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How to use Trade+

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M I N E H U T  C O M M U N I T Y  F A Q



What is Trade+?

Trade+ is a very easy-to-use trading plugin that allows your players to safely trade items and XP with each other without the risk of getting scammed.

How to use Trade+?

To start trading with each other, you have to stand within 10 blocks of another player and type /trade (player name) to send a trading request. If the other player then types /trade (your name) a trading menu will open where you will see the items and XP you are offering, and the items and XP the other player is offering in real-time. You can also Shift + Right Click other players to send a trade request!


If you are satisfied with the trade, you can press the accept button in the top left of the menu to indicate you are ready to trade. If the other player does the same, a 10-second countdown will begin. If the countdown reaches 0, the other player’s items will now appear on your side, and you will receive them upon closing the menu! If you’ve changed your mind and want to cancel the trade, you can simply close the menu and everyone will keep their stuff.


If you don’t like the looks the plugin comes with, you can go to the config file of this plugin to edit it to your likings. Apart from being able to change the plugin’s messages, you can also change the range players have to be to trade using the BlockRadius setting, or whether or not to automatically close the trading menu when the trade finishes with the AutoClose setting.


The plugin has 2 configurable permissions, trade.player and trade.admin by default.

trade.player grants permission to send trade requests. This permission is given by default.

trade.admin will send notifications about ongoing trades, allows you to spectate trades, and adds an extra Force Trade button in your trading menu.

Require further assistance?:

If you need more help on this topic, head over to this section of forums, or join our Discord!

Compiled by the Minehut Staff Team

Edited by MrTibo


DMs open - Discord » mrtibo | or send a forum message

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Very cool CFAQ you made here! The plugin looks really cool and seems useful. 

Discord - tarna256

In-game name - _Tarna_

Website - https://tarna.dev
Paste Site: https://paste.tarna.dev


[VIP] - 7/27/2020

Community Support - 7/8/20 - 11/3/20

Helper  - 11/3/20 - 2/21/21

Moderator - 2/21/21 - 5/17/21

❤️ - 5/17/21 - 12/20/22

Moderator - 12/20/22 - now



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