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About This Club

The official club for Lift.minehut.gg (PVE & PVP based gamemode) This club is used for reports, staff applications and appeals

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  1. What's new in this club
  2. Personal Questions:Minecraft Username: NotKipsAlt Are you multilingual? I am not multilingual Discord Username: Kip#8760 Age: 16 Timezone: AESTApplication Questions:Why do you want to apply for a staff on Lift?-I have been apart of the lift community since around Season 5, during which I had played quite a lot and had even applied beforehand and I was accepted into the helper position, however during this time the server started to break and I never got to finish my trial period. The reason in which I would like to become staff on lift is the same reason as I wanted to before, I want to become staff here because I love this community and have since I've joined it, I want to give back to the times this server has given me in the best possible way I can by also making it an enjoyable experience for all the players.How much time can you contribute to being a staff member on Lift?-Around 2-4 Hours per dayHave you been staff on any servers?-Yes, I have been a helper on Lift back when the server had gotten wiped.How much experience do you have as a staff member?-From my time on the Lift team I did not get much as I was only a helper and the server had gotten wiped, however I have gotten a lot of experience from my current staffing position on PithonPvP. During this time as a member of the staff on PithonPvP I have learnt how to assess clips of hackers, deal with false bans, normal bans, punishment appeals, deal with community backlash and overall be a good staff member both in a staff team and in the wider community.Are you currently staff on any other servers?-Yes, I am currently a Senior Moderator on PithonPvP.Have you broken any rules on the Lift Discord or Minecraft server?-I have not to my knowledge broken any of the discord or server rules. Situation Questions - You banned someone for hacking, the community is outraged. How would you deal with the outrage? -I would outline to the community around my reasons to why I have banned the player giving evidence as to why if I have to, if they continue on asking questions I would get a higher up staff member to come and help calm everyone down or I would potentially have to disable chat for a period of time if the outrage got out of hand. Explain a situation where you might have to act mature and professional while being staff on Lift. -I believe that there is no singular situation in which you are meant to be mature and professional, I instead believe that you are meant to act mature, professional and responsible no matter your position in the staff team. However if there was a particular scenario in which I believe I would need to be professional in would have to be when dealing with someone appealing a ban. I would outline the evidence on the ban to the player in a professional manner even if they are being rude towards me or another staff member. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________By submitting this application you agree to the following -I am 15 years of age or older.I've been apart of lift two months prior to applying.I'm decently active on discord and in game.I have a good amount of knowledge over all the gamemode. I will not ask staff to review my application I have not made an application within the last 4 weeks. I understand that my application will be visible by the public at all times._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  3. Personal Questions:Minecraft Username: Prrx Are you multilingual? No Discord Username: Plane#5148 Age: 15 Timezone: MSTApplication Questions:Why do you want to apply for a staff on Lift?- I've wanted to apply to Lift because of the gameplay. I am very interested in the style of the server. How much time can you contribute to being a staff member on Lift?-3-8 hours a week (depends on school)Have you been staff on any servers?-Many, Idler, (I've ran 4 successful servers of my own), Florial, etc.How much experience do you have as a staff member?- since 2018Are you currently staff on any other servers?-Yes, FlorialHave you broken any rules on the Lift Discord or Minecaft server?-No Situation Questions - You banned someone for hacking, the community is outraged. How would you deal with the outrage? - I would denounce the outrage because why would they get mad over someone breaking the rules and me doing my job Explain a situation where you might have to act mature and professional while being staff on Lift. - An immature staff goes "rogue" and tries to grief and cause drama within the server. Another situation is when someone can not accept the fact that they broke the rules and have to deal with their punishment. