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My many issues with boxic's gen server skripts (long)


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On 8/3/2021 at 10:05 PM, FangLeone said:

I never played upgrades, that must have been before my time, but the version of upgrades IM talking about was not made by you. I joined this genre 2nd season ever of k9lil's banknote, and was under the impression that banknote was the first version of this gamemode.

The map having no op base spots is fine, but the balancing decision of 2 entrances to each base is extremely annoying, this being similar to rust is fine, but its not similar to rust, in rust you can actually establish bases, and though you do have to actively defend them, you still can make them, and not have them instantly demolished. These skripts arent "high risk" gameplay bases just become non viable unless you are actively botting the server. If youve ever played a server with these skripts, no one actually MAKES bases, they just pvp at spawn. Theres no risk there. Its just pvp. 


I do play this gamemode for the Darkrp style gameplay, i mean, its not EXACTLY darkrp, its a little more risky then that, raids are a lot more common + the minecraft aspect of this is far better then gmod darkrp imo, i could never manage to get myself into darkrp, but for me the goal is darkrp type gameplay, and that darkrp type gameplay DOES work to generate a playerbase, whereas this more "high risk" gameplay does not work to generate a playerbase. 

I only used the word harass because you seemed to not be open to suggestions at all, you cant be messaged on discord unless im friends with you on discord, and when you accepted my friend req, you blocked me when i said this: 
"Fang — 05/05/2021 hey uh why is your map for the gen server so f***ing a** Fang — 05/05/2021 boxic please its so bad boxic why did you make it like this" 

and i think that was very fair criticism which i was very willing to elaborate further on, if you asked me more about why it was so "f***ing a**". 

you also have no other good way to contact you 

ALSO minecraft is not limited in the SLIGHTEST in the anticheat capacity. Skript was, but minecraft itself is NOT. You cant fix visuals, but you can fix just about everything else. Look at servers like ArUwU, even with skript only, it's a very good anticheat, and as an avid cheater, i cannot bypass their anticheat to any meaningful degree. The levels at which their anticheat is bypassable could just be considered a normal person playing legit relatively easily.

if you could make the more high risk style gamemode actually *playable*, then i would LOVE to see it work, but you need so many balancing changes to make that happen. You only take risks if theres a reward from the risks, and so theres no reason to make a base on your current skripts, as you can just farm kills and then raid everyone before they can get to your balance, and so no one does make bases on your current skripts.

these skripts are not Banknote's. These skripts were banknote's a LONGGG time ago, but they are no longer banknote's. Current banknote skripts are infinitely better, asin, more features and fully rewritten. You definitely did a better job with optimization then anyone else, but not a whole ton of useful innovation. Would have loved to see things like water in the base skripts, or really anything beyond the very bare minimum + your wierd soul system which is definitely a step back. 

If you wanted scaffolding to be the only way to get around in certain places, you should have made that how it was.  THAT would have been innovation. THIS is not innovation, nor is it a functional server as you say it is. Er, not functional to the degree of actually working. You could not gain a playbase on these base skripts alone, and even if you edit them, unless you fully remove the soul mechanic / make souls not the meta, your not gonna get very far before someone bots the server and shuts down your dreams.

For goldbanks im using a mostly rewritten version of coolprogrammer's old banknote skripts. The idea behind the darkrp type meta is not that you sit in your base the whole time and print money, its that raiding is a lot more effort, and has to be preplanned. it still happens, and empires still crumble, but empires can also viably be formed, making a base should never be a *bad choice*.  Notewars is a decent example of something id consider *reasonable*. its not grindy to the degree of you cant raid anyone ever but bases are still viable. Notewars just isnt *right* notewars in its current state is not worth playing. the map is wrong for the meta, i built the map for it in like early 2020 and the meta on this server is not at all similar to how the map is meant to be played. No clue how you would make a map better for that meta, but this isnt it.


If you don't like it, don't use it. You sound like you could do it better on your own. So do it.  🙂

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12 hours ago, Boxic said:

If you don't like it, don't use it. You sound like you could do it better on your own. So do it.  🙂

This is why free trials should be a thing. On like a test/sandbox server.

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14 hours ago, Boxic said:

If you don't like it, don't use it. You sound like you could do it better on your own. So do it.  🙂

i am doing it better on my own, thats currently in development, but doing it better on my own is not a solution to my problem, which is whenever i find one of these servers to play, its always running your skripts and therefore dies, im not looking to own one of these servers really, im only making one because i want one of them thats actually decent to play. i would love to not have to do that though.

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1 hour ago, FangLeone said:

i am doing it better on my own, thats currently in development, but doing it better on my own is not a solution to my problem, which is whenever i find one of these servers to play, its always running your skripts and therefore dies, im not looking to own one of these servers really, im only making one because i want one of them thats actually decent to play. i would love to not have to do that though.

im bored cant read

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4 hours ago, SirNikkel said:

I just wanted to have a look to Boxic Skript. Where can i find it?



buy it



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                                                               | haven't been on forums in a minute

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On 8/8/2021 at 4:10 PM, SirNikkel said:


you are correct, do not buy them, but do hire your own skripter. You said in dms you couldnt pay, if thats true, learn skript. If thats true though, someone who is too young to be able to pay OR does not have the access too money because not affluent enough, probably shouldnt run a minecraft server. ( if too young, too young, and if broke, should get something like a job and spend free time on that instead of the immesnely time consuming minecraft server option ) 

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  • 2 years later...

If the mods would allow me to necropost, I'd just like to say that I generally agree with your criticisms, even if you can come off really abrasively.
I'd again like to say that I really appreciate that you cared enough to put so much effort into criticizing one of my early games (even if this one wasn't fully my version).
It was half-baked -- for sure. You're right. Souls were not the correct choice, and I frankly didn't care enough to fully iron it out over a whole season to see how the actual gameplay was. I just took things from my own original version of this genre (that had grown away from the version you've come to enjoy), and slapped it on to k9's later adaptation. and well... it's incredibly unbalanced, that's just the truth of it.
But I think there's also some truth to what I said 2 years ago, this resource was well optimized, and made in skript; so ideally people would modify it! or so I would hope.

Regardless, I know that what you say here that could've be seen as "hate" or "harassment", is really just passion -- and it's passion towards something I made, and I'd like to thank you for that. 🙂


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