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Everything posted by Rubylaser1

  1. Rubylaser1

    1 Day Old...

    Hello sir, you cannot appeal AND you will get banned. if you joked and knew the rules it’s your error I’m sorry to say. This is an unappealable offense. I’m sorry that happened but- next time. Be more careful and please use some common sense
  2. Why Mwuhh is the best:

    1. Mwuhh, the user, is truly exceptional and incredibly supportive. 2. The user named Mwuhh is remarkable and offers invaluable assistance. 3. Mwuhh is an outstanding user who consistently provides valuable help. 💯

    1. Mwuhh


      Thank you so much for your kind words! 

  3. Rubylaser1


    Sure, any special things u want on it?
  4. That is a bit over kill for a skript, could lag. But if it works it works.
  5. Also, do you have the required plugins you need to run this skript?
  6. Here is a simple give crate key skript, every 20 minutes: execute console command "goldencrates give * afk 2" You would also, need to setup regions for the skript I just sent above.
  7. options: prefix: &7[&9&lYOUR SERVER NAME HERE&7] &7» command setspawn: permission: op trigger: set {spawn} to location of player send "{@prefix} &aSpawn was set to &6%{spawn}%&a!" command spawn: trigger: teleport player to {spawn} send "{@prefix} &aYou were teleported to spawn!" on join: teleport player to {spawn} Here is an old code I wrote, unsure if it still is working should be. This should fix your issues.
  8. You should be able to start your server, It may crash. But, you should be able to start it and download the content you need.
  9. Rubylaser1


    Other than voting, or buying. I do not believe as of now there is another way to obtain Credit's.
  10. Hey there Toxic, this project looks very nice. I would be willing to test it out for you when you are ready for me! Hit me up on Discord: .xfusion. Thanks!
  11. There shouldn't be any "server setting" you have to change to allow it to work. If you wouldn't mind sending the "skript" plugins you have added. It could just be your missing a plugin.
  12. I just did there are two errors.
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