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Posts posted by farwl

  1. 44 minutes ago, minecraftmast911 said:

    dude.... what does that have to do with the topic lol

    You suggested a plugin. He wants it too. I don't see what's so complicated lol

  2. Just now, 3Q6Dev said:

    I'd rather say that its rare Minehut adds plugins that people suggest, instead of saying premium plugins, there are many plugin requests that are over a year old with no response.

    True yeah they haven't been spot on with adding them.

  3. 1 hour ago, Brody16067 said:

    I got on my friends server and someone else who was op got on and asked for it so I gave it to him and now he ip banned me what do I do

    Try /pardon or /pardonip (Not sure which one it is)

  4. don't post on threads that are older than one month. (this one was made in 2019)

    But to answer your question the following script would work;

    On 8/24/2019 at 5:48 PM, farwl said:
    	killreward: 10
        # The amount money you get when you get a kill (Just a number)
    death of player:
    	attacker is player:
        	add {@killreward} to attacker's balance



  5. 12 minutes ago, Mr_Prins said:

    is it possible to mvtp deop's

    Not sure what you mean. You can multiverse teleport anyone if you have the correct permissions.

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