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________By submitting this application you agree to the following -I am 15 years of age or older. -YesI've been apart of lift two months prior to applying. -YesI'm decently active on discord and in game. -YesI have a good amount of knowledge over all the gamemode. -Yes I will not ask staff to review my application -Yes I have not made an application within the last 4 weeks. -Yes I understand that my application will be visible by the public at all times. -Yes_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  4. Personal Questions:Minecraft Username: RumikoOkamura Are you multilingual? I speak English and Italian Discord Username: Senpai-#3678 Age: 16 Timezone: UTC+2Application Questions:Why do you want to apply for a staff on Lift?- I've played a lot of the old season of lift and i think i would be a great staff because i would play lift a log again even if im not staff.How much time can you contribute to being a staff member on Lift?- Even more then 3 hours.Have you been staff on any servers?- In the past i've created a lot of servers but i have not been able to get them to publicly and i've not been a staff member in any other servers.How much experience do you have as a staff member?- i would say i have 7/10 from staff experience.Are you currently staff on any other servers?- No currently im not staff in any server.Have you broken any rules on the Lift Discord or Minecaft server?- No, i've not broken any rule of the Discord either of the Minecraft server, and im not planning to do so. Situation Questions - You banned someone for hacking, the community is outraged. How would you deal with the outrage? - I would not ban anyone if im not sure 100% if they are angry i would listen to them and explain with proof what the bad player was doing if it doesn't work i would simply talk to the owner about what's happening and he will tell me what to do. Explain a situation where you might have to act mature and professional while being staff on Lift. - A situation were I would act mature is with my words and actions if someone were to say something in chat that made me angry or annoyed just to get a reaction out of me. Not being mature could lead to a bad impact on the server.
  5. Personal Questions:Minecraft Username: holdmyVODKApro Are you multilingual? Yes i Speak Polish, German and English Discord Username:holdmyVODKApro#0309 Age:13 (19.05.2008) Timezone: UTC+2Application Questions:Why do you want to apply for a staff on Lift?- When i first played on the server i found it amazing and since the server died, i wanted to support with all i have.How much time can you contribute to being a staff member on Lift?- so im still in school but i could try to do 1-3hours atleast.Have you been staff on any servers?- yes liften (its a ok copy lol)How much experience do you have as a staff member?- i mean i have some exprerience (ban/kick/etc...) yes.Are you currently staff on any other servers?- i mean im hosting my own server so not really Have you broken any rules on the Lift Discord or Minecaft server?- nope Situation Questions - You banned someone for hacking, the community is outraged. How would you deal with the outrage? - i would explain why i banned them and would try to calm them down Explain a situation where you might have to act mature and professional while being staff on Lift. - in case some people are fighting or in an arguement i would step in and try to calm the situation down and try to Figure out what's Happening, then ill try to make them stop the fight.
  6. Personal Questions:Minecraft Username: t6b Are you multilingual? yes arabic - english Discord Username: ! t6b#2871 Age: 16 Timezone: GMT+3 / UTC+3Application Questions:Why do you want to apply for a staff on Lift?- i'd like to help people / staffHow much time can you contribute to being a staff member on Lift?- 5 / 6 hoursHave you been staff on any servers?- yes How much experience do you have as a staff member?- i know staff commands ( ban kick mute etc. )Are you currently staff on any other servers?- noHave you broken any rules on the Lift Discord or Minecaft server?- no Situation Questions - You banned someone for hacking, the community is outraged. How would you deal with the outrage? -i will tell him this is not allow and if he hack a lot people will leave and we don't want that even if it's a staff or a friend Explain a situation where you might have to act mature and professional while being staff on Lift. - when someone need help
