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Nectar - A blast from the past

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  1. What's new in this club
  2. ACCEPTED Hello Koronotchi_! Your application has been accepted. Please keep an eye on your discord direct messages to schedule a time with us. - Nectar Management Team TOPIC LOCKED
  3. Introductory Information: 1) Minecraft IGN: Distqelth 2) Age: 13 3) Timezone: BST 4) Do you have DISCORD? Yes - Koronotchi#3484 5) How much time can you contribute towards toe TRAINEE role? Unable to pin-point a specific time, probably 1-2 hours every day/other day 6) What is your current playtime? Server not released 7) Can you screenshot and record evidence to a reasonable standard? Yes Questionnaires: 1) Why did you decide to apply for staff here rather than another Minehut server? I decided to apply for a staff position on this server due to the fact that I am somewhat familiar with the server already and I am associated with the owner. Me and Lotix have been friends for a year now and I really want it to continue. I enjoy working with him and generally just having cool banter with him. I also would like to point out that Nectar is one of those servers that is likely to grow big at some point in the near future, and that is something that I want to contribute towards. I want to help the server grow to it's maximum extend and be an all-round nice guy and role model to the community of Nectar. 2) Name one feature you would like to see in an future update: I'm unable to answer this as the server has not released yet. 3) Do you have any experience with staffing on a previous server? Skycade - Currently a Moderator, average of 300 players a day. I feel like me being staff on a popular external server would definitely boost my confidence with difficult situations when many people are asking questions vice versa. TechtonicMC - Currently an Owner, hasn't released yet, me being an owner would definitely help me on this server in terms of management, should I get promoted to a senior position at some point. PandaKraft - Jr Admin, around 3-5 players SkyCookie - Admin, refer to PandaKraft CarterCraft - Co-Owner, refer to PandaKraft NatCraft - Moderator, refer to PandaKraft Jungle - Owner, didn't release Tape - Mod, 10 players 14InstaPvP - SrMod, used to be 15 players, now hardly anyone joins. MP9 - JrMod, 25+ players. CaPvP - Helper, refer to PandaKraft 4) What is your personality like? My personality is very bright and joyful. I always like to have a laugh and also want to do good. Sometimes people take this the wrong way, which is fine as it is something I am used to and I can understand why they would be like that. However, some people find my attitude very positive. 5) Have you ever received a punishment on Nectar or any other external/Minehut server? - Banned for derp hacking on a server that I don't recall the name of - Warned for MiniModding on the Mineplex Forums - Banned on CaPvP at one point for Griefing (9 year old self ;D) - Banned on Nectar for "griefing" (I quote griefing because that wasn't what I intended it to be) Scenarios: 1) You witness a player hacking at spawn but they quickly leave, you did not catch the IGN of this user. What do you do? I will see if I can remember any details about their skin, and the hacks that they were using. I would put all necessary details in the staff chat and tell staff to watch out for the player. 2) You are in an event; a player is trying to intentionally ruin the fun experience for other players whilst in this event, what do you do? I would issue a warning to make it clear to the offender that what they are doing is prohibited and to stop. However, if they continue, I would need to issue an appropriate punishment for violating the server rules. 3) You see a SR.MOD hacking in front of players, blacklisting them for "hahahh get rekt", what do you do (You must take immediate action)? Immediately message a more senior staff member about the situation, who should then ban the Senior Moderator and rectify any issues caused. 4) Assess the following scenario, what commands & actions will you do? Jeffxd123: hey lotix Lotix: hello Koronotchi: lol jeff is so gay McThistle2: stfu koronotchi ima ddos you offline Jeffdx123: YOOO WHATS UP I AM A POTATO LOOKING FOR GIRLFREN /msg MEE I would mute Jeffxd123 for excessive caps, mute Koronotchi for Discrimination and mute McThistle2 for DDoS Threats.
