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Everything posted by KJPAKA

  1. Minehut doesn't develop plugins for player servers. You would have to find a plugin like this and put a link to it.
  2. Not sure what you mean by this?
  3. You have to set it as the default rank. What permission plugin are you using?
  4. You have to apply for YouTube rank one of the requirements are 2,000+ subs. You can apply here ^
  5. do /m (user) (message) to message a player.

    can't connect

    Does it say a error message if so what is it? Perhaps a screenshot of it.
  7. Yup, just what i was going to say. The command is a minehut command which is blocked and it cant be overrided.
  8. @AlexHere101, in the console run the command "/op *(username)". You have to put a star before your username if your a bedrock user.
  9. Make sure to link a plugin as Minehut does not develop the plugins.
  10. KJPAKA


    Please remember to put a link to the plugins website.
  11. The /ip command is blocked (even if your operator). If you want to get the adress of your server. Its (servername).minehut.gg
  12. KJPAKA

    can't connect

    If you are using bedrock make sure you connect to the lobby then do /join (server name). If that is not the issue respond back.
  13. @Frituurgarnituur, you have to do /ignore (user) then relog for it to work.
  14. Change the password of your account/console in account settings area.
  15. Sorry about what happened, Minehut can't do anything about this as you or someone else gave server operator to them. You can report the user who griefed it if you have valid video evidence of it. Make sure to put it in the report area.
  16. KJPAKA

    Crazy enchantments

    I suggest looking at the plugins website and maybe joining their discord to get support on how to do it. Also, you could watch a YouTube tutorial revolving around the plugin.
  17. Make sure to leave links to them etc.
  18. To do this you need a custom island Skript. Otherwise you would need some type of custom teams Skript to add on with the plugin etc. You can't do this with a plugin as you would have to save it as a variable.
  19. Make sure to give permission nodes to the default group. You can view the essentials permissions here. Also, keep in mind you need a permission managing plugin. Permissions: https://essinfo.xeya.me/permissions.html
  20. This currently isn't a feature and there is nothing you can do. However, backups on Minehut are coming out soon! Sorry about your data loss. Use /save-all before shutting down the server to save all progress.
  21. Currently you can't purchase or have a server named longer than 10 characters. That would be cool though if paid plans included different name lengths etc. Try leaving this in suggestions area!
  22. It should work perfectly fine. However, i did not test it myself.
  23. Welcome friend, great to see you!
  24. No problem, contact my discord anytime if you need more help @ KJPAKA#0001
  25. Please provide more information on this. Can you fully not connect to it? Whats the error message? etc.
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