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My many issues with boxic's gen server skripts (long)


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Alright so to outline this will not just be baseless harassment of boxic, though it will be harassment of boxic. 

also i know boxic wont read this, and I don't care, but i was muted on the discord for harassing him about it, and so here we are. When asking in Trent's dms where I was supposed to complain, i was told the forums. This is more of a rant / vent, just because i know boxic wont read it.

For future reference, im talking about THIS product: https://shop.minehut.com/products/gen-server, though i also talk about the map bundled with it, which is this: https://shop.minehut.com/products/gen-server-map 

Boxic's skripts are extremely well done. There is remarkably little lag in comparison to every single other one of the gen raiding servers. Banknote had a massive lag problem, so did notewars, so did raidwars, but boxic's skripts consistently perform better then every one of those. 
That would be great, if the concept behind boxic's skripts actually worked. 

for those of you unfamiliar im going to now outline what a gen raiding server is, skip over this if you already know.

 1. you get a generator, usually white stained glass, called a common generator

 2. generators generate banknotes, which when you right click whlie holding, give you money

 3. you can steal other people's generators

 4. normally you use your money to protect your generators and get better generators

 5. you get enough money / mana to go raid other people

Boxic's system requires that you kill people in order to get "souls" which are his alternative to mana. This is a stupid and dumb way of doing it and it makes me very unhappy. Boxic's skripts are also unavoidable, and while i dont hate them enough to stop playing server which use them, i do hate them with a passion. Boxic also requires you to get souls in order to buy defense blocks, which makes your playthrough go something like this instead:

1. you get a generator

2. you generate your banknotes

3. money cant buy defense blocks 

4. you get robbed of your generator because you literally have to kill people to buy defense blocks

this would be a fine system, if the defense block prices were *reasonable*. They are not reasonable. This system effectively makes generators completely obselete. You have no reason to grind for generators anymore, and it stops being a "gen server"  and begins to be a "arena pvp server". There's no reason for anyone to grind for gens, and anyone who does grind for gens, winds up getting raided by the people who only play the game for pvp. This also means though, that someone with a botting program, eventually in the servers lifespan, will join, and with around 10 bots, become the richest person within an hour. 

You probably haven't seen a lot of servers with boxic's skripts

this is because they are a *bad concept*. 
i have seen *many*.

i have not seen a single one that could get over 10 players average without bots

Few examples of other servers in the same genre which DO get over 10 players average. er, did, because none of them are up right now, though banknote is rereleasing soon. :
1. Notewars (Got 70-75 people each release, and averaged closer to 30-40. )

2. Raidwars ( Had a big problem where matrix was capping their server to 75 people because they were on the free matrix version, which was really their limiting factor. Averaged 75 for the first 2 days and then dipped to 20-30 afterward, until eventually it died due to poor anticheat and horrible staff) 

3. banknote ( got 30-40 people pretty consistently, though died off toward the end of each season due to intense p2w ) 

Notewars and raidwars were so poorly executed, and yet still managed to be a better concept then boxic's gen server. When you buy boxic's gen server skripts, you think you are getting notewars / raidwars, as thats what you think when you see a map like that. I wanna talk about the map too though

the map is horrible

i have never seen a map as bad

the map LOOKS really good. The map is one of the best looking maps I've seen yet, it has nice stairways, and cool little orange boxes, and tiny little houses on the sides of chunks,  but there are NO GOOD BASE SPOTS. Err, there are 2. There are 2 "subways", which the richest people live in, and then all the other base spots on the map are horrible. Horrible to the degree of people literally quitting because they cant find base spots. Every other server has managed to do this well (except banknoteog, but banknoteog's economy was horrible and no one played it so I'm excluding it ) 