  7. Personal Questions:Minecraft Username: _not_Available_2 Are you multilingual? Yes i speak dutch and english Discord Username: [T-J]#2646 Age:15 Timezone: im from the netherlands so CET (Central European Time)Application Questions:Why do you want to apply for a staff on Lift?- When i first played on the server i found it amazing and i wanted to become a staff member and now you're applications for staff are openHow much time can you contribute to being a staff member on Lift?- since im still in school not much but when i can i willHave you been staff on any servers?- yes only small minehut serversHow much experience do you have as a staff member?- i am hosting my own server right now but i only use it as a survival server for me and my friends but anyhow i am if i do say so myself pretty good and i prommise i wont grief or abuseAre you currently staff on any other servers?- as i said im hosting my own server but other then that no not realyHave you broken any rules on the Lift Discord or Minecaft server?- not that i know of i have never been banned from it atleast Situation Questions - You banned someone for hacking, the community is outraged. How would you deal with the outrage? - i would explain why i banned them and would try to calm them down Explain a situation where you might have to act mature and professional while being staff on Lift. - in case some people are fighting or in an arguement i would step in and try to calm the situation down and try to get them to get why the other is also right wile not making it worse
  8. Personal Questions:Minecraft Username: RumikoOkamura Are you multilingual? yes Discord Username: RumikoOkamura Age: 15 Timezone: CESTApplication Questions:Why do you want to apply for a staff on Lift?- Because i played it soo much in the season 7th that i want to help so so so much in the season 8thHow much time can you contribute to being a staff member on Lift?- 3/5 hours a dayHave you been staff on any servers?- yesHow much experience do you have as a staff member?- pretty much allAre you currently staff on any other servers?- nopeHave you broken any rules on the Lift Discord or Minecaft server?- yes, 1 time i broken a rule that says don't spam but i didnt listen then i begin muted for like 30 minutes and i never spammed again Situation Questions - You banned someone for hacking, the community is outraged. How would you deal with the outrage? - ill continue doing my work Explain a situation where you might have to act mature and professional while being staff on Lift. - when someone is trying to hirritate me or im gonna mute him if they're saying bad words; if not im not gonna listen to them _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________By submitting this application you agree to the following -I am 15 years of age or older.I've been apart of lift two months prior to applying.I'm decently active on discord and in game.I have a good amount of knowledge over all the gamemode. I will not ask staff to review my application I have not made an application within the last 4 weeks. I understand that my application will be visible by the public at all times._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I am gonna accept the TOS of this application.
  9. This is clear discrimination and the player will be punished.
  10. Screenshots aren't good enough to prove someone to be camping. The "bad" language in these screenshots is also not that vulgar. I wouldn't call this punishable.
  11. username: bob12354 offence: bypassing the swear filter evidence:
  12. username: crowdedoak50 | tg_b offense: camping and bad language exploiting | bullying and even admitting it and encouraging exploiting. evidence:
  13. This person doesn't seem to speak clear english for that reason there is a chance they could be confused. The screenshot has been cropped meaning it's insufficient for evidence as well. Sadly, this "confession" just isn't enough for us to act upon.
  14. Username: Bapakgila Offence: Autoclicking/keybinding Evidence: here is photo when he actually confirming that and here is link (video) https://vimeo.com/user120865753/review/452766009/c2af9b3a0f btw sry for this video bug later...
  15. Application DeniedWe have decided to deny your application due to the following reasons: 1. An extreme lack of grammar throughout the whole applications, such as "bc" instead of because. 2. Extreme lack of detail throughout the whole application, we need more than "bc I want to help new players", as that was one of the main questions in the format, that we want to know a lot about. 3. You need to provide more information during your situation questions, "sorry im just doing my job", What if people were still angry after saying that for example? In the future, can you also leave the application requirements in, that was removed from the bottom of your application. Sadly we believe this position just isn't for you. Thanks for taken time out of your day to apply. If you want to apply again, I recommend using an app called grammarly, it helps a lot with application writing. And I recommend you thoroughly check through you applications, making sure you don't duplicate answers and have included enough detail in each answer. You are allowed to apply again in 4 weeks. Thank you.
