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Posts posted by farwl

  1. Just now, SlickNicky10 said:

    The point of this thread is to address the claims that you made in your google document, not to discuss the overall success of Minehut's 1.16 update. To quote you, please either don't reply anymore or actually post something that relates to the original thread.

    ok now you're just being immature..... 🤡


    the 1.16 update was a big part of minehut and has a lot to do with the article about minehut

  2. Just now, Tastq said:

    Weird, i think it's just the choice of plugins on your server like imageonmap for example, you can release without that stuff

    but that makes it sparkly ;(

  3. Just now, Tastq said:

    I think this time round minehut did a better job rolling out the new version update. They actually got all the core plugins fixed and i only faced 1 or two minor issues...

    that's just you though. personally my server got completely crippled but then again I guess everyone's servers are different

  4. Just now, SlickNicky10 said:

    A bit misleading? You claimed that your primary goal was to voice your concerns in a professional manner. A topic title "Minehut Exposed" is not only unprofessional, but makes you come off as childish in all honesty.

    ok clearly you aren't here for the actual point of the thread, rather to proclaim your opinions regarding me. please either don't reply anymore or actually post something that relates to the original thread

  5. Quote

    Farwl, you knew the update would destroy your server. Its a minehut classic to get your server destroyed by an update/reset xD.

    yes because it happens often makes it right

  6. Quote

    it's clear to me that you made this thread out of anger about past punishments and you being muted.

    if you couldn't tell by my previous posts, that isn't the goal here..

  7. 1 minute ago, SlickNicky10 said:

    There's a different between constructive criticism and outright trash-talking and whining, which you clearly haven't learned.

    None of this was trash talk or whining. I tried to keep the article as professional as possible. If it seems like trash talk then that's your point of view, not anyone else's.

  8. Just now, SlickNicky10 said:

    I actually read your entire google document earlier today. I have a serious question for you, farwl. If you have so many complains and issues with Minehut that you feel the need to create a thread called "Minehut Exposed" and you feel that Minehut has genuinely ripped you off, then why are you still here? If you hate Minehut so much, nobody is forcing you to use it.

    I have my own reasons for staying on Minehut, none of which you are entitled to hearing. If I'm going to stay on Minehut the least I can do is attempt to inform on how it can be improved.

  9. Just now, SlickNicky10 said:

    Personal feelings? I'm making a genuine response to your complaint about your 24 hour mute. First of all, it's a 24 hour mute, get over it. Secondly, I'm sorry that I feel the need to shed some light on the fact that you've done nothing but complain about Minehut for months now.

    I don't think you even read the thread tbh. My mute was only used as an example in a section of the article. Lots of people complain about Minehut. You're just choosing to come at me because of your personal feelings towards me. Again, not the place for this.

  10. 4 minutes ago, ThatOneTqnk said:

    a reply to FILR and FARWL:


    What features changed that made Minehut unenjoyable?

    old features such as /party thanos snapped, minehut hosted servers like bedwars thanos snapped, third party servers thanos snapped, featured servers gui gone, people making decent servers gone, basic commands such as /find and /ignore not working as expected, lots of network lag (not to say that is your fault but it makes it unenjoyable nevertheless), lobbies being filled with spam and racial slurs at 3 am eastern instead of actual conversation, gray chat kind of bad, all lobbies remaining linked, staff team in clearly in disarray [baguette], proven inconsistent moderation rulings, lack of moderators to actually deal with the scale minehut has reached, functional disregard for suggestions, among many other things i could but will not expand on


    if this is so, why has Minehut grown exponentially? 




    "Super League Gaming wants money, and as such, they acquired Minehut" (farwl)

    company do make money


    Does not make sense. You cannot get more "personal gain" without putting anything into something else. Also, I think there'd be more executive influence if this was the case.

    "putting anything into something else" is not very specific, this doesn't necessarily mean they have to put anything towards feature development towards Minehut, they could instead make epic moves such as a marketplace or a 12 plugin limit for servers.


    I know I've already said this several times, but on the staff side of things, I want to be more transparent.

    not sure if this is true, considering certain confidential events that transpired regarding a particular ex senior moderator, that were not communicated truthfully to the public


    What do you mean by this? Do you mean he was on the server a lot, or activity network wide? How can I improve this? I doubt Trent has any problem talking more often to everyone but I don't want to speak for him.

    trent talks to people on discord but that's about it, you don't really see any of the slg folks publicly interact in game with anyone besides some kids idolizing them in the lobby or something


    Minehut still continues to be based heavily on community support, hence why a lot of questions/concerns are answered in #help on the Discord and in the help category on the forums by community members.

    support team coming soon according to Criticyl maybe should include that


    They are Minehut officials? And if it is taking that long to get a response, message me.