for reference, you have to get 5 kills in order to buy 1 of the best defense blocks. You have to get 15 kills in order to get 1 of the explosives used to blow up defense blocks. You need 225 souls at *least* to defend a subway entrance. Just 1 layer. There are 3 entrances in each subway. (er, 3 in the one im at right now, there might only be 2 at the other one ) You need 15 souls for one explosive. From what I've seen it usually takes 2-3 explosives to get through a layer of the best defense block. worst case scenario it takes 45 souls to blow through 225 souls of defense. All base spots on this map other then the subway are not viable, they are wayyy too easy to raid. Just about everyone can get 45 souls, among their clan. Not just about everyone can get 225 souls. If you have ANY friends at all, you just kill them over and over and over and suddenly you can raid whoever you want. Thats stupid. Thats not how an economy should work. if defense blocks didnt cost souls, and costed money it would have to be some CHEAP money, because those tnt are easily grindable. in the time it would take you to have enough gens to need a base, you could have 5x the amount of souls you needed to raid the richest person. So what winds up happening, is either only 1 guy has a base, and he gets that to happen by killing off the whole server and making the whole playerbase quit, OR no one has a base and its just arena pvp and people stop caring about the gen aspect. 

if he wanted to sell a kitpvp server, he should sell a KITPVP SERVER.  which actually, he does, he sells a pit pvp server. Its actually cheaper then the gen pvp server. ( https://shop.minehut.com/products/pit-pvp-server )

The other thing about these skripts is they are extremely abusable, and generally not fun to interact with as a player. For example, as seasons go on, people buy cobblestone, to better navigate the map. On most servers, if you break that cobblestone, it will drop 1 cobblestone, which makes it so much easier for new players who cant afford cobblestone to get around. On boxic's server, new players cant pick up cobblestone, as it does not drop from breaking cobble, and so they are limited to staircases built by people who can afford cobble, and just any old guy can come remove all of those, and then trap all new players because they have no way to get up. Thats not an exploit thats just boxic's skripts being inconvenient. there are a number of things which i would count as exploits though:

1. because this brands itself as a whole gen server, it should probably have some level of an anticheat. it does not. He allows the 7 year olds which purchase his skripts to go and find one themselves ( this is not just calling people who buy boxic's skripts 7 year olds baselessly, i have gone on every single one of the servers that run boxic's skripts which i could personally find and on every single one of them the owner was incompetant to a degree of calling them mentally 7 is not unfair. This is probably because if they were not 7 they would hire an actual skripter or would have skript knowledge and do it themselves, but still.) , which usually leads to them getting ABC or Kraken, both of which are HORRIBLE for this purpose ( kraken is horrible for every purpose but still ). This leads to them having no vclip check and no freecam check. Both of those things are extremely crucial to running these servers, as with freecam and vclip, just about anyone on a client can just walk into your base. Just .clip v -16, walk on in. This technically isnt boxic's fault, and technically it is a whole gen server, but with nothing added to it, those skripts could not feasibly run a server which lasted more then a month, or even a week. 

2. the way that gens work on this server allows me to vclip even if theres a check for it. he singlehandedly defeats most anticheats, by allowing you to become *in a block*, because theres a delay on gen placement which means you can walk into a gen before it places, you bypass most vclip checks. you simply, bypass them. if you spam .clip v 3 while in a block, regardless of the blocks above you, it will almost definitely let you get on top of those blocks. so if i go below someone's base, and i put myself in some gens, and i spam .clip v 3, i will be in their base. 

3. you can literally dupe respawn beacons lol. Go in freecam, place a respawn beacon, and then spam right click. you get infinite respawn beacons. It both cancels the place action and gives you back your beacon, which means that you get back the item because it cancelled the place, and it means that you get a new beacon.

4. this one is not a point on abuse, and to be honest, when looking back, and playing on a base boxic skript server, i take back the *extremely* abusable thing, the main abusable thing is the souls system, and a lot of the other abusable stuff was added be horrible server owners on servers ive played, My three previous points are really all i have on abuse, and this plays back into the whole very well executed thing. If the concept wasnt so bad, and he just did it like most normal servers, this would be so great. Anyway, back on point, just about nothing that you break, other then generators, will actually drop an item, meaning you just *burn* resources whenever you place them. Purely inconvenient. Feels weird to break cobble, as you just dont get anything back, same with hoppers and defense blocks, though its relatively standard for defense blocks to not give anything back. 