  4. Apply for BUILDER Before applying for the Builder role, please read through the guidelines & requirements! Requirements - You must have a portfolio ready to show. - You must have access to Discord and an email to be invited to staff slacks. - You must have experience with at least 1 building style (e.g. terraining, structures) - You must have a clear or minimal punishment history. APPLY Using the format below, you can submit a new topic and apply today for Nectar build team! Introductory Information: 1) Minecraft IGN: 2) Age: 3) Timezone: 4) Do you have the apps SLACK & DISCORD? 5) How much time can you contribute towards toe BUILDER role? 6) Portfolio: (UPLOAD FILE) Questionnaires: 1) What build style are you most efficient at? 2) Have you had any previous experience on another server 3) How well can you work with a team? 4) What style do your maps usually follow? End of application
  5. Apply for TRAINEE Before applying for the Trainee role, please read through the guidelines & requirements! Requirements - You must be 13 or above. - You must have access to Discord. - You must have a playtime of at least 3hr+. - You must have a working microphone for a interview. - You must have a clear or minimal punishment history. APPLY Using the format below, you can submit a new topic and apply today for Nectar staff! Introductory Information: 1) Minecraft IGN: 2) Age: 3) Timezone: 4) Do you have DISCORD? 5) How much time can you contribute towards toe TRAINEE role? 6) What is your current playtime? 7) Can you screenshot and record evidence to a reasonable standard? Questionnaires: 1) Why did you decide to apply for staff here rather than another Minehut server? 2) Name one feature you would like to see in an future update: 3) Do you have any experience with staffing on a previous server? 4) What is your personality like? 5) Have you ever received a punishment on Nectar or any other external/Minehut server? Scenarios: 1) You witness a player hacking at spawn but they quickly leave, you did not catch the IGN of this user. What do you do? 2) You are in an event; a player is trying to intentionally ruin the fun experience for other players whilst in this event, what do you do? 3) You see a SR.MOD hacking in front of players, blacklisting them for "hahahh get rekt", what do you do (You must take immediate action)? 4) Assess the following scenario, what commands & actions will you do? Jeffxd123: hey lotix Lotix: hello Koronotchi: lol jeff is so gay McThistle2: stfu koronotchi ima ddos you offline Jeffdx123: YOOO WHATS UP I AM A POTATO LOOKING FOR GIRLFREN /msg MEE End of application
  6. Reporting a Bug To report a user, please fill out the format below and submit a new topic, please follow the format guidelines so that we can evaluate your report efficiently! Guidelines - Evidence must be genuine . - You must be able to clearly reproduce the bug. - Only use Youtube, Imgur, Gyazo or Lightshot for evidence. Format - Your IGN: - What type of bug is it (Gameplay/Chat/Command): - Evidence (If applicable): - How to reproduce the bug: - A short description of the bug:
  7. Appeal a Blacklist To appeal a blacklist punishment, please fill out the format below and submit a new topic, please follow the format guidelines so that we can evaluate your appeal efficiently! Guidelines - You must have no previous history of being blacklisted. - You must have had a minimum of 1 month from being blacklisted. Format - Your IGN: - Rule(s) violated: - Who blacklisted you: - Date of punishment: - Why should you be unblacklisted:
  8. Appeal a Ban To appeal a ban punishment, please fill out the format below and submit a new topic, please follow the format guidelines so that we can evaluate your appeal efficiently! Guidelines - Only appeal a ban that is currently active - You may not appeal a punishment for someone or on behalf of another persons. Format - Your IGN: - Rule violated: - Who were you punished by: - Date of punishment: - Why should you be unbanned:
  9. Appealing a Mute To appeal a mute punishment, please fill out the format below and submit a new topic, please follow the format guidelines so that we can evaluate your appeal efficiently! Guidelines - Only appeal a mute that is currently active. - You may not appeal a punishment for someone or on behalf of another persons. Format - Your IGN: - Rule violated: - Who were you punished by: Date of punishment: Why should you be unmuted:
  10. Reporting a Player To report a user, please fill out the format below and submit a new topic, please follow the format guidelines so that we can evaluate your report efficiently! Guidelines - Evidence must be genuine and valid within 1 month. - Video evidence is required for client severities. - Only use Youtube, Imgur, Gyazo or Lightshot for evidence. Format - Offender's IGN: - Your IGN: - Rule violated: - Evidence (If applicable):

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