    Not sure what exactly you're going for here, but yes they do. If user experience was not cared for, Minehut would not be maintained and there'd be no updates.



    [pagespeed insights from Google :TM:]


    superleague only takes Ws in user experience 💯


    You’re instantly deemed ‘toxic’ for voicing your opinion - (farwl)

    You should voice your opinion in a non-toxic manner then.

    he said you are called toxic as an effect of voicing your opinion, not that they expressed the opinion toxic-ly, cop out response


    Expose them in my DM, if a staff member has done something to warrant termination then I will do so. You're helping nothing by hiding evidence.

    i already did this with trent but i didn't get a definitive response yet so im just going to forward it to you lol


    I'm not working for Super League.

    Super League Gaming For The Win


    I was simply using my rights and expressing freedom of speech. (farwl)

    rules exist


    This goes for anybody, Minehut Moderators are human beings too. If you dig yourself in a grave by constantly saying things that are borderline rule violations you will have a reputation among the staff, and your punishment history always contributes to this.

    i would say this admits a personal bias develops then in moderators, this makes sense as ruffen was muted for saying Baguette yesterday which was very interesting, as 'baguette' has 222 results in the minehut discord


    I went to the forums to appeal as instructed. I waited over 7 hours for my 24 hour mute appeal to even be read and responded to. (farwl)


    doesn't it say you can only appeal puns 3+ days greater lol


    I know live console has been discussed a lot and I don't want to speak on the dev team's behalf, but I think it'd be a valuable feature. I think they all do.

    i'm sure Minehut has realized since 2017 that it would be a good feature to add lol, people want it implemented but it gets backlogged all the time, whether it is a network issue or a monetization feature holding it up. this goes for other quality of life suggestions, such as the infamous .lang file extension from MrScopes which has remain unaddressed for several years now


    They’re already profiting tons off of Minehut. But they want more. If something doesn’t make them money, or boost their stock price, it won’t be added. (farwl)

    i have doubts that slg is making profit off of minecraft server hosting


    There's no reason to keep someone on the team is there is physical evidence of something they've done that should warrant termination.

    two words: slg kiera


    tough scenes


    well said

  11. 2 minutes ago, SlickNicky10 said:

    farwl, you do nothing but complain about Minehut. You make fun of Minehut in your Discord custom status, do nothing but complain and fight with people in the meta discord, and then call your mute "unfair" when you were muted for actively telling people to leave Minehut in Minehut's own lobbies. Yet, you are the one who believes you are always entitled to free hosting. You use platforms such as Glitch to host your websites because you adamantly believe that you should not have to pay for hosting. Good for you, Minehut provides an environment where you can create a server and play with up with 9 other players with no uptime restrictions, one-click to install hundreds of the most popular plugins, and the ability to advertise your server to over 10,000 concurrently active players for FREE, and yet you still feel the need to complain about everything Minehut does or does not do.

    literally nothing you said related to the actual topic of the thread. it seems like you're just bringing your personal feelings onto this thread just because I authored it, in which case, this isn't the place for that..


    not sure why you're stalking my discord status or how that relates to the topic of the thread

  12. ok clearly nothing productive is going to come from me giving valid points and then you attempting to twist my words / justify my unfair mute so I guess I'll just not reply anymore 😕

  13. 22 minutes ago, filr said:

    Alright so there's a lot I'd like to touch on here. I'm taking everything from the document, nothing from your past or anything else.


    "They usually have no interest in retaining the qualities that made the project interesting or attract users in the first place."

    • What features changed that made Minehut unenjoyable? What about Minehut does not attract growth/users, and if this is so, why has Minehut grown exponentially? 

    "Super League Gaming wants money, and as such, they acquired Minehut"

    • Yeah, I don't think any company in the world would acquire something if they didn't see some kind of mutual benefit. However, if this was purely the case, I think we'd see a lot more executive influence. There really isn't.

    "The only goal here is personal gain for SLG, not to make Minehut a better place"

    • Does not make sense. You cannot get more "personal gain" without putting anything into something else. Also, I think there'd be more executive influence if this was the case.

    "Another big issue that unveiled as SLG presence on Minehut increased, was the lack of communication and transparency with players"

    • I know I've already said this several times, but on the staff side of things, I want to be more transparent.