My proposed solutions: 

1. im fairly certain i know why he didnt do dropping of blocks on break, and theres an easy patch for that, if you actually try to patch it, and not just work around it's existance, unless im wrong about what it is, theres a dupe with a specific item, and if he looks into fixing the dupe instead of putting a bandaid on it, this would be far more enjoyable. if im wrong about why he did this and he just doesnt want you to pick stuff up, then i am very upset. If this IS because of the dupe, boxic, if your reading this, spend 5 minutes looking for a patch. it is so easy to patch. I had it done on goldbanks in 30 seconds.

2. replace souls with mana / gems like most servers do. Heres how the mana system *usually* goes:

1/800 chance to get mana on selling 1 banknote. ramps up as you sell more and more banknotes. Usually something like selling 600 banknotes at once garuntees you 1 mana. (could have these numbers wrong, might be much higher.) ( these are the numbers for servers which allow you to get much more genslots, should probably be adapted to the low number of genslots you can get on your servers ) ( maybe like 1/300 instead ) 

you can also kill people to get 1 mana usually, but only do this if there are tiered explosives. 

do not make defense blocks worth mana.

a general rule of thumb is: a tier 1 block should cost 10 minutes of using 1 common gen, which, on this server, would be 600$, for a tier 1. Then a tier 2 would cost something like 1000, and a tier 3, 1500, tier 4, 2k per block, etc if you want to add more defense blocks.

3. the economy is all wonky

i dont know if this is really a problem, and its honestly a cosmetic thing, but a common gen gives 10$ notes? usually a common gen gives 1$ notes, and it ramps up a banknote every generator, and usually, there a lot more generators, and you have a lot more generator slots. This is really fine as long as defense blocks cost money and are therefore accessible.  This isnt a necessary change, just wanna know why it was made this way.

4. add prestiging as a way to get more genslots

this isnt a solution to an existing problem beyond though whole limited genslots thing but is just something i want

5. include a basic vclip check / basic freecam check, or just give them an ncp config they are supposed to use for freecam, as detecting freecam in skript is very very very annoying to do correctly. Ncp has a freecam check in it by default, which though it has certain flaws (you can still freecam through trapdoors), is far better then NO check. You would have to write that vclip check from scratch though, as no mh plugin has a decent one. (matrix's is VERY easily bypassable and therefore not viable). ( Making a vclip check is very possible and has been done by 2 people now ) 

6. clans to stop the insiding issue

insiding big problem and the rule isnt enforcable because you cant check if the person was *actually* teamed with the other guy or not, you just have to take his word for it. i could get just about anyone false banned by saying " he stole my gens and he was on my team " after they raid me, or if the server doesnt have coreprotect, just claim a teammate stole your gens and drop him some gens. Ezpz. 

7. Tiered explosives

replace the current 1 uniform explosive with a tier 1 explosive tier 2 explosive tier 3 explosive and tier 4 explosive.

tier 1 can be 15, tier 2 can be 30 tier 3 can be 60, and tier 4 can be 75, you can really chose the pricing here, but blowing up t4 blocks with a 15 soul/mana/gem explosive, is stupid, unless you dont have the killing people for souls thing, and the rate for getting mana/souls/gems is really low, like, 1/1500 chance. if its 1/1500 chance for mana and no killing people for mana then 15 mana for a single uniform explosive is reasonable, but probably shouldnt be done.

8. rebuild map / use an old map from one of these servers

i have any number of these maps, i can supply you with one, but this map is such a just bad choice late game. its a bad map early game too though. There arent cheap easy bases which are limited in size, nor are there expensive hard to build bases which are very large. For a base to be good / viable, it has to have only 1 entrance. The subways make up for that via a full chunk of defense being possible, and them being the only option, but if there is more then 1 entrance, and the base isnt MASSIVE, it just becomes too easy to raid, even if you fill up the whole thing with defense blocks

I dont even know if you do updates for marketplace skripts. I dont know if they CAN be updated. Minehut marketplace might be a one time upload with no bugfixes, but they definitely need some bugfixes.

