrong!
  16. KJPAKA

    server doesn't start

    Alright, good to know.
  17. Thats good its very easy to learn. I suggest watching some Minehut skript tutorials to get you started!
  18. KJPAKA

    server doesn't start

    @xavo99, when your on tag me if your issue was resolved or not. If not i'm glad to help you.
  19. @OGChriss, with skript this is very simple. If you contact my discord KJPAKA#0001 I can skript it for you for free
  20. Hello, @RollingEthan, You most likely did something wrong in the config. If you can i highly suggest your revert the changes you made to the configuration before this happened. Also, I recommend you go on YouTube or the plugin's website or discord and ask for help. However, I highly suggest you learn how to Skript a custom shop as its fully customizable! - KJPAKA
  21. Minehut has been good now ever since, thanks to the new developers!
  22. @Ofus, this helped me by just looking. Ive always wondered why worldguard was not working in skript. Its because i have fastasyncworldedit good to know! Thanks friend!
  23. Hello Minehut Community, I'm "KJPA" in game, also known as "KJPAKA". I have been on Minehut since 2016 and have been active every day since. I'm known for making servers such as "Tamper", "Sworn", and "Mayhem-MC". I enjoy skripting and being social with friends on Discord. I love my dogs and enjoy playing Minehut player servers. If you have any questions, im free to answer them! - KJPAKA
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