  16. Minecraft Username: rdiekema Are you multilingual?no Discord Username: animelover6892 Age:15 Timezone:ESTApplication Questions:Why do you want to apply for a staff on Lift?-bc i wanna help new playersHow much time can you contribute to being a staff member on Lift?-2-3 hoursHave you been staff on any servers?-noHow much experience do you have as a staff member?-i know a bit of world edit Are you currently staff on any other servers?-noHave you broken any rules on the Lift Discord or Minecaft server?-no Situation Questions -You banned someone for hacking, the community is outraged. How would you deal with the outrage?-sorry im just doing my jobExplain a situation where you might have to act mature and professional while being staff on Lift.-if some one is disrespecting a fellow staff member or player ill kindly ask them to stop if they dont stop ill mute them for 10-15 mins
  17. Application DeniedWe have decided to deny your application due to the following reasons: 1. A very small range of vocabulary was used during the whole application. 2. Extreme lack of detail throughout the whole application. (Some questions don't have the answers we are looking for) 3. You need to provide more information during your situation questions, not only that but your first situation question made no sense at all. "I know how worldedit and commands work" is just a copy of your 4th application question and it wasn't relevant to the question at all. With the answer "When people say I'm not doing my job." please provide more detail in the future, such as of you would of acted mature. In the future, can you also leave the application requirements in, that was removed from the bottom of your application. I understand that applications are tricky and we appreciate everyone who tries to apply, but sadly we believe this position just isn't for you. Thanks for taken time out of your day to apply. If you want to apply again, I recommend using an app called grammarly, it helps a lot with application writing. And I recommend you thoroughly check through you applications, making sure you don't duplicate answers and have included enough detail in each answer. You are allowed to apply again in 4 weeks. Thank you.
  18. Personal Questions:Minecraft Username: Victor_IX Are you multilingual? yes, Dutch, English Discord Username: Victor_IX#6785 Age: 15 Timezone: UTC+2Application Questions:Why do you want to apply for a staff on Lift?- I've been playing for two full seasons now and I wanted to do a bit more on the server than just play. I want to be able to help the new players and stop hackers.How much time can you contribute to being a staff member on Lift?- I can put 8+ hours in the server in a week as a staff member.Have you been staff on any servers?- I was staff on railmines but a week later the server closed.How much experience do you have as a staff member?- I know how worldedit and commands work.Are you currently staff on any other servers?- NoHave you broken any rules on the Lift Discord or Minecaft server?- No Situation Questions - You banned someone for hacking, the community is outraged. How would you deal with the outrage? - I know how worldedit and commands work. Explain a situation where you might have to act mature and professional while being staff on Lift. - When people say I'm not doing my job. When people say I'm not doing my job.
  19. Personal Questions:Minecraft Username: Are you multilingual? Discord Username: Age: Timezone:Application Questions:Why do you want to apply for a staff on Lift?-How much time can you contribute to being a staff member on Lift?-Have you been staff on any servers?-How much experience do you have as a staff member?-Are you currently staff on any other servers?-Have you broken any rules on the Lift Discord or Minecaft server?- Situation Questions - You banned someone for hacking, the community is outraged. How would you deal with the outrage? - Explain a situation where you might have to act mature and professional while being staff on Lift. - _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________By submitting this application you agree to the following -I am 15 years of age or older.I've been apart of lift two months prior to applying.I'm decently active on discord and in game.I have a good amount of knowledge over all the gamemode. I will not ask staff to review my application I have not made an application within the last 4 weeks. I understand that my application will be visible by the public at all times._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  20. Normally a screenshot or two would not be enough in a report. The first one could be a shot of him jumping off something and you ss it perfect timing to make it look like fly. But I don't see how the second one is possible at all, he is hitting the dummy, while 5 | 6 blocks off the ground. Therefore I'm going to accept your report and they will receive the appropriate punishment.
  21. DINOBOY50 flyhacking on lift the 2 pictures show him in the air. if this is not enough proof, dutchaldoraine can also confirm this.
  22. Application DeniedWe have decided to deny your application due to the following reasons: 1. Extreme lack of grammar, many sentences didn't have the correct punctuation, and there was a very small range of vocabulary used. 2. Extreme lack of detail throughout the whole application. 3. Your situation answers don't fully answer the question, it starts off answering the question but we would like to see more detail in them. Such as how you would react after they called you a "bad staff member", how would you act mature in that situation. I understand from your final comment that you're not great with grammar and spelling. I recommend using an app called grammar in the future to help you with this. If you had included more detail, I may of let the grammar slide and still accept you. But sadly along side that grammar you failed to include enough detail. Although we do thank you for applying, and appreciate everyone who spends their time to write an application. You are allowed to apply again in 4 weeks. Thank you.

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