i get the vibe from playing servers with your skripts that you have never actually played one of these servers in depth, asin, you only ever built maps for them. i know you have a history of building maps, but do you not listen to suggestions after you build the maps ? ive built over 15 of these maps, and i know my maps arent perfect, but there are always *bases*. i never do fancy scaffolding or cool x designs on platforms, or little orange cubes scattered around, but people are pretty consistently happy with my maps.

the reason i care about this is that your skripts actively kill this genre. they have given it a bad reputation to the degree of, if someone joins one of these servers, they leave pretty quickly, just because of how horrible it is *most of the time*. Your skripts in combination with the horrible horrible way raidwars was done did that. enough people have been exposed to these servers in a negative light that im not sure they can fully come back.  Im not gonna say this is entirely your fault, most of the time when someone leaves these servers quickly its because they have joined a server previously which the ownership was poor on where there were stupid rules which lead to stupid bans ( e.g. no toxicity is not an enforcable rule, and no "swearing" is not a reasonable rule for this genre. )  

i love this gamemode so much, and when banknote rereleases, i sincerely hope that it goes well. banknote is what i would call a server which does it *correctly*, to some degree. Er, atleast tries their best to. There are a lot of iffy aspects of banknote, but banknotes CONCEPT works immaculately, until the whole p2w aspect kills it off because people spend **too much money on it**. Its not like things are cheap on banknote, buying genslots on banknote is expensive, and reasonably, you would think it would work, but theres no cap on how much money you can spend on banknote, and so it breaks over the course of a few seasons.  I take back that they do it correctly, but they definitely of the current servers there have been do it the best.

Side note ( this is where my rambling about boxic's skripts stops ) :

history of this genre

so many people join servers like banknote or notewars and say they are a clone of RAIDWARS and then i have to explain for 3 hours why they are wrong and that is very inconvenient so just for exposure, : 

original server: banknote, made by k9lil

k9lil sold banknote to exoticblazefam, poisontrigger, and redredrain

exoticblazefam and poisontrigger had the majority share of banknote, and eventually kicked out redredrain, as he was allegedly stealing funds from the buycraft, which he should not have been able to do (he denies having access to said funds and i dont know the full  story there ) exotic and poison after kicking out red, continued to own banknote, while red made a seperate server, goldbanks (not my goldbanks, this was in like 2017. ). goldbanks was using all the same skripts and was just a rename. exotic and poison's banknote died because poison was a horrible horrible owner and was doing all the skripting, and exotic had no skript knowledge ( poisontrigger sucked, just to get a jist of it, he literally made legal threats to redredrain over his minehut server's name lol, and i remember this line exactly from a vc i was in with the two: "Your family will go broke from legal fees". He was a sucky individual. ) Redredrain got coolprogrammer to do development for his server, and i think coolprogrammer was also part of skripting for the initial banknote but im not certain bout that, coolprogrammer got the name banknote back from exotic a while later, and redredrain was eventually kicked out of coolprogrammer's banknote, because everyone hated him ( he was extremely abusive ). Coolprogrammer now owns it and it is under the name banknote. 

first clone: notewars

owned by fascinated

he continued to own it the whole time

died off eventually because of cheater problem

fascinated changed the name to genmecca eventually and is rewriting it currently.

a individual named "identiy" sniped the name after fluxboys changed it to genmecca, and is now the owner of notewars

his version of notewars used a heavily modified version of boxic's skripts, and was decent because of how heavily modified they were, but he managed to make it so it literally couldnt turn on and so now it is dead. They have launched a temporary alternative server, and because they dont have the skripts anymore, its just basic boxic skripts, and the name is "skriptings" and it is so dead.

real notewars was almost always at a full 75 players ( not sure if their cap was higher then that but this was a long time ago ) 

2nd clone: upgrades

owned by some random whom's name i dont remember

briefly had the name banknote because redredrain sold it to him during banknote downtime. redredrain bought it back eventually. 