    "Luke was more in touch with the community"

    • What do you mean by this? Do you mean he was on the server a lot, or activity network wide? How can I improve this? I doubt Trent has any problem talking more often to everyone but I don't want to speak for him.

    "Nowadays you’re making support tickets instead of getting help directly from an admin"

    • Minehut now has a dedicated support team. As much as I hate to say it, Admins are too busy to constantly be assisting users. Also keep in mind Minehut has grown substancially, it's in everyone's best interest that there is a dedicated support team rather than "Oh, just DM Trent."
    • If you need direct help, I have no doubt a Moderator/Junior Moderator will have any issue responding to you. 
    • Minehut still continues to be based heavily on community support, hence why a lot of questions/concerns are answered in #help on the Discord and in the help category on the forums by community members.

    "Completely ignoring the days, weeks, or sometimes, even months, it takes for them to be read, you aren’t even getting help from a Minehut official"

    • They are Minehut officials? And if it is taking that long to get a response, message me.

    "You’re getting support from people who don’t even use Minehut regularly"

    • The Support Team is pretty small, and while yes I will admit that some of them don't use Minehut actively, Kurtis does.

    "SLG does not care about user experience, or appreciation for Minehut"

    • Not sure what exactly you're going for here, but yes they do. If user experience was not cared for, Minehut would not be maintained and there'd be no updates.

    "In fact, they actually censor and filter any sort of slightly negative comment towards Minehut anywhere"

    • If your comments are negatively affecting user experience (like yours were, by going on the lobbies and telling people not to use the service) then Moderators reserve the right to mute you.

    "You’re instantly deemed ‘toxic’ for voicing your opinion"

    • You should voice your opinion in a non-toxic manner then.

    "As seen above, the main argument for denying freedom of speech on Minehut, is a legal point of view. If you take a moment to think about why people at Minehut would give you legal responses on a free server host for Minecraft, you’ll realize, they would not. At least, they wouldn’t have years ago. Now that SLG has acquired Minehut, legal responses are the extent of support you’ll get. "

    • I didn't think I really needed to attach the screenshot. This is not a SLG rule, this is a government rule. You referenced the U.S. Constitution for legal reasons, and as such I gave you a legal response. I would've done it when I was a Sr.Mod in 2016 if someone said it then too, and I did.


    "If I fully expose staff members here I’ll continue to get targeted on the network even harsher."

    • Expose them in my DM, if a staff member has done something to warrant termination then I will do so. You're helping nothing by hiding evidence.

    "Anyways, the staff team is really corrupt. I don’t blame the individuals, but the higher-ups. If you think about it from an honest point of view, the individuals that are volunteering for Minehut, aren’t working for a company, rather, their higher-ups are."

    • I'm not working for Super League.

    "For the record, I was not spamming, flooding chat, attempting to promote any sort of agenda, political view, or continue any form of drama"

    • You were promoting users to leave Minehut, negatively affecting user experience.

    "I was simply using my rights and expressing freedom of speech."

    • Doubt I have to say it again, but no company is required to allow you to have free speech. The 1st Amendment protects you from governmental interference.

    "After this experience, it became more clear than it ever has been, that the Minehut staff team, or some members of it, simply do not like me, and target me because of my name"

    • This goes for anybody, Minehut Moderators are human beings too. If you dig yourself in a grave by constantly saying things that are borderline rule violations you will have a reputation among the staff, and your punishment history always contributes to this.

    "I went to the forums to appeal as instructed. I waited over 7 hours for my 24 hour mute appeal to even be read and responded to. "

    • Some of our staff have things they like to do outside of Minecraft.

    "As you can see in the screenshot above, they’ve denied my appeal. The thing that really caught my eye, was the part of the response that instructed me to wait 2 weeks to appeal again"

    • From what I'm aware, this was incorrect. You are not required to wait 2 weeks.

    "Instead, they neglected it, because as stated previously, they target me."

    • This was nothing against you. All denied appeals have a waiting period before being allowed to appeal again.

    "At this point I should be tired of it, but since SLG acquired Minehut, there is virtually nobody I can go to, in order to address this corruption"

    • I'm right here, but only if you have valid evidence.

    "For years Minehut has struggled to get basic features out. Some are features that come automatically in PC hosted servers. Including but not limited to; Live console."

    • I know live console has been discussed a lot and I don't want to speak on the dev team's behalf, but I think it'd be a valuable feature. I think they all do.

    "They’re already profiting tons off of Minehut. But they want more. If something doesn’t make them money, or boost their stock price, it won’t be added."

    • I'm curious, how much do you think SLG is making from Minehut? By the way you're talking, it's making me think you believe Super League has hit the mega millions lottery.



