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server crashing?


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Can you send your server logs here in a pastebin.com after it crashes? It'll help determine why your server keeps crashing. 

Discord - tarna256

In-game name - _Tarna_

Website - https://tarna.dev
Paste Site: https://paste.tarna.dev


[VIP] - 7/27/2020

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16 hours ago, Tarnerd said:

Can you send your server logs here in a pastebin.com after it crashes? It'll help determine why your server keeps crashing. 

might be the hand switch thing exploit that some hacked clients have. i encountered them when I was a mod on a server but the owner banned them before they could continue trying to crash the server.

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This also fixes it, although a plugin should be better.

on swap hand items:
    add 1 to {swaptest::%player's uuid%}
    if {swaptest::%player's uuid%} > 20:
        send "&c&lALERT &f%player%&c has been kicked for switching their &foffhand to fast&f!" to all players where [input has permission "server.op"]
        send "&f" 
        send "&cYou are being kicked due to &fpotential server threat!" 
        send "&f"
        kick player

every 1 second:
	delete {swaptest::*} 


Edited by SkripterMan


Joined Minehut on 4/21/16
Owner of CareSMP.minehut.gg

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Discord: SkripterMan#0001

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