died because ownership was poor

hit 30-40 players

3rd clone: bankforge

owned by 2 people, gekkeshapp, and someone else who's name ive forgotten ( this was a long time ago ) 

was a pretty decent server apart from iffy ownership until it got banned from minehut

then they tried to make it as an external server

and as always, minehut servers cant go external, it just doesnt work. Without minehut doing all the advertising for you, your playerbase dies out real quick.

frequently hit 50-60 players

4th clone: raidwars

owned by fluxboys

skripts were from notewars, and were obtained through the dev of notewars (pramoc) quitting notewars and being hired by flux. 

flux stopped development because of the intense cheater problem because he couldnt patch vclip.

hit 75 players.

i dont know what place this was in the timeline gets iffy: banknoteog

owned by exoticblazefam and k9lil

never got over 15 people

died because they tried to do it like og banknote and it was so bad and everyone hated it and it only could really have 4 people on it because the economy was so poor that if it had more everyone would be getting raided 24/7 and no one would have a home. i believe this was late 2019, but i cant say that for certain, so im leaving it in this place. 


after that point it evaporates slowly and all the clones never get above 10 players.

so please when you join these servers do not say "this is a clone of raidwars wtffff". its almost definitely not a clone of raidwars. No one wants to clone raidwars. Raidwars was horrible.



the main point of this WAS to harass boxic, but i was told i was only allowed to do constructive criticism, and so here is my constructive criticism. I hope atleast one person reads this all the way through, though i know that is very unlikely. I also dont think people view the forums, as none of these posts im reading have actual replies to them, so i know this will probably go unnoticed, still was good to have a rant about it publishable.

do note that i wrote this fairly late at night and did it in the span of maybe an hour or two, so i may change my opinions on things later, when actually awake.

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                                                               | haven't been on forums in a minute

                                                               | contact me on discord (@qeid)





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Easy solution: edit the scripts to your liking to create a superior experience.

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Owner of oldgaffle.minehut.gg. (my paintball server)

Owner of karted.minehut.gg. (my mario kart server)

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Cooler than Stalemate128.

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55 minutes ago, Checkmate128 said:

Easy solution: edit the scripts to your liking to create a superior experience.

 i myself dont use these skripts and would never, as i have the skripts for banknote and notewars, which are far better, but the overwhelming majority of random people hosting these servers do, and those random people are very frequently the only people who own a server in this genre.

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2 minutes ago, LapEvents said:

I dont really recommend buying skripts from the minehut marketplace. alot can easily be skripted, and most can even be found in 1 google search, for free


Every time you tell a lie, You'll have to tell a 100 more.

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16 minutes ago, LapEvents said:

I dont really recommend buying skripts from the minehut marketplace. alot can easily be skripted, and most can even be found in 1 google search, for free

100% agree. Free skripts for the win!

Owner of oldgaffle.minehut.gg. (my paintball server)

Owner of karted.minehut.gg. (my mario kart server)

Advocate of individual freedom, especially freedom of speech.

Cooler than Stalemate128.

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Minehut Community Helping Ads be like: Why spend Your Money Buying Credits & Spending Credits on Scripts & Accessories while You can get them for Free in SkriptHub or SKunity!


Minehut Be like: Moderators Block this Person, Admins Ban him from our Server & Delete this topic Devs, Managers erase all of his existence.

Edited by Razaire

Every time you tell a lie, You'll have to tell a 100 more.

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12 hours ago, FangLeone said:

identiy moment

is there anything else i should add to the notewars portion?



                                                               Joined Minehut May 23 2017


                                                               | haven't been on forums in a minute

                                                               | contact me on discord (@qeid)





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Fun facts for you:
1.) Upgrades was the original Gens base building / raiding server (and I made it)
2.) The map is made so there are no OP base spots, there are always 2 entrances to any base location, this is a balancing decision. It was also made for Upgrades2 which didn't allow for people to build everywhere, so players had to use scaffolding (rare) to climb over walls.
3.) This skript is actually banknotes, in fact I paid k9lil for the rights to upload it.