    That's basically every point I wanted to touch on. Thanks for taking the time to make this post and I think it's important to come forward with any concerns you have. This isn't a personal attack against you as you may perceive it to be; this is just a collection of my thoughts as that document was. When this thread was brought to my attention a few hours ago, I changed my priorities around for the day so I could give you a response. Again, this isn't a personal attack against you. I'd also like to say once more that you can come to me with evidence to "expose staff members." There's no reason to keep someone on the team is there is physical evidence of something they've done that should warrant termination.

    ok ngl you're a pretty chill dude but most of what you said here was complete garbage sorry.


    The fact that I get scammed $12 and then get silenced when I try to tell other users about my experience publicly just goes to show the intense amount of effort put into censorship on Minehut. If half the amount of effort that's put into denying freedom of speech, was put into actually developing features, Minehut wouldn't be behind right now 😉


    Alright sure SLG staff I guess are Minehut officials. Why would you place people who don't play Minehut regularly or aren't familiar with certain aspects of it, on the support team that is tasked with helping Minehut users.


    Moderators shouldn't be able to mute people for saying 'Minehut is a scam'. And that's not a rule listed on the rules page regardless.


    Like you said, Minehut has grown exponentially. (I actually don't know if this is true, we've recently seen a big decline in player count and server count) This being said, surely relying on community support and third party services for features like world downloading isn't ideal. Why isn't work being done to change this?


    "You should voice your opinion in a non-toxic manner then."

    - I don't think I need to explain this one. I'm not being toxic by saying 'Minehut is a scam', literally after they scammed me $12 and denied a refund.


    Literally one of the issues here is that people get deemed toxic by the staff team for simply giving their opinions and then you come out here and call me toxic for voicing my opinion.....

    • Like 1
  14. 2 minutes ago, Ruffen said:

    There is so much I could say about the staff team from lies, bias, breaking their own rules, making up rules, to power trips, and most of all hypocrisy. I wouldn't judge them as harsh as I do because its a Minecraft server, but sense they want to push the "professionalism" equal to a real job I am 100% justified to do so. As they proved yesterday they are looking for any little thing to get rid of me it's only community pressure that keeps me from being perm banned. They of course will deny this lol 


    All valid points. I hear you. Stay strong ❤️

    • Like 1
  15. Just now, Gaminger said:

    Hmm sure you still seem bothered but ok fair enough your focus is what you perceive minehut's problems are and what you think most players can't see.
    What about all the rest I typed tho, I would like an opinion haha

    What specifically do you want an opinion on. cba to read it all over 😕

  16. 41 minutes ago, xlr100 said:

    I agree with a lot of the things you said in the document, but if we are already judging based on the past, we all know minehut is far from a perfect or good host, but it isn't going to change either. Although minehut is starting to take action now that they are in a bad financial situation, the new features are going to be more money making machines, while they continue to ignore basic needs. The rush 1.16 update is a perfect example of how minehut either doesn't care about the users or is just really bad at decision making (Something we already know based on how they broke their own economy for some time), and it's not the first time minehut updates the second it's possible while disregarding everything else, this happens almost every time there is a major update. Now the staff team is trying to connect with the community by doing Q&A and such, that helps to some extent but that doesn't solve the main problem. Minehut or rather super league isn't the only company with the goal to earn money, but usually the successful ones don't ignore their customers or disregard basic functionality of their product for more money. Now they are working on unneeded features solely for money instead of making their product better, so people will have a better reason to pay for it. I don't think it's coincidental that most of the successful servers on minehut either leave or die, minehut isn't a platform for successful servers, it's a go fund me at best.

    Now that my reputation is officially ruined, you know why when I get banned for toxicity (lol)

    Well said. For saying this, you are now deemed toxic

  17. 33 minutes ago, fdsfd_was_taken said:

    Imo, Minehut ignores everyone who haven't paid a penny to them. This doesn't include MOST of the Minehut Jr. Mods, Mods, and Sr. Mods. Most of them are pretty chill. Oh yeah, _C02 is chill too. I have unfortunately paid Minehut out of my own pocket, years ago. But Minehut doesn't know about that, and why would they care? $10 is nothing when they have people giving them thousands of dollars for a cosmetic rank, and rights on Minehut.

    true c02 is pretty chill

  18. 37 minutes ago, MrScopes said:

    Yeah I'm treated differently as well, pretty annoying. Anything I say will and has been twisted so the minehut staff can find a way to punish me.

    Yeah it gets really annoying.

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