I made this genre of servers, and I hate what it has become. It has turned into DarkRP (garry's mod gamemode) levels of "sit in your base and print exponential money". In fact, the genre was made to be more of a social experiment sandbox like Rust. I actually made a newer version that was more focused on base building, pvp, and looting rather than gens. It was really cool, and I would love to pursue that project further. But I can't. I don't have the time or energy to put my heart and soul into another Minehut server like that any time soon.

This skript (bankenotes) is not fully balanced, but it works. It's not a AAA game. It's a fun gamemode that you can enjoy how it is for a season, or edit yourself to balance. It does what it claims to do, and it does not claim to be a shining gem of game design. This is more of a criticism of k9lil. I just optimized the skript to not be horribly laggy.

I hate to be that guy that says "lol just edit it" but honestly, you can change the prices in the shop, you can make items be able to be dropped, you can add OP base locations to the map. All of these are very easy to do. But even if you don't, you still have a functional gamemode.

Maybe one day I will make Upgrades3, but I can guarantee you it won't be what you're used to. It would be a hardcore, looting, base-building, pvp, high-risk game like Rust and Escape From Tarkov. But I just don't believe that it would do well on Minehut, and there's not much you can do from an anti-cheat POV on Minecraft, sadly.

But for now, I have this gamemode that I cobbled together for a reasonable price that functions as it is advertised because I know people want it. It's not perfect, but for now that's all I can offer.

Thanks for caring enough to type this all out, and I'm free to answer any questions you may have. It means a lot to me that I have made my mark on Minehut in this little way, but I have no obligation to put up with you wanting to "harass" me. As long as you are respectful, I am all ears! :)


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9 hours ago, Razaire said:

Minehut Community Helping Ads be like: Why spend Your Money Buying Credits & Spending Credits on Scripts & Accessories while You can get them for Free in SkriptHub or SKunity!


Minehut Be like: Moderators Block this Person, Admins Ban him from our Server & Delete this topic Devs, Managers erase all of his existence.

1984 levels of Orwellian censorship lol

Owner of oldgaffle.minehut.gg. (my paintball server)

Owner of karted.minehut.gg. (my mario kart server)

Advocate of individual freedom, especially freedom of speech.

Cooler than Stalemate128.

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bro this explains everything about minehut:

mods: sleep all night and let the spammers go

admins uh? money?
marketplace: most of the stuff is low quality and should not be used unless you can edit it very well

minehut servers: buy a plan or dont make a server

also minehut servers: make money and trash copys

your welcome!

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2 hours ago, Boxic said:

Fun facts for you:
1.) Upgrades was the original Gens base building / raiding server (and I made it)
2.) The map is made so there are no OP base spots, there are always 2 entrances to any base location, this is a balancing decision. It was also made for Upgrades2 which didn't allow for people to build everywhere, so players had to use scaffolding (rare) to climb over walls.
3.) This skript is actually banknotes, in fact I paid k9lil for the rights to upload it.

I made this genre of servers, and I hate what it has become. It has turned into DarkRP (garry's mod gamemode) levels of "sit in your base and print exponential money". In fact, the genre was made to be more of a social experiment sandbox like Rust. I actually made a newer version that was more focused on base building, pvp, and looting rather than gens. It was really cool, and I would love to pursue that project further. But I can't. I don't have the time or energy to put my heart and soul into another Minehut server like that any time soon.

This skript (bankenotes) is not fully balanced, but it works. It's not a AAA game. It's a fun gamemode that you can enjoy how it is for a season, or edit yourself to balance. It does what it claims to do, and it does not claim to be a shining gem of game design. This is more of a criticism of k9lil. I just optimized the skript to not be horribly laggy.

I hate to be that guy that says "lol just edit it" but honestly, you can change the prices in the shop, you can make items be able to be dropped, you can add OP base locations to the map. All of these are very easy to do. But even if you don't, you still have a functional gamemode.

Maybe one day I will make Upgrades3, but I can guarantee you it won't be what you're used to. It would be a hardcore, looting, base-building, pvp, high-risk game like Rust and Escape From Tarkov. But I just don't believe that it would do well on Minehut, and there's not much you can do from an anti-cheat POV on Minecraft, sadly.

But for now, I have this gamemode that I cobbled together for a reasonable price that functions as it is advertised because I know people want it. It's not perfect, but for now that's all I can offer.

Thanks for caring enough to type this all out, and I'm free to answer any questions you may have. It means a lot to me that I have made my mark on Minehut in this little way, but I have no obligation to put up with you wanting to "harass" me. As long as you are respectful, I am all ears! 🙂


I never played upgrades, that must have been before my time, but the version of upgrades IM talking about was not made by you. I joined this genre 2nd season ever of k9lil's banknote, and was under the impression that banknote was the first version of this gamemode.

The map having no op base spots is fine, but the balancing decision of 2 entrances to each base is extremely annoying, this being similar to rust is fine, but its not similar to rust, in rust you can actually establish bases, and though you do have to actively defend them, you still can make them, and not have them instantly demolished. These skripts arent "high risk" gameplay bases just become non viable unless you are actively botting the server. If youve ever played a server with these skripts, no one actually MAKES bases, they just pvp at spawn. Theres no risk there. Its just pvp. 


I do play this gamemode for the Darkrp style gameplay, i mean, its not EXACTLY darkrp, its a little more risky then that, raids are a lot more common + the minecraft aspect of this is far better then gmod darkrp imo, i could never manage to get myself into darkrp, but for me the goal is darkrp type gameplay, and that darkrp type gameplay DOES work to generate a playerbase, whereas this more "high risk" gameplay does not work to generate a playerbase. 

I only used the word harass because you seemed to not be open to suggestions at all, you cant be messaged on discord unless im friends with you on discord, and when you accepted my friend req, you blocked me when i said this: 
"Fang — 05/05/2021 hey uh why is your map for the gen server so f***ing a** Fang — 05/05/2021 boxic please its so bad boxic why did you make it like this" 

and i think that was very fair criticism which i was very willing to elaborate further on, if you asked me more about why it was so "f***ing a**". 

you also have no other good way to contact you 

ALSO minecraft is not limited in the SLIGHTEST in the anticheat capacity. Skript was, but minecraft itself is NOT. You cant fix visuals, but you can fix just about everything else. Look at servers like ArUwU, even with skript only, it's a very good anticheat, and as an avid cheater, i cannot bypass their anticheat to any meaningful degree. The levels at which their anticheat is bypassable could just be considered a normal person playing legit relatively easily.

if you could make the more high risk style gamemode actually *playable*, then i would LOVE to see it work, but you need so many balancing changes to make that happen. You only take risks if theres a reward from the risks, and so theres no reason to make a base on your current skripts, as you can just farm kills and then raid everyone before they can get to your balance, and so no one does make bases on your current skripts.

these skripts are not Banknote's. These skripts were banknote's a LONGGG time ago, but they are no longer banknote's. Current banknote skripts are infinitely better, asin, more features and fully rewritten. You definitely did a better job with optimization then anyone else, but not a whole ton of useful innovation. Would have loved to see things like water in the base skripts, or really anything beyond the very bare minimum + your wierd soul system which is definitely a step back. 

If you wanted scaffolding to be the only way to get around in certain places, you should have made that how it was.  THAT would have been innovation. THIS is not innovation, nor is it a functional server as you say it is. Er, not functional to the degree of actually working. You could not gain a playbase on these base skripts alone, and even if you edit them, unless you fully remove the soul mechanic / make souls not the meta, your not gonna get very far before someone bots the server and shuts down your dreams.

For goldbanks im using a mostly rewritten version of coolprogrammer's old banknote skripts. The idea behind the darkrp type meta is not that you sit in your base the whole time and print money, its that raiding is a lot more effort, and has to be preplanned. it still happens, and empires still crumble, but empires can also viably be formed, making a base should never be a *bad choice*.  Notewars is a decent example of something id consider *reasonable*. its not grindy to the degree of you cant raid anyone ever but bases are still viable. Notewars just isnt *right* notewars in its current state is not worth playing. the map is wrong for the meta, i built the map for it in like early 2020 and the meta on this server is not at all similar to how the map is meant to be played. No clue how you would make a map better for that meta, but this isnt it.


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